
Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Hawk Came To Me!

I could not have been more amazed by what happened to me! After seeing the hawk that I told you about yesterday, I walked up the hill that leads to the parking lot of the nature park. Five minutes later it was the end of my hike for the day, and I thought I was done seeing anything other than the cars of other nature lovers.

I don't know why I looked up to the sky, but when I did, there was the hawk almost right above me! I was standing out in the open on the other side of the small dirt road from the parking lot. I couldn't believe that the hawk was so close to me! It just had to be the same one! I felt so lucky to see this, but I wasn't prepared for what happened next.

As I was watching the hawk, it also began watching me! It began to circle over me several times, over and over again! As it circled, it flew a little bit lower. It really wanted to get a good look at me for some reason. I stood there wondering why it was so interested in me, but maybe it just wanted me to get these pictures of it.

And I have so many pictures of this one hawk that there is no possible way that I could ever show them all to you. I picked these three at random to show you. I could have picked any others for you, they are all at least this good. They're not the best ever, but for me and my camera they are pretty good. I'm glad he gave me this wonderful gift.

After geting my fill of pictures, the hawk finally decided that it was enough. It flew off to the east and then flew back north where I originally saw it go. I saw it fly away looking smaller and smaller until it disappeared altogether. This was another very memorable animal sighting for me. I'll never forget the great gift this hawk gave to me.

I told you yesterday that when the hawk flew away the first time I tried to will it back to me with the power of my thoughts. I remember thinking at the time that we humans just don't have that power quite yet. But then why did the hawk come back? And why did it come specifically to me? Did it somehow hear my thoughts? Do I have the power? Or does the power lie in the mind of the hawk?

I don't know why this happened, but I felt a special communication with the hawk that day. Tell me what you think.


  1. The hawk can read your mind, and it is fascinating. Then the other animals read your mind too, and they will come toward you.

    And you will walk with many animals following you.

    It is even more fascinating.

  2. Ratty, you really do have some kind of bond with animals. You care about them and are an all around creature whisperer, I guess! That's about all I can figure. It's nice that you got so many pictures.

  3. You captured the flying hawk so beautifully! It must be exciting to see the hawk like that.

  4. checking in with my blogging buddies and i find that you have had another great experience. the power of thought is huge ratty and i believe that you have had a taste of that.


  5. You are connected to all that is around you my friend. This "exchange" that you had with this red tailed hawk cannot be overlooked. Thanks for sharing this experience. I can sense your excitement through your writing.

  6. We will have to start calling you St. Francis!

  7. or did you have a mouse in your pocket?

  8. This is great! You do have a connection with animals. I think they've come to expect you to be there and, in a way, have accepted you into their woodland realm. What a neat experience!

    Happy Thursday,

  9. You do have a connection with the animals, Ratty! They are drawn to you. Amazing!

  10. That is a wonderful experience Ratty!! I'm so glad he came back. And I really do believe that animals can sense or read your thoughts. We humans have become so bogged down with human things and material things in this world that we have lost that power. Most of us anyway. The ones that live out with nature, with no electronic stuff I do believe have that power. I hope he comes back again when you are out there and sits close by so you can really observe him. A couple years ago I got to watch some hawks up close. It was awesome. They are in the air around here all summer and I've seen them teaching their young to hunt and fly. It's not fun to watch the crows dive bombing them though..LOL But that is nature.

  11. Maybe you are the hawk whisperer ;-) In any event, those photos were sure nice to see. We get all kinds of hawks around my house all the time, but I never seem to have my camera ready. Darn.

  12. Perhaps the hawk sensed that you are one with the earth. Therefor the power of the hawks mind read the power in yours and there was a connection even if only for a moment.

  13. Most likely you were wearing something on your head that the hawk took for prey. Or, it was hoping your walking would scare up a field mouse or vole.

  14. I am so glad the hawk came back to see you. And I betcha he did come back to see what and who you were. It is very exciting that you got such good pictures of him.Good post.

  15. hello..

    been out for a long while and when i finally got the time to visit your blog, i realise i missed a LOT. i'm glad though that I chanced on your latest post which is interesting, very interesting in fact that it reminded of an almost similar incident that happened to me several years ago only it was with a much smaller winged creature...a hummingbird...oh..I can just imagine your excitement! A HAWK!

  16. Wow! Amazing!

    I saw a hawk only once before. That was ages ago when I was still working in some remote province. The experience was exhilarating. Sadly, you can't see these birds as often as you wanted to once you start working and adjusting to city life.

    Seek No More

  17. You're like the animal whisperer. They all flock to you like Snow White.

  18. You are a bird whisperer! That is wonderful, Ratty!

  19. Ratty perhaps he fancied rat for dinner-sorry couldn't help myself:-)

  20. i think it is because he knew you were "Rat"-ty :)

  21. I agree with Dutchman - he either thought you were prey, or was hoping that with your big, human movements, you'd scare some prey out into the open. As a being who is prey-driven herself, I tend to think practically. Whatever the reason he stuck around, you did get some fantastic photos of him!

  22. Wow! Finally! Agree with Mike, maybe its because of you Ratty. He saw you like a Happy Meal :D

  23. Great shots Ratty, you got some good photos of the hawk in flight. The hawks here circle the fields looking for mice, maybe he was sizing you up to see if you were a predator or dinner.

  24. Sparkle's human here - speaking of hawks, you will never believe what just happened! We have an enclosed patio that is mostly glass, and that's where the doghouse is. Well, this afternoon, I found a frightened hawk stuck behind the doghouse! Poor little guy was very young, not much bigger than a dove, and dumb, because he couldn't find his way out, at least not without my help (and a good, thick towel to throw over him). I did get photos - I'm afraid they won't be as majestic as yours! - and will run them on Sparkle's site on Monday.
