Friday, November 17, 2017

What Might This Mystery Object Be?

I know. I know. It's another one of these one picture posts. But this one picture is kind of interesting by itself, and necessary for the post. That's because I'm not exactly sure of what we're looking at here. Maybe a more rural person might know. My experience is in more urban outdoor stuff.

I found this object far away from me where the buffalo (bison) roam at Broken Kettle Grasslands. It looked like a giant shield from where I was standing. I took lots of pictures of it, but the camera's focus seemed to slide off of it. I think that's because it has that camouflage look to it. It looks to be maybe a tent or a trailer or maybe a shed. Maybe it's some kind of observation space to watch the bison. I don't know.

On an unrelated note, my fall depression seems to be ending now that fall is coming closer to a close. Hopefully, I can bring myself to begin posting more often again. I do have a few things to post now. Right now the only things slowing me down are some unexpected problems I've been having with some of my things around here, such as extra work and general mechanical problems with some of my property.

Anyway, what do you think? Do you know what the object in my picture might be? Or maybe you have a good wild guess. Even a humorous guess is welcome, and maybe even more welcome than something else. So go ahead and let me know what you think because it'll be really fun. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Is it a campsite or a hunting blind? Peculiar!

  2. My best guess would be a blind for hunting

  3. It's a hunting blind. They use ones like that for hunting Wild Turkeys around here.

  4. You have fallen down a rabbit hole for hole.
    You can name it yourself.
    It can be anything.

  5. I'm strictly a city kitty, so I have no idea what it is!

  6. Yup, hunting blind. Not exactly the right camo pattern for that background, though!

  7. Hunting blind. Be careful hiking these days--be sure to wear a bright orange vest or something.
