Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Strange Trees For You

I thought today I would bring you a few interesting pictures of trees. It's not my usual kind of post. It's actually kind of backwards. Usually I use pictures to illustrate a story I have in mind. This time I thought of the pictures first. I guess you could say this is all about the pictures. Maybe.

I found this first tree in a brand new place. I was looking for interesting things in this forest, and I think I found some. This tree was one f many huge and interesting trees in this place. I think if there ever was a tree that had a tree spirit in it, this one does.

The other tree I have for you is one I think I've shown you before. This one seems to be downright haunted! It seems to be trying to reach out and grab whatever gets too close. Let me tell you, this can be a very startling thing when you're in this forest when it's dark. I know! I've been there then.

About a week ago for the poll results we had a bit of a talk about tree spirits. That actually gave me an idea. I'll reveal part of that idea today, and the next part of it will be told Saturday. The idea of tree spirits lead me to think about odd things in general. Being that Halloween is at the end of the week I think what I have in mind is very appropriate.

I began to think of spirits in general. From there I began to think of ghosts. I do that very frequently, because I see dead people! ...Just kidding! But I do wonder something. Do you see them? I mean, have you ever seen a spirit or a ghost? That's my new poll this week. It's a short one that will end Friday at midnight, my time. The results will be up Saturday, and I have a bit of a Halloween surprise for any of you who are brave enough to look.

I'm going to need your votes as quickly as possible, hopefully there's time for more than a few, and then I'll need a little bit of cooperation from you on Halloween. So, beware! Beware... Beware!!! And remember to never trust a rat. Is this the strangest post from me yet? Maybe not.

Number threeeee is a bonus treeeee. This one's for freeeee. No storyyyyy. Heeeee, heeeee. That's all from meeeee.


  1. I love strange and odd trees, the first one is so cool and it would be a good home for tree spirits. The second one is just spooky, it would be a little weird to run across that in the woods.

    I think you will get a kick out of my post for today on The Road to Here, it sort of ties in with your post. I'm off now to cast my vote!

  2. Next time you are out in the woods in a nice quiet place stop.Now look around.Listen.Is that the wind you hear?Is it crying?What are those white spots floating in the air?How about that shadow next to a tree.Think about it.

  3. The shot of the first tree is quite strange indeed; it seems as though its arms are stretching out and holding a sword. Or maybe it is my eyes playing trick on me.

  4. the first tree is amazing. it looks like the king of trees right there in the middle of all of the small ones. i wonder if they are his sapplings. great photos ratty!


  5. Those are some pretty cool looking trees!

  6. I've seen that tree and from the first time I saw it I thought it is a spirit tree.It seems to even have many eyes.It sits on the edge of the younger part of the woods,next to the paths leading into the older groth woods,a guardian.

  7. Wow, those are some spooky looking trees! Great pics.

  8. Did I see ghosts and tree spirits? But first of all, they may have the same look as you, then no way I can tell whether I have seen them before.

    The trees, maybe.....

    Those in my jungle won't tell me the truth.

  9. Beautifully eerie trees. Love the first photo. Looking forward for Haloween post of you! :D

  10. Hi Ratty. I love trees- especially the twisted type. I have a few pictures at my flickr site of some pretty cool trees I found recently. I think trees make great subjects.

  11. EEEEEEEEEE (couldn't resist) I don't know if this is the strangest post but I have a feeling they are about to get stranger...lol

  12. ooooh, that's a good creepy tree post for Halloween! I like the tree grabbing for everyone--yikes!

  13. Ratty, I found all the tree photos stunning - not at all frightening...perhaps, they would seem more so at dusk or at night. I only feel weird when I am deep in a forest, far away from civilization, then my imagination runs wild.

  14. With your fascination for unusual things Ratty I think you should come and visit.

    Here trees, whatever their shape, are often revered, with bright ribbons tied around them, this is to keep the tree spirits happy.

  15. tree no. 3 is indeed a bonus coz i couldn't see nos. 1 and 2! strange, eh? must be the halloween spirit in your blog! ;)

  16. Nice. The first one is spectacular. It looks like it might have been an Indian signpost tree. Not sure of course. I love spooky trees.

  17. Beautiful pictures of the tree! Such a great view of the forest and the colors are just wonderful..

  18. you really found some cool trees...i think each picture in itself could be an individual post....I've voted...can't wait to see the poll results and whats coming saturday!!

  19. The trees are interesting and beautiful. Halloween suprise huh? I love suprises. Will I be able to sleep after viewing it? I see dead people.Your funny. later. Mr.R.

  20. I have heard a ghost (several times, we owned an old Victorian house for many years) but we never saw it. We had many, many instances of hearing things that would actually interact with us, but we never saw anything. So yes, I believe!
