Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Game: In The Meadow

I have two things to do in this post today. The first thing I want to do is show you a picture of the meadow where I saw all of those flowers that I showed you a few days ago in my post Flowers Of The Meadow. I didn't show it to you before because I wasn't sure I had any pictures that showed the whole meadow, but still showed the flowers.

Well, the flowers are probably difficult to see here too. Mainly because it was very early in the morning. The sun had just begun to come up, and many of the flowers had not opened up for the day yet. There is also a heavy morning fog that obscured everything. But all is not lost.

Even with these problems, I still wanted to show you the pictures from this time because something very special happened. I had an animal encounter in this meadow as I was taking these pictures. I will begin to tell you more about it tomorrow, but for today I want to have a little game that involves the next photo.

Now for the contest. In this picture above there are animals in the meadow. What you have to do is guess what kind of animal they are, and how many are there. I can tell you that there are more than one animal, and they are the same kind. You can see them a little bit now, but you will only be able to get a better look if you click on the picture to expand it.

This game is a little more difficult than the last one, but just remember, it's only for fun. There's no stress involved here. Guess whatever you want, even if someone else already made the same guess, or even if you don't really know. Guesses are fun! Also, I really have a very good reason for having a game this time.

When I first saw the animals out there, I had a very hard time seeing them all. In fact, I didn't even know they were there until I took my fourth or fifth picture. They actually revealed themselves to me first. I'm hoping that playing this game might help you experience the same thing I did. So make your guess and share it in the comments section, or just share your thoughts. Have fun!


  1. Three deer, a buck, a doe and one fawn?

  2. I can see three clearly and another three shades..

    i would say '6'.

    Very tough one..

  3. First off...gorgeous shot!!

    Second, four deer...the buck, the doe, and two fawn??

  4. It maybe eight, but I think you may not know the result well as well. This is my experience when I reviewed my picture, I even could not locate my bird inside the picture.

    Anyhow, it is always interesting to test our memory.

  5. I think there are four deer out there.

  6. There are a mommy, a daddy, and a baby deer in this picture!

  7. There are seven deer. 3 adults, 4 fawns. :-)

  8. I see five deer and what great shots.

  9. what a beautiful meadow! i see deer, i think 4 but there is probably more. they are awesome!

  10. They are deer, probably whitetails but possibly mule deer. There are at least 5 of them: a buck in velvet, a doe, and her fawns. Three of the deer are small, fawn-sized ones. Triplets are possible, but twins are more common, so I'd suspect another doe (although the photo is too dim to be sure).

    I enjoy watching wildlife in my yard. I have a butterfly meadow but it doesn't have that many flowers yet.

  11. they are deer and I see 6 of them. And I have to say fantastic shot.

  12. At least one of you has the right answer. I'll reveal the answer and a few other things tomorrow, in my next post. Keep trying. In the meantime I'll be lurking around here and reading your blogs.

  13. I think there are five wonderful deer. Did they just rise up out of the grass? That must have been fabulous to see.

  14. There are 5 white tailed deer. A doe a buck and 3 babys. The meadow is beautiful.

  15. Must be deer!!? They run amuck around our acreage, too. Aren't they beautiful, tho destructive around here....

  16. Thanks for playing the game, everybody!
