
Monday, April 5, 2010

Overwhelmed By Nature

I must admit that I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. But that's a very good thing for me! So many things have happened over the past week. I successfully launched my new website, Nature Center Magazine. The animals have decided to all come out to enjoy the spring weather, and I have the pictures!

This singing robin might seem like only a small thing, but it looks so beautiful to me that I had to show it to you before it became lost in the shuffle. The bird actually surprised me when I saw it, but it appeared to be looking right at me and singing its special song just for me.

I saw the robin as I was walking down the path towards the lake. I stopped to take a few pictures while it stood there on a little hill proudly displaying its singing skills for me. When I thought maybe I had as many pictures as I could get before the moment was lost, I resumed my walk to the lake.

I realized my mistake after taking only two steps. I could have gotten video of this wonderful event!!! Even so, I kept walking because I was now in the wrong position with the sunshine for good video, and I feared if I went back that the robin would fly away. I just didn't want to ruin this beautiful moment I had with the robin so I kept walking towards the lake.

But don't worry. In the next several days I have sights and sounds for you that have never been seen before on this blog. It's been a wonderful week for me that I hope to pass on to you in the next several days. The overwhelmed feeling I have is because I have so much to show you with more coming every day!


  1. Gorgeous picture of the robin! It's an overwhelming sensation to see nature in its full life..

  2. I was overwhelmed by Nature last Saturday as well. I got a different perspective just becasue I viewed the Nature at a diferent angle.

    Just keep moving and the world appears to be so different.

  3. Great shot of the Robin. It sounds like things are going well, even if it leaves you overwhelmed.

  4. There is no doubt that the spring time song of the robin is amongst the most spectacular of all vernal events.


  5. Great shot Ratty! By the way, I'm heading over to the new nature site. Congrats to you for being able to juggle such great sites.

  6. great shot of the robin. can't wait to see what else you've got for us

  7. your American Robin is a really spectacular sight...I love our english Robin but it isn't as vibrant as yours.

  8. Great shot of the robin Ratty, there song is a true sign of spring. Sorry to hear you are feeling overwhelmed but there is always so much to see and do in the spring it is understandable.

  9. The robin is glorious! It's so cool to see all the animals out playing.

  10. What a beautiful photo of that Robin!! Can't wait to see what you've seen Ratty!!

  11. Ratty great shot of the Robin.

  12. Great Robin shot! Looking forward for more goodness! :)

  13. Sounds to me like you are overwhelmed in a GOOD way! And that's not a bad thing.

  14. That robin is certain an ad for brilliant color! How lucky you are, Ratty, to catch shots like this. It must really make you day because it certainly has made mine.
