
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Turtles Turtles Turtles!

This is exactly what the title says. Turtles Turtles Turtles! These turtles, which are known as painted turtles, are one of the amazing sights I saw on the same day I also saw a huge tree fall in the forest. Today I'll bring you a few of my favorite closeup pictures of these turtles. Tomorrow I'll bring you the story of how I came to find these turtles, along with more pictures.

I wanted to do this in just one day, but there is just so much! I'd like to be able to show you all of my turtle pictures, but there are way too many. I have well over two hundred pictures of these turtles! Most of them are good ones. I didn't get any duds this time.

Let me tell you something. Turtles have always been a favorite type of creature for me. It's something about those shells that makes them special. There's a certain fascination that I've always shared with most little kids about turtles. I used to catch them to keep them as pets when I was a kid. What other reptile is as popular as a turtle?

Painted turtles are known for their greenish shells, the dark and light green stripes on their heads, and those red streaks at the bottom edge of their shells and around their necks. And as you can see on some of these, the underside is yellow. There are variations in painted turtles, but that describes these.

They can live for thirty years in the wild. The size of these turtles is roughly the same size as the hand of an adult human. They of course vary somewhat from child sized hands for younger turtles, to the same size as a very large adult hand for some of the grown turtles. Painted turtles are omnivorous, so they eat plants and animals. There's much more information on painted turtles all over the web.

These pictures are a small sample of the turtles I saw that day. I'll be able to show you much more tomorrow. It really was so much fun finding these creatures. I wasn't sure I'd ever see turtles on my travels. I'm always amazed at finding something new like this, especially since I don't usually go very far from home to do it.

Turtles all the way down!

There's not a whole lot else I can say in this small introduction to painted turtles. Most of my posts are only meant to inspire you to want to look further for knowledge about the chosen subject. It's a way of pointing you in the right direction, or showing you the correct path to travel on your everyday adventure.

Be sure to check out Nature Center Magazine. There are several new contributors since I wrote my introduction for the site.  Today's new article is a new Nature Site Of The Week that looks at a place called Zoo Kawaii. You won't want to miss this look at some of the best of nature on the internet.


  1. Oh how cool. I remember having a little turtle when I was a kid. Of course it was one that my mother bought at a pet store and sadly it didn't live very long. I can't wait to see more of your pictures.

  2. They have a reddish colour. Quite beautiful!

  3. Wow, what a bonanza of turtles. I can't believe there are so many. They must be enjoying the warm sunshine and are showing off for you, Ratty.

  4. They are coming out of the water to soak in some sun, just like us..Wonderful to see them, Ratty!

  5. I like turtles too and find it pretty amazing that there are so many different kinds! What a great find you have here but 200 pictures? That is a LOT!!! I love watching the big tortoises at the Cleveland zoo.

  6. I have never seen this turtle before...he has a beautiful shell. I envy you that you can see these animals in their natural habitat but thank you for sharing it with me.

  7. I just love turtles! Great shots.

  8. Very, very nice post Ratty. You must love turtles if you took 200 photos.

  9. Really nice pics- it's great when the animals and the lighting all cooperate! Turtles are always a hit- they are such unlikely animals... like... who put this together?

  10. Your turtles swim, my turtle goes hiking.

    I wonder turtles do live in a mountain, but I saw one.

  11. That's the most colorful turtles I ever saw!!! So fun!! :D
    For a moment I thought that old wooden log was a crocodile :P

  12. Very interesting and I'll wait for your great article update, love so much this post.. :D

  13. this post very interesting, I really like it, and I'll subscribe and bookmark this and wait for your update, thanks so much :D

  14. I really like seeing those pictures of the turtles. I have never seen that many turtles all together except from far a way.Maybe they are all a family. Can't wait to see the next pictures. Have a great day.

  15. Is that their natural colors? Beautiful!!

  16. What a treat!! I never noticed how colorful those little guys are and with the lighting as you have it, they are just beautiful!! What a wonderful find you have there, Ratty!

  17. i like turtles....but i'm not close to the sea or any water body here so we get to see them only in aquariums.....would love to have one as a pet....but pet is a lot of responsibilities....

  18. Great shots of the turtles Ratty, it must be warming up over your way for them to be out like that. I love watching the turtles and have been seeing them here too.

  19. What cool turtles! I wish my human would bring some home for me. It would make a nice change from looking out the window.

  20. Ratty what unusual pictures. I have never seen fresh water wild turtles(I assume they are such). Its difficult to judge their size. Can you give us some idea please? In the meantime I will try Google as you suggest.

  21. These are great pictures! I would have been so chuffed to see these whilst out and about. I looked at them and thought- those are terrapins, not turtles! Then I went to Wikipedia and found this comment: "British English normally describes these reptiles as turtles if they live in the sea; terrapins if they live in fresh or brackish water; or tortoises if they live on land."
    As opposed to American English where they are all mostly called turtles for freshwater and some land types.
    I knew that you weren't wrong Ratty, in your title, but I love finding these subtle differences between your side of the world and mine. And in the nature itself. Excellent post!
    Sorry I haven't stopped by in a while- been awfully busy :/

  22. Gorgeous turtles!! I love the turtles too. They are a great treat to see today. Thanks!

  23. Wow.. this is my first time seeing that many colors in a turtle. They simply live up to their names.

  24. Ratty, they are so cool to see up close like this. The colors are amazing and to see so many in one spot, how exciting that must have been for you.
