
Sunday, April 4, 2010

My Own Personal Easter Bunny

Yup, I have my own personal Easter Bunny! I've shown you this little rabbit before. It was sitting in this exact same spot. It seems that this is her favorite spot to sit every evening just before the sun sets. And yes, I said "her" favorite spot.

I'm suspecting that this little bunny is a girl, or more so a little mother rabbit. She's sitting next to a place in that wall behind her where she has a hole she sneaks into. That hole is the front door to her nest where I believe there are little baby rabbits hiding inside. I've been wondering if I'll be lucky enough to see them one of these days.

She has actually been living here since last winter and maybe even longer. I kept seeing her tracks in the snow all over my yard. They would be everywhere from the back to the front, and even all around my truck. Maybe she would sometimes go under there to get warm.

I think she's furry enough that she didn't need that warm place, but it was probably a nice luxury sometimes, plus it made a good place to hide when she was out. Her hole is probably just as warm for her in the winter. She's obviously a fat healthy little thing. She doesn't need it, but I've tossed food to her a few times.

I hadn't seen her in a few days, but I still planned on writing my post today about her. Even so, she came out a few hours before I wrote this post just to remind me that she was still there, and maybe so I would remember to show you all my latest pictures of her. She also brought me a present!

Here they are! And I bet you all thought there was no real Easter Bunny! There really is an Easter Bunny, and she lives in my yard! Again, yup, I said she! I'm telling you the Easter Bunny is really a girl! Think about it. Santa Claus is a man, so the girl Easter Bunny should get an equal opportunity. I like the name Peter Cottontail, but maybe Betty Bunny is just as fun.

And I'll tell you what else. My girl Easter Bunny gives bigger eggs. Those are goose eggs in that picture. That other guy only gives those little chicken eggs. Hooray for Betty Bunny, and Happy Easter!


  1. Aw, she is so cute. I do hope you will get to see the babies when they are old enough, that would be exciting. Hooray for Betty Bunny!

    Happy Easter Ratty.

  2. Betty Bunny is a cute little one, and I hope to see her babies some times. Happy Easter Ratty!

  3. I just knew there was a real easter bunny! You probably won't see her around today given she must be incredibly busy!

    Happy Easter to all.


  4. Lucky you having the Easter Bunny for a "housemate"! Happy Easter Ratty.

  5. Betty Bunny is a Beauty and I bet her babies are too. Those are some eggs she left you. I also got a big fat goose egg for Easter but only one :)

  6. Your girl Easter Bunny returns after a year of absence. I love to see her colourful eggs.

  7. wishing you a happy easter as well!


  8. Well that is very exciting. I still say you should put a little dish of food out there for her. They make rabbit pellets. But don't leave it out there all the time because then you will attract other animals. Can't wait to see the babies.
    Happy Easter to you and the Bunny.

  9. Happy Easter Ratty! I really loved your post today. Very cute. What a sweet neighbor. We just have raccoons and possoms and stray cats. A nice sweet rabbit would fit in lovely.

  10. Cheers to Betty Bunny and her easter eggs! :)

  11. Oooh an Easter bunny! You're so lucky. I have Easter squirrels. Three that like to sit under the bird feeder and eat whatever falls. They are cute too.

    And goose eggs - so will we soon be getting photos and stories of a goose families babies?? I hope soo. I hope that wasn't a teaser. :-)

    Happy Easter!

  12. some fantastic shots Ratty...I really need to get back over the fields to find my Bunnies then I can share my photos too. :-)

  13. Great catch of that elusive holiday rabbit. I have a picture of a baby jackelope. I may share it some time.

  14. Awww, that's adorable!! I do believe, I do believe, I do believe...except for one thing...she forgot the chocolate!
    Happy Easter, Ratty

  15. She's a beautiful bunny Ratty. Ha! Ha! You are too funny. Happy Easter.

  16. Boy, you must have had an interesting childhood...hahaaaa
    I love the bunny and the huge goose eggs! ha Happy Easter Ratty!

  17. You've been busy. Hey, you were a top commenter at Congrats! and you won the monthly contest, too!

  18. lol Betty Bunny is such a cute name. Anyway hope it's not too late to wish you and your family a Very Happy Easter!

    The bunny looks so chubby, furry, cuddly and cute. It must be really nice to have a lil neighbor like that around. ^__^

  19. You get GOOSE eggs AND possibly a chance to see baby bunnies? Betty Bunny definitely blows doors on Peter Cottontail - and Santa Claus too!

  20. She is a sweetheart. I hope you had a wonderful Easter, Ratty.

  21. Ah, that's funny, Vanilla! She is awfully cute and I hope there are baby bunnies to photograph! All that fluff---awwwww.

  22. She is one beautiful rabbit! She looks really contented sat there. Hope you had a good Easter!
