It's time, once again, for another
Weather Vane Watch! I haven't done one of these in quite a while now, so I've been thinking about it very much lately. I didn't want to do it unless it was in some way special and different from the others though. Well, I got lucky in two different ways with that.
This latest Weather Vane Watch was going to be quite a bit different than what you see here, but then my friend John over at
English Wilderness was generous enough to send me more photos from across the ocean. A little over a month ago he also sent some very good pictures of
Tattershall Castle and it's lightning rods. Visit
John's site and tell him Ratty sent you. Seriously.
This time he gave us all the gift of pictures from the Royal Garrison Church. This place not only has a pretty good weather vane, it also has a lightning rod! Two for the price of one. That's a pretty good deal, if you ask
me. Now from what I understand, this church is a pretty famous and historic landmark. That's not all.

Here's some information about this great place, directly from John:
"The Royal Garrison Church on Penny Street, Portsmouth, originally called Domus Dei. The church was founded in 1212 by Bishop de Rupibus as a hospice for pilgrims. From the 1560's it was used as the garrison church. King Charles II married Catherine of Braganza there in 1662. The nave was destroyed by fire bombs on 10 January 1941, but the chancel was saved."That's some very interesting information. This church obviously has a very long and rich history. I decided to do some research, and I found some even more interesting information and pictures of this place. I won't write it all out here, but I'll point you to three places if you want more. They're very interesting, so you should take a look.
first link has very many interesting photos from in and around this church. You get almost a full tour of the place there, so I urge you to take a look.
second link is from the English Heritage website. It has tourist information about the church, and more places on the main page.
third link is from a site titled Memorials & Monuments In Portsmouth. This may be the best link of all, because it contains more information about this place than you could ever hope for. Visit all three links, you'll be glad you did.
Before you go, read the rest of my post. I'm telling you, this is a deluxe extravaganza!

Since I decided to take you all the way to England today, I figured it was only right that I brought you back as well. Being the wonderful guide that I am, I wouldn't leave you in the middle of a world tour. Of course I'd bring you back home, safe and sound.
As I was putting this post together, I decided to take a break and visit some of my favorite websites. Wouldn't you know it, when I began reading one of the first sites I routinely visit, I found something very interesting.
Over at a place that is geographically very close to me, called
Michigan In Pictures, there is a
good post about lightning rods, and there is a very nice mention of me! I've been a fan of this site since I started my blog, so this is a real treat for me. What a wonderful coincidence to see this just as I was preparing my latest Weather Vane Watch. Again, take a look and tell them Ratty sent you!

Okay, I guess you're wondering where this weather vane from the last two pictures is from. I decided to show you this one as a contrast between an English weather vane, and one you might find in an American city. This fancy weather vane is actually from the top of a building that is being used as the offices of a real estate company.
For all of you who are local to the area, this one is located on Orchard Lake Road, just north of Twelve Mile, in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Take a look around, you'll find it when you get there. And although I'm sure they're fine, I'm not advertising the real estate company here, just the weather vanes. Yes, this building has two!
You see that? I just took you on a whirlwind adventure across the ocean and then back again. You just got two everyday adventures, in two completely different places on Earth, from a very kind and modest tour guide, I might add. Where else are you gonna get that, and for free?

Wow! This has been one of my longer posts, but it was definitely worth it for the valuable information this time. Every link was a gem. I hope you all agree. I'll try to bring you something equally as good, but different, in my next Weather Vane Watch.