
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Other World

I crossed the bridge I told you about yesterday, and I was greeted with this other world. There is much more snow in this other world. Most of the snow on my normal trails has melted for now, but these trails still have plenty. This is also in a very dense forest where most people avoid.

This path is very narrow, but I don't think I really captured that very well in the picture. It stays this narrow the whole way. The path stretches on for a very long way. There are many twists and turns, and many diversions along the way. There is one diversion that I just couldn't resist.

You see that sign above? How could I resist a detriment like that. I just had to follow the trail that the sign warns me about. The trail it is trying to scare me away from is a well traveled deer trail. I know because I've seen many deer using it in the past. Unfortunately they weren't using it this day, but I was going to.

I've traveled this trail many times before, and I will again. If you do a little searching on this blog you might be able to find what's at the end of this deer trail. I'm not going to tell you today though because I'll be saving that secret for tomorrow. You'll find out then why I'm waiting. I would have shown it to you today, but YouTube is down for maintenance while I'm writing this.

This is a better look at this deer trail. I really do follow it, but I'm actually not so sure I follow it til the end. I only go part way until I reach my personal destination. The trail veers off to the sides then and continues on out of sight. I'm only interested in one thing. But this is only a diversion today, because I have a bigger destination.

So instead of showing you this, I'll just turn around and head back to the main trail in this other world. It's still very small, but right now I'm headed to what I really came here for. So I had to turn around and go looking for a place where no one else goes. My hidden place. The main section of this other world. I'll be waiting there for you tomorrow.

(Sorry if this post seems like a bit of a teaser. I actually intended to have more for you in this one, but I had very little time today and I was up late trying to write my post, which coincided with a few difficulties. When I attempted to show you what comes next, I got an error because YouTube wasn't cooperating just yet. I waited as long as I could, but I had to get up early. So that part will have to wait until tomorrow. This way I'll be able to show you a little more in these combined two days. So it works out better for us all.)


  1. That is a great looking trail. I am really surprised that you didn't see any deer but there probably isn't much there for them to eat so they are all off trying to find food. Do be careful during the mating season. Some deer can become aggressive. Great pictures.

  2. Technology is good, but sometimes it refuses to cooperate when we need it the most. This is also my experience with my notebook recently.

    The best is to go back to the nature. It is much simpler.

  3. You can tease... I like anticipation. Love that sign! Your narrow path looks quite wide to me, but I'm not so used to park trails.

  4. See now, this sign makes me want to explore. You have to take chances like this. You might surprise yourself and find something amazing.

  5. But of course you would have to go down a trail that has a big warning sign on it. I say that sign is a bit of a tease.

  6. The sign says it's not a recognized trail, but you seem to know it well.

  7. Don't worry Ratty, you'll get more snow today! The children already bet each other that there will be no school tomorrow..

    If I see that sign, I probably go the other way..

  8. of course you had to take the path less traveled...hehehe. i think i know what is your destination on this path, but i will wait and find out if i'm right.


  9. Beware Ratty, you saw the warning..... :P

  10. YES! I too was thinking of the path less traveled... of course that's always the best one. I'm very curious to know what you found.

    BTW, did you see my hawk post? The url is in my comment sig today.

  11. I agree, the sign is alluring and basically shows it's welcome mat.
