Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Mighty Wind

We had a huge windstorm here the night before my last post came out. Wind isa very powerful force of nature. Even when it's not strong enough to create a tornado or a hurricane, wind can still be strong enough to do serious damage to many different things.

There are two things that happened as a result of this windstorm that we had. The first thing that happened to me was that I lost my electricity in my house. I'm getting frustrated because it seems like every time the wind blows hard my neighborhood loses its electrical power. I can look down the street at those times and there are lights there. I lose power like this at least twice a year. Why is there such a problem where I live?

Then to make matters worse, at the time my power went out I still had the web page with my new post open. I had already published it, so I thought it was ready to go out right on time. When my power finally came back on at mid-afternoon I found out there was a serious problem with yesterday's post.

It was not published on the site. Something put the post in draft mode, so it was not published at all. I quickly fixed it, but by then it was too late. So if you haven't seen it yet, that one is just below this one you're reading now. Take a look at it. It's a small look at the things that can sometimes go wrong with nature photography.

Now on to matters that involve powerful wind storms in a slightly different way. Any of you who routinely read my blog know that I like to be in the forest. It's my favorite place to hike, and I can even sit right down in the forest to read or just relax. It's my home away from home.

The only problem is that if the wind is blowing very hard, the forest can be a very dangerous place. Wind can blow large branches right off of a tree. It can even break large tres right in half. I've seen whole huge trees that were completely uprooted.

It actually can depend somewhat on what season it is at the time. These kinds of things don't happen as much in the summer as they do in colder seasons. The trees seem to be stronger and more full of moisture and life at that time. There are also not as many strong windstorms then.

In the other three seasons it's not the case at all. The trees seem weaker and more brittle. Maybe it's partly because of their lack of leaves. Cold weather probably also helps make the tree more brittle. There could be several reasons. All of this is only from my own personal observation, so it's only speculation.

I was actually caught in a winter storm out in the woods last year, and the trees were falling down all around me. I had to climb through the branches of a fallen tree to get out because the path was impassible otherwise. It was a thrilling, but scary, experience for me.

They had to close that nature park for a few days the next spring because of another huge windstorm. I lost my power then too. I went through that park when it was reopened and the damage was massive. There were fallen trees everywhere I looked. The forest looked a lot thinner than it had before. It must have been a tragedy for any animals that live there.

I guess what I'm trying to say in all of this is that you shouldn't go into the forest if the wind is blowing so hard. It doesn't have to be tornado or hurricane weather to be dangerous. You don't want to learn this the hard way. I almost did.


  1. Please be careful Ratty, I rather wait few more days befor I explore that place again if I were you.

  2. I agree with VanillaSeven Ratty, be careful. Even after the winds stop there may still be falling limbs for a few days.
    We get a lot of high winds here and it takes a heavy toll on our trees especially in the winter.

  3. My friend broke his arm because of a fallen branch. It is dangerous during strong wind is blowing, but excitement level is at maximum.


  4. I love the photo of the "bridge" across the path way. It creates a feeling of interest and adventure.

  5. Being a UK resident I don't have to deal with tornadoes and hurricanes but still we get strong winds that can cause some major got me thinking about tree damage ratty and you're right...trees never seems to become up-rooted in the weird that I'd never noticed before...I think the wind can be a scary and immense force and I like to try to stay indoors when the gales are swirling around my neighbourhood!!

  6. It's not just your neighborhood--we lose power when the wind blows here too. Ugh.

  7. that sounds a little dangerous ratty, but i'm sure that you are very careful. mother nature is a powerful force and one not to take lightly. have a wonderful safe day my friend...hugz!

  8. Terrific shots Ratty. I know the feeling relating to the electricity.

    The same thing happens to me at least 2 or 3 times a year. To make things worse, we are on the very last transformer and the only house on it.

    So I usually have to go chasing after them to remind them that I am still down here with no power!!

    You be safe while exploring the storm damage!!

  9. hi..that's interesting..hv a nice day..

  10. We tend to get wind storms here too. In fact, 2 months ago we had one in St. Augustine when I was at the Fort. I ran to my car with my fiance and we waited it out, only to discover a tornado was only a couple hundred feet away. The car started rocking and hail the size of golf balls hit the car. Scary!

  11. I once had to move my tent away from trees in the middle of the night. The next morning there were fallen branches everywhere. :-(

  12. I hear ya about the wind and how dangerous it can be. I've seen for myself what it can do. You better be careful don't go being too adventurous

  13. Be careful out there, Ratty!! The forest can indeed, be dangerous.

  14. I like your photos Ratty. I find nature awesome, even doing damage. Just stay out of it's way!! We had terrible winds here yesterday with quite a lot of damage in some areas.

  15. Cool shots and commentary. Thanks for sharing, May the powers of nature serve you well.

  16. We were experienced the strong wind storm around us, but not power loss! It was terrible listening to the wind..

  17. How frustrating to loose power! NO internet then... Drat. But I kind of like going out after a big storm to see what has shaken down. It's my own little adventure.

  18. No kidding! Of course I was in Ohio while MI had this storm. Our TV antennae is now lying in our pine trees, awaiting a crew to come install a new one and take this one away. But the woods can be very dangerous in the wind.
