Monday, August 17, 2009

Black-Crowned Night Heron

It's amazing what things you can find when you consider time. Usually when I go hiking it's either late in the morning or in the early evening, or anywhere in between. There is plenty of daylight during these hours, so I get to see very many good things. But recently I decided to finally take Rainfield's advice and try going very early in the morning.

It was also the day of the last big storm that inspired me. The forest was so dark that it was a little spooky in there that day. I react to a scare like that a little differently than some people. I was absolutely thrilled and exhilarated! I decided right then that I had to have more of that! But how could I duplicate that fear, and maybe make it even more intense? Hmm...

I've got it! I decided to go to the only one of my nearer parks that are open before 8:00 AM. I have gone twice now. The first time just after sunrise, and the second time it was just before. The second time was the best because I got to see some amazing things. You'll here about some of them in the next few days. But first I just have to tell you about this bird in my pictures here!

This bird is a Black-Crowned Night Heron. I saw this bird in the same place both days I came here so early in the morning. I have never seen it at any other time. This is one benefit of going to a place at different times. It makes it seem like a completely different place, including many different animals, like this wonderful bird.

On both days I found this little heron perched on an old tree branch that was barely sticking out of the water. It's just to the right of the fishing platform. I really never expected to find anything when I went down to the lake, but I was hoping to get a few scenery photos there in the dark. So you can imagine my surprise when I found this guy just sitting there waiting for me.

At first I thought he was sleeping there, and maybe it was his chosen sleeping spot, but I actually stopped by the fishing platform twice on this last trip, and I found him there bent over trying to catch fish. Maybe he woke up since I saw him an hour before. He even turned and looked at me once before turning back to trying to catch his breakfast.

These birds are called night herons because they are usually nocturnal, but they can come out during the day too if the fishing is good. They have the widest range of any heron, and they can be found throughout most of the world. So look for a black-crowned night heron near you. You might get lucky enough to see one.

This bird in my pictures looked to be about 1 1/2 ft long or 46 cm, maybe longer. I have read that adults are typically about 2 ft long or 64 cm. The first one I saw was bigger than this one. This one might look small, but it's actually a very big bird. These birds probably look a little lighter in color, but remember that it wasn't really daytime yet when I took the pictures.

Just remember, this is the kind of thing you might see when you decide to challenge your fear. So go for a nice dark hike. But you should know that there are many unexpected things in the dark. Some of them might make your fear come to life, so always let someone know where you are.


  1. Lovely bird! Early morning is sure a nice time to caps some great scene. What next? Can't wait to see it more.
    Nice caps!

  2. Wow..wonderful discovery again! I like the bird reflection in the water.

  3. As I am "a little" superstitious, I always have "fear" with me during my hiking in the morning. The misty winding path, the mysterious hovering butterfly, the dark tunnel to an unknown world etc, they play the tug of war game with my "fear".

  4. i would probably be too scared to go when it is dark, unless someone went with me. great pics!

    i find myself not being able to pick something in your poll ratty. i think you do an outstanding job in your blog just the way it is.

  5. I love the early mornings as well and this little guy is so cute.

  6. Great post, and beautiful photo of the heron. I love the reflection in the water.

  7. These guys are cool. Once during field work I found a roost site in a pine tree about a block from the river I was looking at. There were dozens sleeping in the tree and the owner of the lot wanted to chop down the tree due to droppings. I hope he did not...

    Mornings are great!! Love the night time adventures. :)

  8. More fascinating photographs, thanks.

    BTW, an award awaits for you at New Scribbles.

  9. Wonderful Ratty!! My hubby is gone again now so I am trying to get back to normal.

    I have to agree about the time of day. I get almost all of my bird and insect shots early morning or afternoon when they are feeding!

    I have missed your wonderful shots. Hey we went out on a drive and also hiking expedition this weekend.

    I found some very interesting old architecture though and also worked on some action shots.

    Happy week,

  10. wow, very beautiful pictures! love the reflection of the heron on water, so pretty!

  11. VanillaSeven - I have much more to show you, and I'm going to go out again in the morning.

    Icy BC - I made sure I got that reflection in the pictures. This one was easy to get.

    Jen - I think I'm addicted to the spooky mornings now. I'll be going back out right after this. :)

    Thank you for the award. I am deeply honored.

    Rainfield - I am a little superstitious too. That's why these morning hikes are such a thrill for me. I'm also lucky that my forests don't contain any animals that are considered very dangerous.

    PJ - I used to be more afraid too, but a long time ago I decided to conquer my fears. Plus I'm usually the one that protects everyone else, so I'm not too scared to try. :)

    The poll choices are no big deal. They won't change the blog in any way. It's just a fun game to see what you like.

    Poetic Shutterbug - This bird is one of the main reasons I'm glad I tried going this early.

    Ashley - I hope this heron is there again when I go back. Not for the pictures, but for the good feeling I get when I see him.

    Julia - That sounds amazing finding their sleeping place. I hope the lot owner changed his mind too.

    Glynis - In the near future I hope to show you some even better ones from this trip.

    I am very honored. Thank you for the award.

    Jackie - I think I have been out a little too early for most birds right now, but there have been some. Your pictures do sound very interesting. Old architecture is as good as the animals.

    Kirigalpoththa - The reflection was one of my favorite parts of the photos. :)

    Betchai - I tried extra hard to make sure that reflection was in the shots. I'm glad you like it.

  12. What a beautiful bird and I love how you caught his reflection on the water.

  13. I have never seen one of those...what a great photo of something folks probably have never seen!
    I need to get up early and quit being lazy and go out and try and get some photos of things too...great idea, Ratty!

  14. The Retired One - This bird has been in the exact same spot every morning I've gone out there now.

    It's much more quiet that early, but you might see something good.

  15. Nice Pics Ratty and great captures too considering the time you took them.

    True.. at early morning and late night you can discover more of nature's wonders. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Nick - Thank you.

    Harumi - The world is very different at those times. I'm glad I'm discovering this new part of my world.
