Monday, August 31, 2009

Evil Bunnies

Well, I've been doing my polls for three weeks now, and some of the results have been surprising. After the first poll, we discovered that the majority of the readers here are female. That was kind of obvious to some of you already. It seems this website is also very popular among Martians though. Hello Mars!

In the second poll I asked what kinds of things you would like to see more of on this blog. By an overwhelming margin you all wanted to see more photos. I'm already way ahead of you. A little known fact is that I bring you an average of about 21 photos per week. That's a lot of pictures to look at. Just think of all of the things I've done to get these photos.

I have to be honest with you now. I personally found those first two polls to be kind of boring. I mean, you already know if you are male or female, or even an invader from Mars. And I obviously already post lots of pictures, and loads of writing to go along with them. So that one might have been kind of unimaginative. But then came the third poll.

I gave you a list of animals and asked you which one was scarier. I could say I was surprised by the results, but I really wasn't. In the past I had written posts about snakes where many of you said how much you hated those slithery creatures. Then when I wrote a post featuring spiders you demonstrated similar thoughts on these creepy crawlies.

The surprising answer was that more of you voted that you thought wolves were scarier than these first two. I didn't expect that. Maybe we'll examine wolves some time in the future. Then there was the last choice in this poll. It was the Evil Bunnies. These horrible creatures won by a landslide! Just by looking at the picture above, I completely understand why.

The only problem I have with the polls far is that not many of you seem to enjoy voting in them. I want have more fun polls as time goes on so more of you will want to vote. I have a few ideas of my own to fix this, but I also want to hear some of yours. Do you have an idea for a poll you'd like to see? Even if your idea is "Ditch the polls because I hate them", your idea is welcome.

Of course all other comments are also welcome. I'd also like to let you know that the white Evil Bunny photo above was not done by me. I don't know who to give credit for this photo, but there is also a video somewhere. So finally, watch out for those evil bunnies. They're everywhere. You don't want to be standing there minding your own business, and then hear a voice behind you that says, "Ehh, What's up Doc?"


  1. you laugh now....but beware. No one makes light of the "EvilBunny" and gets away with it!...*smile*

  2. I've never been afraid of a bunny before but now I may have to reconsider.
    To be honest with you I forget to look for the polls. I'm too busy reading your stories and checking out your pictures.

  3. The Evil Bunny is a clone of Stitch. Be careful, it will turn you upside down.

  4. I would not want to meet up with that white rabbit in the photo - the thing looks like it could bite your head off.

  5. Wow, that is the scariest rabbit I have ever seen, please tell me it is photoshopped or something! Haha....In terms of the polls, its not that I don't like them, but I never think to complete them because I just don't have the time. Your results were interesting though! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I just keep thinking Monty Python and the Holy Grail! "Awww, it's just a bunny! What's he gonna do, nibble your bum?!"

  7. Interesting result with the poll, which I forgot to vote some time! And that bunny is scary..

  8. For me, no bunnies are scary. I love them all. I would love this white one as an attack bunny outside my door :) I actually like your contests. Polls I really don't even see most of the time. I look for photos and stories.

  9. I have some just like in in my backyard!

  10. what the eff? lol I'm gonna have nightmares now of white fluffy bunnies gone wrong.

  11. That is a very scary bunny. I'm sure glad it wasn't real. Someone must have done that in Photoshop..LOL

  12. Perhaps you could do a poll on why people don't vote in the polls:

    a) I'm too lazy to vote.

    b) I'm too cool to have opinions on things.

    c) Javascript isn't installed properly on my computer so the poll widget doesn't show up correctly.

    d) The ballot was confusing.

    (also, great bunny - I'd take that in a dark ally over a wolf, mind you)

  13. Seriously that evil bunny had me laughing and brought tears to my eyes. Thanks so much!! Loved it. :) I will keep voting in your polls too.

  14. hmmm, i love bunny and even the white bunny looks like a happy cute bunny to me :) sharing the joy of laughter.

  15. Wooo, I never knew what bunny teeth LOOKED like 'til now!! For me, these are only evil because they manage to eat many of the best parts of my gardens...pooh! That is, until my evil cats either chase them them...
    About polls? I like them sometimes...I like hearing the results.

  16. I recall that evil bunny so vicious that they can even eat rat for breakfast. Especially wandering rat with camera... :P

  17. Hi ratty, what a funny looking bunny! Must admit I thought of Monty Python and the Holy Grail straight away too...!

  18. When something sweet and cute turns evil that's scary!

    I can see that many of us had the same thought about the Monty Python bunny. It was the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw your title.

  19. See... I KNEW you would show me the reason I had to pick evil bunnies.

  20. even with the sharp teeth, i think that bunny is adorable. i would just have to remember to keep him well fed.

  21. That second photo looks vicious. I hope I can forget it before I fall asleep :-(

  22. Whoa! that evil bunny was toooo scary! wonder if it was photoshopped or maybe it does exist! O__O

    oh and about polls, I really enjoy voting. And have voted since the first one I think. *oh and I might be one of those martians you mentioned!* =D

  23. I don't mind polls, but maybe the placement on your blog is the issue? Maybe if you placed the poll within the body of your post where you could click on it when you read the post rather than backing out of it to do that? I was on one blog where they do that and I almost always answer them then, but if I have to search the blog outside of the post, then I don't take the extra time to do it if I have limited time to read posts...
    Just a thought.
