Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Determined Black Squirrel

I have a strange tale to tell you today about one of those little forest ninjas known as black squirrels. It was such an odd occurrence that I have to limit my pictures to just the black squirrel so I don't confuse you about what exactly happened here. Let me tell you all about it.

The forest was just full of squirrels today when I was there. I wasn't really sure you wanted to see more squirrel pictures quite yet since I recently gave you a whole week of nothing but one lone squirrel. Still, I take all the animal pictures I can get, so I have plenty more squirrel pictures. You'll only see a select few of those though.

After getting some good pictures, I got to the area where I took the pictures of that now famous squirrel, Flynn. Can you guess who was there waiting for me? Yes, it was the celebrity of all squirrels, Flynn himself! He actually identified himself by duplicating the same behavior he showed before, and his trademark squint that he gives just before he makes a move. But there was something else lurking in the background.

As I was taking those new pictures Flynn, I saw a small black figure coming towards us out of the forest. I didn't really know what to do because it caught me by surprise. I turned to look in it's direction and was amazed to see that it was a black squirrel, and it was not running away!

I did my best to get some pictures of this little guy, but the first several turned out as blurry as any others I've ever tried. The black squirrel briefly paused on the side of a tree to look at me. I thought I got him there, but it still didn't work. He then came forward as quick as a flash, and stopped right in front of me!

The top picture of this post is one of two that I got of him when he paused this time. But just as quick as that he was off again! The second picture here shows him as he shot off past me. Notice that he is the only thing blurry in this picture. These black forest ninja squirrels move like lightning!

He then ran right in front of me and across the hiking path! I tried my best to keep up with him with my camera but he was too close and much too fast for me. I finally got another few shots as he jumped on this log just to the right of the path. He then ran down the length of the log and went down the side of the hill and was gone. That's the last I saw of him.

All I can think was that he must really have been determined to get across that path. He was willing to risk running right out into the open to get to his destination. He was even able to overshadow the return of that most famous squirrel, Flynn. This was one amazing black squirrel adventure!


  1. The squirrels around here are really shy. I wish they'd disregard me instead of running away! Great photos again Ratty.

    By the way I've got no net access at home for a while :-( I couldn't resist a quick visit to the library to read my favourite blogs though!

  2. Black squirrels..Never seen them. We only have the ones with three stripes on their back.

  3. Truly a force to be reckoned :)
    Black Lightning Flynn!!

  4. I've never seen a black squirrel before. There are a few brown but tiny squirrels at the back of my house, always scavenging for food. I pity them cos they should be in the forest not at residential areas.

  5. Squirrels are so active at this time, some even stop on their track to give me a stare down!

  6. I wonder how good you are for having all these pictures of squirel. I have squirrels at Cerok Tokun, but they are as fast as your ninja.

  7. i love your black squirrel adventures. since i have never seen one these photos allow me to experience them with you. thanks ratty! have a great day...hugz!

  8. Sounds like your black squirrels act a lot like our red squirrels.
    I'm originally from Detroit, so use an auto analogy for squirrel types. I think of fox squirrels as the sedans of the squirrel world, gray squirrels as the compacts, and red squirrels as the sports cars.

  9. nice article and fun to read,thanks for your posting..and good
    squirrels fotos..

  10. Good job on that first one for sure. What I think is strange is that they are in the same place with Flynn the fox squirrel. I thought the fox squirrels didn't share well.

  11. Ratty, like Icy mentions, the squirrels here no longer run away. They get right up close and personal. I think they like the attention.

  12. I have never even seen a black squirrel. I know there are some around here because I've heard other people talk about them but I haven't been lucky enough. How awesome that you had two right there. So does Flynn's friend have a name?

  13. He was packing food for the winter and decided you were worth the risk for him to get food back to the nest. Besides, they posted a sign on a tree that says "Ratty crossing". they knew you passed there. haa

  14. I have never seen a black squirrel up close. They seem so feisty and mischievous.

  15. We don't have black squirrels here in Chicago, but they do where my husband grew up. It's a treat to see them because they are so unique!

  16. @John
    Sometimes the squirrels can be a bit of a nuisance too when they have a temper tantrum.

    Even though you probably can't read this right now, I hope you get your net access back soon. I'm going to be missing your blog updates until you get back online.

    Your squirrel is the Indian palm squirrel. Those stripes are the marks of Lord Rama's fingers from when he stroked the very first one because he was pleased by the squirrel's dedication. The stripes are very attractive.

    He certainly was a fast little guy.

    Your squirrels get food from the forest too, but all squirrels seem to like being near humans. I think they find meals easier to get that way.

    @Icy BC
    I saw your great pictures of a black squirrel. You did a wonderful job.

    I think I just have so many of them that it makes it a little bit easier. My squirrels are as brave as your monkeys.

    I'll have something very special involving black squirrels coming at the beginning of next week.

    @Joann Ballbach
    Your descriptions are right on the money. Black squirrels may be like custom hot rods or something.

    @Vitamins Info
    Thanks for taking a look!

    @Jen chandler
    There will hopefully be a book first. Maybe you'll see "Rat TV Productions" at the end of that animated series.

    I thought the fox squirrels didn't share well either, but they mix together in this forest with no problem at all. They do have their own defined territories, but they do mingle. I even see them playing together sometimes.

    @Poetic Shutterbug
    I think they do too. It depends on how you move, I think.

    I wish I knew Flynn's friend's name. He was so fast that he didn't have time to tell me yet. Maybe we'll all have to give him one.

    @The Retired One
    I think he even looked both ways before he crossed. He did pause long enough to make sure I didn't run him over.

    @The Ancient Digger
    They are definitely feisty and mischievous. I'll have something showing that very soon.

    I like their uniqueness too. I wish that dark color wasn't so hard to photograph though.

  17. Thanks Ratty. I'm going to have a lot of catching up to do when I get back online! :-/

  18. The black squirrels are so interesting, but unfortunately none in my area so I will enjoy your adventures with the little fellows. I think the black ones saw the attention Flynn got and now they think it's their turn.

    I'm catching up too, I've gotten behind because of an ear infection. I've only been online for short periods but feeling better now.

  19. @John
    I've been in the same situation many times. I've been lucky not to be too long without access since I've had this blog.

    I think you're right that they wanted attention. I have some really good black squirrel stuff coming up. They're hard to capture with photos, but video is easier.

    I'm glad you're feeling better. I've had ear infections before, and I know how painful they can be.
