Friday, October 23, 2009

The Return Of My Minions

Something funny happened to me today. Let me give you a little history first to explain what's going on here. I wrote the final post awhile ago about some geese that were born in the lake I frequently visit.

I joked about teasing them by throwing things in the water so they would come over and beg for food. I wrote the goofy post saying they were now my evil minions. That must have been kind of a mistake because they left and that was the last time I ever saw them. You can read about that here: Teasing The Geese - Conclusion

Now we come to today, and I went to the lake where those geese liked to gather, and there was a group of geese that was about the same size as my old minions. I thought of my old friends as soon as I saw this new group. Can you guess what happened as soon as I got to the viewing platform?

As soon as the geese saw me they came swimming eagerly in my direction. They wanted something from me! I'm sure they had learned to look for food, just like the old geese. But maybe it was something else. Could it be that my minions had returned?

Maybe these were my old friends and they recognized me. After all, I had been seeing them at least twice a week for their whole lives. Maybe they had come to greet an old friend. This little flock sure did look the same as the others. It was about the same size as the old ones.

I have no other way to tell if this is the same flock of geese I first saw when they were still eggs, but I like to think they were. Maybe they came back for a visit. It gave me a good feeling just to think they might be the same bunch of geese.

After they came swimming over to greet me they swam around in a group right in front of me for a time. Then they all slowly turned and went back to the place where they came from. This was a good day for an everyday adventurer.

(No Fiction Friday this week, but if you really want fiction take a look just under my poll in the sidebar. I've started another blog just for strange stories. You won't find nature there but you'll find plenty of fiction. The Everyday Adventurer is still the place to be for all of you nature lovers, so you only need to take a look if you love fiction.)


  1. The guess at the river walk in our town are like that. They will all come to greet you and see what you have. Nice shots. I like the fall color in the first one.

  2. Ah, the pied piper of the geese perhaps?

  3. maybe they really are your little minions, how could you know for sure. checked out your other site and love it! hugz!

  4. They are surely your minions, if you listen carefully, they are calling Ratty, Ratty, Ratty....

  5. I would suspect they are the same geese. I know my mother's hummingbirds return year after year..well, at least, she thinks so. I do think birds have an uncanny ability to recall places, such as where they nest year after year, so why not a place where they were nurtured and fed!!!

  6. I'll go with the theory that they were the same geese from before. What a wonderful little reunion you had today.

  7. Beautiful pictures, and I want to believe that they are the geese too!

  8. @DK Miller
    The funny thing is that these geese here never did until I began tossing stuff to them. There were other people standing there that they ignored.

    It could be. They seemed to like me more than others.

    I hope they are. They sure did act like it. Thanks for taking a look at the other one.

    They might have been calling me, but all I heard was honk, honk! :)

    @Jen Chandler
    I really like to think that was it. Maybe I'll test them next time by getting them to chase the fishermen away. :D

    Geese are well known for returning to their familiar nesting areas. It's strange but they really did seem to recognize me.

    I'm going to try to keep convincing myself they were the same too. It makes a happy little story that way.

    @Icy BC
    I want to believe it too. There's a chance they're the same ones, so I'm going to think they are.

  9. How amazing that they have that kind of memory. Always nice to see old friends I should think.

  10. I have a feeling they WERE the same geese, Ratty. They have bonded with you like ducklings following the mama duck. You better pick out names for them now, since you are their parent.

  11. Of course they are, they are their for your every wish.

  12. @Dr. Lauren
    It sure seemed as if they remembered me. I never thought geese would remember either.

    @The Retired One
    I saw a TV show where they named each one of a family of kids after each month of the year. I think I'll do the same with the geese.

    @Poetic Shutterbug
    I'll have to see if I can get them to lay a few golden eggs for me next year. :D

  13. Great Autumn colours in the first shot.

    I wonder do you get a colourful "fall" where you live?

  14. @Mike
    Oh yes, we get a very colorful fall here. This year the colors have been coming in a little strangely though. I'll try to show some good fall color photos soon.

  15. The geese actually greeting the black squirrel (a.k.a Forest Spirit messenger) behind you...

  16. I think that these could very easily have been the same geese as I'm sure they follow a certain flight's great that they remembered you!!

  17. I love thinking that returning animals are the same ones. Sometimes they are. We have a house wren that has been here 4 summers. Only one family raised though. "They" say this is probably the same bird returning to familiar ground.
    It is special, isn't it?

  18. glad to see them again in your beautiful fall photo.

  19. Anything is possible Ratty and I have a hunch these are your minions. Great photos.
