
Monday, February 8, 2010

The Entrance To Another World

Today I have another place that I haven't visited in a very long time. It's my bridge to another world. I think the last time I featured this place was last winter. I promised to show everyone the warmer weather view of this bridge later in the year, but I don't remember if I ever got back there.

I'll try to remember to do it this year, because what awaits us on the other side of this bridge truly is another world. On this side of the bridge is a well-traveled nature trail where so many people like to go. On the other side is a very small backwoods path that leads to a hidden river. I'll be showing you that in the near future, but today is all about the bridge.

This really is a fun bridge because as soon as I get there I feel as if I already am all alone. I can look out through the trees at a seemingly endless wilderness. I've never met another living soul on this bridge. There are very few people that take the small path on the other side either.

This is one of the few places where you can feel all alone and isolated here even in the middle of winter when nothing is hidden. I guess I forget that because this nature park is always so crowded with other people. Usually when I go out, it's to get away from civilization, and that means other humans as well. Sometimes I like company though, but this is the bridge to my special alone place.

Almost at the end of the bridge you can see how dense the forest is. In the winter it is one of the few places where you can't see very far through the trees. In the summer when the leaves are full and green this path is as dark as night. It really does feel like entering another world.

I've oddly never seen even a hint of animal life near the bridge, but on the other side I've seen some remarkable things. I saw some of my first up close deers drinking from the river that one of the branches of this path leads to. It can be almost unsettling even for me when I get to that place, because it feels so much more isolated than any other place. That makes this bridge really an entrance to another world.


  1. Looks like a good place to get away from city life! It's a path to another world, indeed.

  2. I'd like to hear more about the "nowhere". Is it a place where you can get lost in your own mind, or perhaps a place that fells untouched by human intervention? An intriguing thought.

  3. I love those special places where you can almost count on seeing no one else! Probably harder to find where you live, with a higher population.

  4. Oh I love your bridge...maybe it leads to Terabithia??? I suppose in all honestly it could lead to a million different places for each and everyone of's the opening to a whole new world...magical!!!

  5. I love the sound of the lonely forest with a hidden river. It seems like the kind of wild place I'd love to explore.

  6. That is a terrific bridge and I like the idea of a hidden river. There should be all kinds of animal life in there because it is so hidden. But the bridge is really neat looking. It certainly does call you to walk over it and see what is on the other side.

  7. The bridge looks very inviting. I can hear it calling "follow me"

  8. How exciting, a secret garden type bridge!

  9. A bridge can bring us to a different place or the unexpected will be there waiting for us, after the turn.

  10. Everybody needs a corner of isolation to retreat to...I am glad you found your own place to do this.
    In the U.P. there are many places that don't even have man-made bridges to do we are blessed in that regard.

  11. I love your little wooden bridge. You have some great spots to go to Ratty!!

  12. Don't forget to bring cookies Ratty. Looking forward to see what you'll find there :)

  13. Very intriguing Ratty, I look forward to seeing what lies beyond the bridge. I have never been able to resist out of the way places and hidden trails, that's where the real treasures can be found.

  14. I think it is beautiful out here, Ratty, but I don't know that I would like to be totally alone. I guess it just comes from all my years of working in the forensic field. Even in a pristine and lovely place like this, I imagine there could still be predators. Sad, isn't it. I guess I'd like to have another human around, just in case something went wrong or if I had an accident or became ill or whatever.
