Friday, September 4, 2009

On The Trail

Today I want to take on a tour of one of my typical adventures. This is what I see on one of my hikes. I usually go for a few hours a day. For some of you it may seem like a long time, and for others it may seem like a walk in the park. For me it's an everyday adventure.

I'm not really going to say much about what you see in these pictures, but I will give a short description for each. Usually when I'm out there I am alone so there is no talking at all. Hiking is usually a very quiet activity, but the thoughts that can go through your mind make up for all of that.

This first picture is from the main trail of Heritage Park. They keep wood chips on these main paths so they don't get muddy. It's one of the bigger nature preserves around my area. A lot of people use this place, so I don't go here often. You can't walk these main trails without meeting somebody along the way. It's okay because they're nature lovers too.

This is one of the many side paths I like to travel. This one is just off the main path. Not many people travel this one. Most people don't like to enter the darkness of the forest. I love places like this.

This bridge is a place that I've shown many times here. I haven't been here in a long time. It's another place that leads into a very dark forest, and a small trail that many people avoid. This is another place I love. The bridge is fun to stand on, plus it lead into another world.

This trail is one of my favorite kinds of places. I took the picture from a bright area, but it gets very dark when you get back under the trees. The forest is very thick here, and the trail is very narrow. To me this place is irresistible.

I have only ever seen one other person in the place I took this picture. That was one of the park officials I talk to sometimes. The trail almost disappears in places back here. This place gets so quiet sometimes it's almost spooky. The only noise is the trickling sound of the creek that runs through here. I sometimes stop here and just sit on the ground to enjoy the silence.

That's it for today. I hope you enjoyed this quiet look at the hiking trails. I'm still trying to catch up with blog comments and things like that. It seems like I've been so tired lately for some reason (Not caused by the blogging). These trails are what my love of nature is really all about for me. Talk to you soon.


  1. Sometime, a walk in the peaceful forest trail without any disturbance is a bliss itself.

  2. Interesting and peaceful natural surroundings.I like your narration.

  3. To enter the darkness of the forest is quite adventurous especially when I am a very "superstitous" person. But it is irresistable.

  4. Very nice and peaceful area. You have wonderful places near you - thanks for sharing. I bet those trails are cool in the summer with the shade from the trees.

  5. The trails look mysterious, and peaceful. I love the green all around. Rest well today then!

  6. some day i am going to find me a place like this...some day.

    have a wonderful day ratty, much love to you!

  7. These are just wonderful! LOL, I see we were both on a journey for the weekend!!

  8. Have a great weekend Ratty!! big big hugs!

  9. These pics give me such a peaceful feeling. Gotta pillow?

  10. Hi Ratty, that was a very nice post today, the trails you go on look really cool, no wonder you always see such cool stuff when you're out and about.

  11. Those are some lovely trails. Looks so peaceful.

  12. I wish I could find a place like this around here. looks like a little piece of heaven

  13. Your nature preserves look so familiar, vegetation-wise. We must be close to the same latitude. Before becoming a father, I used to walk trails alone all the time. It was a pleasant sort of solitude, almost touching on meditation.

    Your post here reminded me of that, and how I sometimes miss it. That said, thanks for letting us live vicariously through your everyday adventures.

  14. Lovely trails Ratty. Everything is so green and lush. I love it.

  15. great...wish there is place like that here..and someone who is willing to be my companion for a walk


  16. Very nice looking trails Ratty, you have some really nice forest in your area. I enjoy the narrow trails where most folks don't go. Usually that where you will find more wildlife.

  17. I love the "tunnel" trail. And it would look so different in the winter.

  18. I love quiet, peaceful walks. Your trail photos look lovely. I especially love the first one. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Oh Ratty, you simply HAVE to come up to the U.P. and check out the many,many places to hike. You can go out all day and not see another human and have tons of tiny tiny paths through dark woods. You would LOVE it up here.

  20. Thanks to all of you for your comments. I read them all when they came in, and I just read every last one again. Thank you very much!
