
Friday, February 5, 2010

A Hole In The Ice

Hmm. What is it we have here? I see a scene from a pretty good sized lake, but small by Michigan standards. The lake is frozen over, which would be obvious for this time of year where I live. The ice doesn't seem to be very thick though. What are those two objects towards the center of the picture?

Those two objects are a couple of bales of hay. I thought about dragging it along a bit, but I don't feel like doing that to you today. So I'll just tell you what else is there too. In between the bales is a big hole in the ice. It appears that somebody was out there ice fishing.

This theory of mine may be wrong though, because I was always under the impression that the hole for ice fishing was much smaller than that, maybe only as big as a foot in diameter. I've never been ice fishing, so I could be very wrong about this.  But that hole looks much too big, and much too dangerous to me.

I want to say first that ice fishing really sounds fascinating to me. The only problem is that there is no way I'm going to walk out on that ice. I'm sure some of you remember me saying this stuff last year, but I don't trust the ice over that much water.

I personally have no way of knowing if the ice is thick and strong enough to hold me up. I'm sure some people have a pretty good idea of what to expect, but someone like me doesn't belong on that ice. What do you think? Would you go ice fishing? Have you ever been ice fishing? And lastly, does the ice in this picture look safe enough to walk out onto?

Okay, that's enough out of me for now. I'll be back later to read your blogs.


  1. It looks like someone got carried away while cutting the hole for ice fishing. Maybe they were hoping for a really big fish.

  2. I'm from Belgium, but I work in the Netherland. And although those Dutchman aren't into ice fishing, they do like ice skating. (It seems that the only thing they find interesting during cold winter spells is "when is the ice thick enough to go skating on natural ice?")
    Therefore, on rivers and lakes, the thickness of the ice is controlled on a daily base, by drilling a hole in the ice and thus measuring it. And those bales of hay? That looks like a means of indicating open water... Like it is done on some lakes and canals in Holland: "No skating here.... danger!"

  3. As a persistent Ice Fishermen I can lend a hand on this topic. As you know the holes through which one fishes is bored by an auger, usually 6"-10" in diameter. What we may have here is what is known as a "live-well". The ice fisherman chips a bath tup shaped impression in the ice and then cuts a small hole in the bottom to let water leak in. This depression is then filled with freshly caught fish. At the end of the day you gather the fish up and head for home. Many think it keeps the fish fresher, especially if you are going to be out there for 12 hours. This is not a technique I normally use, but have on occasion.

    So far I have only missed one week-end of ice fishing this year. I love the coldness of it all.

  4. Maybe some kids with a hatchet instead of an auger. Hard to judge the ice from the picture.

  5. I used to live in Houghton Lake and loved tip-up town! It was such a riot! I have ice fished without a shanty and it's too cold for me. I like to walk on ice to get to islands that I am unable to get to in the summer. I don't have a problem walking on ice at all and have driven on it in cars several times. Hopefully, the hole you have photographed wasn't caused from a snowmobile falling through.

  6. That doesn't look like a typical ice fishing hole to me. Although I've never seen many of them to be sure of this, but it doesn't look quite right. I would probably be too chicken to go out there.

  7. I think I'd stay safely on dry land! I don't know much about ice so I'm wary of it.

  8. I have learned more from the comments, but thanks for your question.

    I do not have ice at my place, but the ice in my fridge is not so "healthy" as well. Drinking ice water is not good to our health. Hahaha...

  9. That doesn't look safe to me Ratty. I'd never walk out on any huge body of water, no matter how thick they say the ice is..LOL Just too scary for me. I once fell through ice on a little creek. Maybe that is why it scares me.

  10. Usually I would jump on the ice to see whether is thick enough :D
