
Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Sneaky Little Red Squirrel

Look what I found spying on me! It's a little red squirrel, one of the cutest varieties of squirrel that ever existed. This is now the third red squirrel I've ever seen; two second was just a short time in the day before I saw this one. The first red squirrel I saw was actually the first squirrel I ever took a picture of, and I saw it three times. All have fun stories. You can read more about that one here and here.

There's also a fun story that goes along with this little guy above. I was just coming back to my truck from one of the many trails in a huge nature park I've been visiting called Island Lake State Recreation Area. The place has a parking lot for each network of trails. You can't travel them all in the same day.

Anyway, there's a tree that's about twenty feet from the edge of the grass, which is where this squirrel was hiding. It was at the base of the tree when I walked by, but I only got a glimpse of him before he scooted right up the side of the tree. I thought maybe I wouldn't get to see him again, but I was in luck today.

I looked up at the tree and began searching the branches for my new little friend. It was a cloudy day, so everything was thrown into shadows. The quality of the light made it hard to find anything if you looked up. It also made any pictures come out dark, even if you were careful.

I saw the little guy, but I wasn't sure if I got a picture of him or not. As soon as I took that first one he scurried behind the tree trunk to the left of him in the picture above. He was gone again, and I thought I wouldn't find him this time, but I still decided that it would be a good idea to walk around the tree for a better look.

I was just in time to see him run right inside a hole on the side of one of the big branches! I tried desperately to get a picture of him while he went in there, but I just wasn't fast enough. Still, I thought this incident might make an amusing story for all of you, so I moved to a better position to take a picture of the entrance to his little home. You might have already guessed what I saw.

Yup! It was the little red squirrel, and he was peering out at me! He was scared of me, but his curiosity got the best of him. Maybe he knew he was probably safe but he still wanted to see what it was that was stalking him. I can understand that. I might do the same thing in that situation.

I took several pictures of him before I finally decided that I had put the poor little critter through enough terror. I don't like scaring animals, but how could I resist getting these pictures. Just look at that precious little face!

 I finally left this little red squirrel to move on to another adventure. Believe me, this wasn't my last that day. I'm seeing so many sights right now that some of them are quickly being left behind. I just can't write about each and every one of them right now. That's why I said I was overwhelmed a few days ago. It's such a good thing to have too much to write about.

This last picture may be a better representation of what I was seeing. The camera did an excellent job of bringing this red squirrel closer for us all to see. Red squirrels are the cutest squirrels I've ever personally seen. Only Douglas squirrels rival the cuteness of the red squirrels. Both look like little stuffed animal toys. Do a web search for pictures of each and tell me which one you think is cuter.

I'll bring you some even better pictures tomorrow of another red squirrel I saw only an hour or two before I saw this one. I also have video of this one that's not only cute, but it's also hilarious. You'll really want to see this one!

Over at Nature Center Magazine today is a story by Copas, one of the best writers there. Copas is doing a series of stories that looks at nature in a different state in the United States every week. These are really informative articles, without being too long. They even give you some good links on where to get state information for yourself. This week he will be featuring Alaska, a veritable wonderland of nature! Please take a look.


  1. What a little sweetheart that squirrel is, Ratty. He has an exquisite face. It's hard to think of him as a wild creature!

  2. What a cute little guy he is peeking out at you :o) He certainly does seem to have a suspicious nature - too funny!

  3. You say right in the beginning after that first adorable pic "Look what I found spying on me! It's a little red squirrel, one of the cutest varieties of squirrel that ever existed." and I laughed cause I was just thinking WOW - He is CUTE! ;-)

  4. Those pictures of the red squirrel are adorable..Love how he stuck his head out to have a better look at you!

  5. The closeup presents the red squirrel so well, and this is one of your best one.

    This is how we communicate with all the critters in the jungle.

  6. Those are great photos of the red squirrel. All squirrels are cute to me but I have a beef with the red squirrel. First, they chewed holes and lived in the attic at my old house. I tried everything but think they were still in there when I moved. They had chewed up many of my things. Also they are mean to the grey squirrels. I learned from a nature lover, such as yourself, that red squirrels will run grey squirrels right off the end of a branch until they fall. They are mean. I guess they refuse to share territory.

  7. Nice job Ratty! Red squirrels prefer conifers, were the pine, spruce, or hemlock trees nearby?

  8. I don't think I have ever seen a red squirrel. You are so right, they sure are cute. Those are terrific pictures. Glad you found him.

  9. Oh my that first picture, I think that is just about the cutest little thing.

  10. I agree that they are the most adorable squirrels one can imagine. But oh, they are naughty, naughty, naughty!

  11. He is so cute! Thanks for sharing that closeup shot with us!

  12. Thanks for all of your comments. And for those that aren't here yet too.

    There are plenty of evergreens around there. I noticed chickadees there like them too. The first red squirrel I saw used to like to hide in a small pine tree. I used it as a subject to an old post. I didn't know that they liked these trees though. Thanks.

  13. Humans often say Somali cats like me look like red squirrels. I didn't buy it at first, but it makes more sense now, after seeing how suspicious this little guy was of you - I like to keep my distance from humans too, until I know what they're up to. Maybe we have the same facial expression when we're checking you guys out. Not to mention the fluffy tail we have in common.

  14. Classic pose Ratty! You nailed the red Squirrel right on its door! Awesome!

  15. He peeked out for his closeup Ratty. He is adorable.

  16. Awww! He's so cute!! I miss my red ones around here. I'm so happy you got such great photos Ratty!!

  17. Aww.. this squirrel is just too adorable and cute. I wish I had a stuffed toy just like it. ^__^ You've got great eyes for being able to spot them right away from far. Do keep sharing more pics of them in future too. ^__^
