Again today I have a few things to take care of. First of all, I'm going to reveal what it was that you were looking for in my
In The Meadow game from yesterday. There were exactly
five deer roaming around the meadow that day. Two of them were adults, and I believe they were both female because I got a reasonably good look. And the other three of them were young ones. The picture above explains it all.
Now on to the winners of this game. Pretty much everyone guessed correctly that these animals are deer. The other part of the game was that you had to find out the correct number of animals. It wasn't quite as easy as some of the past games I've had, but maybe that made it more fun. But who guessed everything correctly? And the winners are...
- Poetic Shutterbug
- Elizabeth Barrette
- Julia
- Anonymous
Check out the comments to see how close each one of the winners' guesses were. Then go and visit their blogs and leave each one a nice comment. I know the ones with blogs very well, and they all have really good websites. I don't know who Anonymous is because that name is so common, but Anonymous, like the others, deserves congratulations for winning.

This second picture shows one of the two adults with the three fawns
(young deer). These last two pictures are mostly here to give you a better look at the deer. I have some even closer shots of them, but I'll show you those in an upcoming post where I'll also tell you the story of the encounter I had with these five deer. It was actually very strange and even more interesting.

This last photo of the deer shows both of the adults with two of the fawns. One of the fawns is standing just behind the adult on the right. I think both adults are female. I had a good long look at both, and I shamelessly checked for the identity of them both. You can laugh about that, but I was just being a good reporter by checking my facts.
Now on to my last bit of business for the post.
I have received two awards, and on the same day! The
Humane Award was from
Glynis. You can find her post
The Humane Award is to honor certain bloggers who are considered, kindhearted individuals. They regularly take part in blog activities and always leave the most supportive and encouraging comments.
Kreativ Blogger award is from
Jen(JStantonChandler). You can find her post
here. In this one you share seven facts about yourself and then pass it on to seven other people. You can find more details in Jen's post. So go read it!
The thing many of you don't know is that I'm a notorious award cheater. I always fail to follow rules. I have my reasons. For one, I develop a terrible writer's block when trying to share things about myself. So read my blog and I will reveal these things little by little. It's easier for me that way.
Now, the last several times I received awards I failed to acknowledge them in a post here. I had been letting my outside world's troubles seep into this blog and I was feeling overwhelmed, so all I had room for was my usual nature posts. I wanted to show my appreciation to the people who gave them to me, but I just didn't have it in me at the time. So I want to give the
Humane Award to all of the people who gave me awards in the past.
Now here's something a little different. I give the
Kreativ Blogger award to the winners of my
In The Meadow game. They're listed towards the top of this post. It's not seven, but that's my choice. For the winners, you may do what you like with the award. You can follow the rules that can be found at Jen's blog. Or you can admire the award right here, and leave it at that. It's your choice, and your award. I hope you like it.
Okay, this was a much bigger post than I intended. I'll be back tomorrow with my next post, and I'll be reading all of yours some time later today. Talk to you then!