
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Green Comes To The Forest

I've gone back to my everyday hiking trail after almost a week today. After all of the rain we've had, I wanted to see if there were any changes to the forest there. Other places have been beginning to show green colors on almost everything. Would this place that seems to wake up just a little later do the same?

To my surprise, the signs of spring are everywhere. It's been raining and it's been cold. But rain brings life, and that is exactly what it did here. The early colors of spring are everywhere out here. Grass looks to be quite a bit greener than it was before. The vernal ponds are much fuller, which is very good for frogs and toads, and maybe quite a few other kinds of life.

The picture above is a place that I pass by on every trip through here. I take a picture from this same spot almost every time. All of those green plants weren't there only a short week ago. I love seeing this particular spot, but I've never shared it before because a picture never seems to do it justice. Also, I didn't want to bring you the dull brown scenes.

In my eyes, this place looks like a giant natural hallway. It's not a path or a trail of any kind, but the trees line up to the sides of this fantasy hallway like huge pillars. Sometimes the sun is in just the right place to illuminate this magical hall in such a way that I think if I follow it I might find myself in a fantasy world. The picture doesn't show it. I think maybe only I can see it.

Here's more of the green plants that are beginning to grow all over the forest. Soon they will fill this whole area to make the forest a dark but beautiful place. The darkness of the forest brings me comfort, almost like being wrapped in a warm, soft blanket. That wonderful green darkness is finally coming back to me.

I would have brought you pictures of some of the newest animal discoveries I've made in the last week, but this green in the forest is where my mind exists right now. I really didn't know how much I missed it until I saw it today. This is why Spring is my favorite time of year. It brings back the warmth and protection of my forests. The true beauty and peace that I see in nature is coming back.


  1. I can see the hallway in your picture. I bet it is a spectacular sight when the sun is shining down through the leaves. I've noticed a lot of difference in the trees and flowers around here, just over night. It is a wonderful time of year.

  2. Being a California kitty, things are pretty much green all the time (until late summer and fall, when they get kind of brown). Getting to watch all four seasons on your blog is kind of magical!

  3. I have a new discovery: My feeling about Cerok Tokun after raining days should resemble the sign of spring is to you.

    I can see sign of many new lifes after the rains.

  4. Proof that Spring really will come this year!

  5. That's lovely! YAY - green in the forest!

  6. Isn't it wonderful when the burgeoning begins!! :) Our trees are about half way leafed out.

    Looking forward to your future discoveries!

  7. It really is nice to have everything turn green. Almost everything in my yard is beginning to bloom or turn green. It just makes the world so nice to have it all green and pretty. Hope you have a great week end.

  8. How lovely to see the forest returning to life...there is always something wonderful about spring.

  9. Green is the color of life for sure! Pretty sure it will fill out the forest soon!

  10. I love seeing the bright green and the coming back of life to the forest too, absolutely lights up my life!

  11. The woods are SO different when the leaves are off the trees. I am awaiting the leaves, same as you. Our trail club hike today found a lot more life than you might think, though. I'll be showing you later.

  12. Really love the second shot Ratty. What a great contrast of colors.

  13. it reminds me of the drought season we have last months. tree leaves are getting brownish and now since the rain is already back, the greenish colours also come back to the nature. nice post. :-)

  14. It is always so refreshing after a rain. The greenery brings life.

  15. The color of green defines life itself.. and you've captured it so beautifully here. It looks refreshing and lively when bits of luminous green pops out amidst a world of earth tones.
