
Friday, April 9, 2010

My Groundhog Is Back

Bait and switch! Deceit! Trickery! Chicanery! Deception! Bait ...And ...Switch!!! Yup, I don't have the post I promised you yesterday. I've mentioned in the past that you should never trust a man that pretends to be a rat, but did you? Uh, I don't know. But when you go and trust a giant rat, you're bound to get bitten.

Actually, I have a few reasonably good reasons why I'm not delivering another red squirrel to you today. The first one is that my groundhog is back! The second is that I'm not sure YouTube would have the video ready in time. So I'm going to wait until Monday for those things. I'll be doing that post in a way I've never done things before. But for now I have a groundhog to talk about...

You see, there is a groundhog that lives near my house, but way out through the grass and near the forest. I wrote a few stories about it last year, but I just couldn't get any decent pictures of him yet. My camera wasn't quite god enough to zoom in that far. Now that I have better equipment, I think my chances of getting those pictures have improved. There's still one problem though.

The groundhog has to cooperate with me. I had him in my sights yesterday, and I even got the pictures you see here, but he wouldn't stop long enough for me to get the exact pictures I wanted. It's like when a mean little kid turns his head away or makes a face at the camera.

This little critter would move just enough so I couldn't get focused on him at the right time.Or he would turn away right when I was trying to get the picture. Just like the turtles from a few days ago, he seemed to be just fine with having geese around, but not with my presence whatsoever. Why do they like geese more than meeee!!! Oh... yeah... I guess it's the being a human thing. I guess there's no help for that.

This big fat groundhog kept turning and twisting so much that I couldn't quite get it right. He knew I was there and he was becoming more agitated by the second. It didn't take long before he began running for the forest. He quickly disappeared into the trees and was gone. There will be other days and other opportunities.

Okay, I know you all like nature photos. Today over at Nature Center Magazine is the day that we feature a photo as free desktop wallpaper. Today's contributor of wallpaper is Tanya from Allotments 4 you! Some of you may know her from her comments here; some of you are fans of her blog, just like I am. Go take a look at her free wallpaper and tell her how much you like it. Then follow the links to visit Tanya's wonderful blog. Go go go!


  1. It's ok that you pulled the old bait and switch on us. A groundhog makes for a good friday morning read. Maybe you should let him know that you are a rat instead of a human and he will be more tolerant of your camera.

  2. Gosh, Ratty, that groundhog looks like he had plenty to eat during the winter. He must have had provisions plenty stored away. I'm surprised he can run that fast!!!

  3. I'm thinking he should have a "Wide Load" bumper sticker back there - pudgy little fellow, isn't he? As to the bait and switch, I'm going to say that since I completely forgot that you promised us a squirrel until you mentioned it, no worries (I'm practicing my senior moments :o)

  4. That's a big groundhog! It probably don't like the way human smell, but you did get some awesome pictures though Ratty!

  5. He is big - well fed, like the chunky squirrels in my yard. Have a great weekend!

  6. You'll see him soon. The field where he is eating is probably the best vittles around for the time being. Very porky for a spring time woodchuck!

  7. The groundhog has gone back to tell its friend that it has seen a human, that's why it failed to deliver what has been promised.

  8. I love Mr. Woodchuck. Some seem shy, and some will really pose for you. Is he eating all your nice plants?

  9. Mr Groundhog was telling his friend that he met a giant rat with a camera pointing at him...

  10. Beautiful animal! I have never been acquainted with a groundhog before. Sounds like you have a special skill in capturing this groundhog, or perhaps he/she was enjoying your company and being captured. One way or another, beautiful shots.
    Happy weekend.

  11. great story ratty...I have to admit I don't really know a whole lot about groundhogs so I would love it if you tell us a bit more about him in the future....oh and thanks for the reference to my blog!! :-)

  12. That looks like one big fat groundhog! Haven't seen one in awhile, but in the city they're rarer. Last summer I saw two racoons together crossing the street. They were enormous city garbage-fed ones. They were kind of scary in fact because they were so huge.

    Groundhogs are definitely less threatening.

  13. I have never seen a groundhog in the wild before – although I call my husband my sweet groundhog since he was born on 2nd February, which is groundhog day. I also like your picture of the red squirrel peering out of his hole – it is a great little picture.

  14. Ratty, he is huge. I never realized they are so big.

  15. He is one fat groundhog, Ratty! I have never seen one here to capture on camera (YET!) ha

  16. Hi Ratty it feels a bit like Groundhog Day here today-I have never seem one so thanks for the pics.

  17. Gees, he's HUGE! I can't wait to see his face shots.

  18. Hi, glad I stumble upon your site. I finally see what a groundhog looks like! wow, is he big! Well, he looks big in the picture. Have you ever seen the holes he dug? I can't imagine that he would fit anywhere. :-)

  19. What a nice fat woodchuck you have there Ratty! I have yet to see mine but a lady upstairs said she saw one up on top of the hill one day.
