
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Frozen Kent Lake

Today I want to show you pictures of my liberation. What? They only look like a desolate wasteland? Well, they're actually pictures of frozen Kent Lake in Kensington Metropark. The park is huge and so is the lake. I went there as soon as I had some extra time back because it's the biggest nature place I know that is somewhat close to me.

Honestly, I didn't do much except drive around there, but it was enough. I stopped several times to get out and take some pictures, like these of the lake. I could have gone through the nature trails they have there, but I really didn't have that much time or inclination that day. I just wanted to see it all.

I think the drive was enough for me that day. It was refreshing just to get out and see it all. This lake may look lonely and desolate, but I liked being alone out there. When the warmer weather comes back, this place will become absolutely full of people, on land and on the water.

Look into the distance on the right side of the picture. That is where the beach is. The structure there is a really huge water slide. From the water that place looks like a sea of people in the summer.

As I look at these pictures, I wonder if some of those white spots are air pockets in the ice or just places where snow collected. I would know if I could remember looking closely at them when I was there. I was too busy just enjoying the whole scene.

I think that's it from me for today. This post seemed short to me, but what am I really going to write about ice as far as the eye can see? It's just fun to look at. I guess that's all there is to say.


  1. What a fantastic view, ice in every direction. I be tempted to poke it with a stick to see how strong it is!

    I think I've missed my chance to get any more pictures of the ice and snow this year :-(

  2. You're right, the lake looks very desolate..Maybe if it was colder, you would see more people out there enjoying nature.

  3. I agree! I love "bad" weather because that means I get the trails ll to myself (well, and the dogs). Winter solitude is easy to find but, in summer, you really have to wait for rain.

  4. Sometimes just driving around and looking at lots of things is really good for me too! Marie and I especially like to do it after a long day of hiking :-)

  5. Those are great shots of the frozen lake. I think those patches are snow that piled up a little bit. Wonder of that lake ever really freezes over so you could ice skate on it. Then there would be people out there.

  6. I like the shots. It would be interesting to see a side by side comparison of the same spot in the summer

  7. sometimes even without hiking, just a drive and taking in the scenery already helps a lot in taking away stress and lifting our happy spirits high. love your shots, so quiet and peaceful

  8. That looks like a waterslide in the distance. It's probably a snow slide now. It probably looks so different different in the summer with blue skies and blue water.

  9. I wonder how I shall feel out in this big space. It is far too big for me, I used to squeeze myself on the narrow trail inside the jungle.

  10. Ratty thanks for posting a photographic reminder of why I choose to live in the Tropics. :-)

  11. Love your photos of the lake covered with ice, it does have a very desolate feel to it. I love to walk on beaches this time of the year, it is usually very quiet in comparison to summer.

  12. Hi Ratty- I have just bestowed an award on you at Stop by and pick it up! I know you aren't so crazy about having to deal with these, but you deserve this one.

  13. "The Everyday Adventurer" has been included in this weeks A Sunday Drive. I hope this helps to attract even more new visitors here.
