
Sunday, February 7, 2010

I Thawed The Lake

I got an idea after reading your comments from yesterday's post. A few of you were wondering what Kent Lake looks like in warmer weather. Well, I remembered that I had a bit of magic in my archives that would fit the bill just fine. I dug it out of there and thawed out the lake just for you!

Blue water and blue skies. I brought it all back so you can see exactly what it looks like. This lake is a pretty good place for just about anything you might want to do. I told you about the beach yesterday where you can go swimming. One of the other most popular things on this lake is boating.

Boating is what I was doing here a few years ago. I can tell you that it's not my most enjoyable thing to do. It wouldn't be so bad, but I don't swim very well at all. This is the reason I don't want to walk out on thin ice. I'd be completely doomed if I fell through. You can read my strange account of being out on this lake in a small rowboat right here.

Just so you can see the contrast between the two weather conditions, here is one of my pictures from yesterday. If you look at them both closely you can see that it is indeed the same place. Put a little bit of color in this scene and it looks like a whole new place, doesn't it?

This last picture is from one of the many islands out in the middle of the lake. If you read the series of stories I linked to, you'll know why I was very relieved to be on this island. Maybe not. Like I said before, those were some pretty strange posts. I think my inexperience as a blog writer gave me a better sense of humor back then. I could write some very odd stuff.

Anyway, I just thought I'd bring up some rarely viewed pictures from back during the dawn of time here at The Everyday Adventurer. This ought to give you a good idea why I wanted to take another look at this lake. It really is a very beautiful place when it's warm out. I also seemed to be very skilled at avoiding the other thousand boats with my camera back then. Ahh, the good old days...


  1. Maybe you should walk on the water.. or ice by faith Ratty. Miracles do happened. Have a greak weekend! :)

  2. Thanks for the contrasting pictures.

    As I live in the UK it's difficult for me to imagine such widespread ice.

  3. What a difference a season can make. Thanks for posting the comparison.

  4. It's great to see the lake with clear blue water at this time of the year..Great pictures, Ratty!

  5. Wow, that's a biiiig lake :o) Looks pretty darn awesome either way you season it *grin*

  6. Ratty,THANKS for reminding us that winter will end and whats ahead!!!WARM weather,blue skys n water,green trees! No COLD,ice n snow,gray n brown everywhere!!Hope SPRINGS eternal!!

  7. Clear water, blue sky, warm weather....what a nice place.

    But the magic is belonged to Mother Nature, thus we have a same place with different looks at different time.

  8. Oh, wonderful blue! I know Kensington Metropark. Been there several times.

  9. Oh that is so nice to see the lake in warm weather. Lots of blue skies and blue water. It sure looks pretty. Glad you did this.

  10. isn't it amazing how different the weather can make a place appear..the winter picture shows desolation and loss where as the summer picture conjures warmth and wonder we all fell a little down in the winter!!

  11. It is very beautiful,Ratty. Could it be that you are getting a little tired of winter now and ready for the spring thaw. At least you've got the photos to remember what the season was like!!

  12. I've been thinking Maybe the thing to do is post summer pictures in the winter and winter pictures in the summer LOL

  13. Oh wow, who would think it's the same lake. Good documentation, Ratty! :)

  14. I love looking at the same exact spots in different seasons and seeing how very, very different it looks...that is the miracle of nature.

  15. What a contrast between winter and summer shots! Here in southern California we just go from brown to green and back again.

  16. Thanks to you all for your comments. This was a fun look back for me.

  17. Smashing photos. I just love photographs of water. That lake looks fabulous.

  18. That is a great post with lovely pictures. The lake looks so ominous in the winter! I have the same thing as you with the water issue... I have a little dinghy that we go out on in the lake in france, and once here at home in Southampton water(not a great experience!). My boyfriend Brian adores it, but i just cling on for dear life!

  19. Ah, the magic of photography! I love seeing the differences in the seasons, that is a beautiful lake in both seasons. But I have to admit the blue skies are my favorite.
