Monday, July 13, 2009

Magical Deer

Yesterday I went back to the park where I was talking to the park official last week about the poison ivy. By coincidence I met her once again. I was just entering the heart of the park and I met her as she was on her way out. I never asked, but she must check this place at least once a week, maybe more.

We talked for a few minutes and she told me about a few deer she had seen a ways back. She told me last week about one she saw too, but I never found it. This time was very different. Not only did I get to see the three deer she told me about, but I also got some good pictures so you can see them too.

I just happened to see some movement off to my right, so I stopped to look. I'm getting pretty good at doing that now. At one time I never would have noticed this movement, but now I stop and turn at every little thing I see in the forest, just like the deer I saw this time when I turned to my right.

It's strange, but if you stay very still while looking at a deer it will stare right back at you for a good long time. I got several pictures that looked just like this one of this first deer. I was even able to change a few settings on my camera and zoom it in for a closer look. The deer barely moved.

It's often a rough decision to break this hypnotic spell with a deer. You know when you do it that the deer might run and you'll never see it again. As I had this one under my evil spell, I noticed another movement to the right. I turned to see not one, but two more deer moving around near this first one.

Of course, I still had this one right in front of me, so I turned back to get a few more shots, and my worst fear had begun to come true. The spell was lost and the first deer moved behind the trees. All hope wasn't lost though.

In this last picture you can see how easy a deer can make itself invisible in the forest. Look very closely. The deer is there. It's spying on me through the green of the forest. It's almost magic in its ability to hide right in front of you. Invisible!

The second deer didn't seem eager to come out so I could see it very well, but I have some excellent pictures of the third deer. I'll have to wait until another post to show some of those to you. I don't do this to treacherously make you wait through a cliffhanger; I only do it so I can save space in order to bring you posts for many years to come.

YEAH RIGHT! The next part of this post comes tomorrow! Mwaahahaha!


  1. Oh, deer... (sorry, can't resist)

  2. Those are wonderful pictures of the deer, Ratty.

    I saw them at Bell Isle back trail but could not take any pictures.

  3. It is the ability of the deer to camourflage themselves in the woods, to avoid a hunter either with a gun or a camera.

  4. oh, those are lovely pictures of deer. it is always lovely to see them up close.

  5. Very interesting post. Love your adventures!

  6. That first picture with the light shining in back of her is indeed magical!

  7. Some fantastic pictures of deer Ratty. I've been waiting ages for a chance to try out some of your techniques. Was camping in Norfolk for the last three days, but unfortunately didn't see any :-(

  8. Oh, Ratty--you are such a tease!!

  9. great pics of the deer! i used to have deer in my yard all the time. i would throw out apples out for them. it was so cool to see them strolling through my yard

  10. This photo is great. I think the deer stop because it want to check up the situation whether it will bring danger to them or not. That's why you have time to observed them. It also happen with other ungulates like wild boar. It will stop and stare at you and then a few minutes it will just move away. I don't know, it just base on my own experrience in the field too...

    Nice post.

  11. *WoooooooW*
    Great picture my friends.
    I think they adore you, that why the staring happen.
    See you around.

  12. Aw, the photos are so wonderful.


  13. Hmm... that laughter sounds so familiar...

    Patiently waiting for your next post :)

  14. We saw a deer walking through the woods at the metropark too, but we had our dog, Abby, with us so naturally she barked and scared it away before I could get a picture. Too bad. I like when they come out of hiding and let us see them.

  15. Great photos Ratty, those deer are just beautiful. You got so close, that is really hard to do.

    I kept thinking all day about what I was missing with my computer being down. I was missing your great post.


  16. What a beautiful shot of the first deer!! They do blend into the trees very well. Sometimes I have to look real hard to see them back in the woods.

  17. Deer seem to be everywhere at the moment and it's the way I can tell Fall is not far at hand. There is something magical about being in the woods and encountering these beautiful creatures. Thanks for the photos.

  18. I am three days behind in my comments to you...been behind in my reading and posting, life gets in the way sometimes. :-{
    Nice deer shot. They do stand, mesmerized. (Thus, the expression: Like a deer in headlights).
    But they are beautiful, magical animals full of grace. So glad you get to see them often.
