
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How A Rat Got Close To Turtles

I wrote my turtle posts in backwards order for you so that you wouldn't feel teased by the promise of closeup turtle pictures to come. I'd normally tell you the story first, then I'd give you the cool closeup shots. Since I gave you the closeups yesterday, today I have the super interesting story of how this rat was able to get the pictures.

It all started last fall. I was walking over to the hidden extra part of the pond when I saw some shiny things on a log in the water. I soon realized that they were actually a log full of turtles! The only problem was that the tall cattails were in the way. When I tried to move closer to the turtles and past the cattails, every last turtle crawled into the water! Plop, plop, ploop!!!

I've been determined ever since then to get another chance at those turtles. It took me six months to do it, but this time I used a different strategy when I saw those same turtles through the cattails.

Instead of trying to move in close as I got past those tall plants, I walked as far away from the pond as I could, right up to the edge of the close forest. Most of the turtles still clumsily plopped into the water, but there were enough that stayed behind for me to get my pictures!

I busily began taking as many pictures as I could of these wonderful creatures, knowing that this was very important so I could share this with anyone who was willing to look. "I found turtles!" That was all I kept thinking while I furiously took all those pictures.

But then I noticed something over at a farther corner of the pond.

There was another log, and it was still full of turtles! As soon as I saw those turtles, I remember seeing shiny spots on this log from a distance at other times before. I was just never this close to it. I was now determined to get even closer, and I had never gone any farther around that pond than I was right now.

I looked over and discovered that not only could I get closer, there was a very small deer path going all the way around the pond! I could walk right over there to this second log! Luck was on my side as I made my way there because the turtles never noticed me.

While I walked the path to get closer, a vole ran in front of me and into a hole in the ground. I wasn't fast enough to get a picture. That was okay because I already had my target. But there was something else about this second log that I haven't mentioned yet...

Turtles weren't the only occupants of the log. Two Canada geese were resting on the log, side by side with the turtles! This was an interesting development. The turtles didn't like me very much, but they liked the geese just fine. And I was able to stay far enough away from this log so I didn't upset them. In fact, it was the geese that finally moved away from me first.

After getting all of the pictures I wanted, and more, I finally walked all the way around the pond, and back to the other side. Other adventures were awaiting this everyday adventurer that claims to be a fake rat. That concludes my great turtle adventure. I just broadened my horizons by finding all of these turtles, and I went a little further in my knowledge that it isn't turtles all the way down. Just for fun, look that term up.

Over at Nature Center Magazine today we have a new contributor! Sharkbytes is a well known favorite of many of you here. Go take a look at her informative and entertaining article on learning about ferns! She did an excellent job. After reading her article, follow the links back to her blogs to tell her how much you enjoyed it!


  1. Wow..that's lots of turtles! I could imagine my son reaction if he sees all those turtles..and the last picture with the geese gives me a feeling of peace..

  2. Ahh, so stealth! Using deer paths is wise, not only are they secluded, and hide your presence, but wildlife is used to seeing activity on them.

    Very nice.

  3. Great catch with the geese and turtles. Looks like the pond could use another log or two to ease the overcrowding :)

  4. Well done Ratty! It is very difficult to get anywhere close to turtles.

  5. Luckily you have made it this time, otherwise we have to wait for another six months.

  6. That is a LOT of turtles! For creatures so well protected, they sure are a jumpy lot. Thanks for the intro. I hope to be a regular contributor at NCM.

  7. Glad you could get so close to the turtles. That is so great that they all sit on the log together. Great pictures and love the addition of the Canadian Geese. Have a great day.

  8. loved the story..and although yesterday pictures were great they didn't hold the excitement of what was to come like these picture did!!

  9. Quite a few years ago, I vacationed in Turks and Caicos. I snorkeled twice a day, everyday. We were always warned not to try to get too close to the turtles, as they scare easily and can actually be scared to death. One day as I was snorkeling around taking pictures with my underwater camera, I saw a turtle heading straight for me. I froze, not wanting to move and scare it. It swam right up to me! After a few minutes of investigation, it swam away calmly. I felt like the turtle had approved my presence in his world. It was an awesome feeling!

  10. Awesome!! I love turtles and you really got to see lots of them!!

  11. I love turtles! I like how they all stack up on one another to get closer to the sun. :) Wish I could have a turtle in the pond, but I'd have to over-winter him in the house--I don't like that part. And I'm sure he wouldn't either.

  12. Great shots Ratty. Turtles always remind me of living sculptures. They place themselves in such interesting poses. Very artistic.

  13. Great story Ratty. There's something special about turtles on a log isn't there? I always have get my camera out when I see turtles on a log, I have lots of pictures, all looking pretty much the same but I always want to take another one. And I've had lots of ploppings too, with no pictures. It's amazing how far those little devils can see. The fun thing is I've seen turtles basking on logs in just about every part of the country.Keep sharing your fun adventures.

  14. You are really turning into a virtuoso animal stalker, Ratty!! I just love these critter tales (tails!?) and I'm so jealous about the turtles I wonder where in the world I can find some in my county!!?

  15. You should try Geese costume next time Ratty. Friendlier :D

  16. That showed a lot of stealth for a human (even one who pretends to be a rat). Even a cat could take lessons from you - and you got some great turtle and geese photos for your efforts!

  17. How wonderful Ratty!!! I love it when I can get two species of animals in one photo!
    Those dang turtles spook really easy and do plop into the water to get you did an excellent job sneaking up on them!

  18. Very cool to get all of them in the shot :)

  19. So this was their exact size. I've never seen this many turtles in one pond, not even on TV. This is a lucky discovery. And it's also such a beautiful sight.. to see the geese and the turtles basking on the same log, harmoniously. ^__^
