
Monday, September 21, 2009

Poll Results - Talking Squirrels

Well, the most recent poll is now over and you, the mighty voters, have spoken! The question to the poll was, "What would you do if a squirrel talked to you?" One of the choices has come out as the clear winner. Actually, it was a landslide! The other choices weren't even close. So without further ado, I will announce the winner!

The 1st place winner of this poll was, "Talk Back." With a whopping 27 votes, it captured an astonishing 67% of the votes! Most of you must be very social people! It's also the vote I would have chosen myself. In fact, it was exactly what I did when I was faced with this exact question myself. The only problem was that it didn't turn out as well as you might think.

That doesn't mean that you wouldn't become instant friends with a cute furry little squirrel if you were to talk back to it, it just means that it didn't work out so well for me. If you would like to find out the terrible results I had of talking back to a squirrel, go right here to this post to find out the horribly fascinating details!

Now for the runner up! The battle for 2nd place was a fight to the finish, and it ended neck and neck! But finally the choice that took 2nd place was "Give It A Hug", with 15% of the votes, which was 5 votes. Right behind that, in 3rd place, was "Attack It", only down by one vote! It had 4 votes, for 12% of the final votes. Talk about duality!

I'm not sure which group is weirder, those of you who would run up and talk to a strange talking squirrel, or that violent section of you who would try to beat a poor little innocent squirrel to a pulp just because it said hello! Do the voices in your heads tell you to do this? I'm talking to both groups here! What exactly were you thinking? Okay, that's enough of that! I'm obviously just kidding! The duality of these two is very interesting though, don't you think?

Now for 4th place we have the choice of "Run Away". The 2 of you, 5%, who voted to run away were maybe the most sensible of the bunch. Or perhaps they were just the most cowardly? You who voted this way can decide. You only have to answer to yourselves, not to me or anyone else. You shameless cowards you! I'll never think of you the same way again! You're lucky this is an anonymous vote. :D

Now finally there is the choice that came in dead last. Every Presidential race has that one crazy guy who everybody wishes would just go away, and this poll had a similar candidate. Last place goes to "Eat A Bug".  This incoherent choice received absolutely 0% of the votes. That's 0 votes for those of you who were wondering. Did it ever occur to you that eating a bug might help make friends with the squirrel? I didn't think so.

Okay, that's enough of making fun of squirrels for today. And it's certainly enough of making fun of you, the voters. I hope you took it all in good humor. Otherwise I can look forward to a serious drop in visitors to my blog. What shall we choose for the next poll? Maybe it could be one where I ask if you are angry at me for this post about this last poll? Let me know your poll ideas.


  1. For me the choice was simple. I don't like to run so that was out, there's NO way I was about to eat a bug, I'm not a violent type of person and I'm not the huggy kissy type either. So that left only one option, I would have to just talk back (and hope I had a video camera to capture it because no one would ever believe that a squirell was talking to me)
    Maybe a poll on what that mysterious white creature you saw the other day.

  2. I didn't vote for talk back!!.. oops.. :P Im not a violent type either :D

  3. That was a fun poll! Talk back was my only choice too since like Ann, I can't run, and I can't fight either.

  4. I once had a dream with talking squirrels. Taking back was clearly the best option because they showed me a hollow tree full of treasure! :-)

  5. Talking to animals is just sensible. Fun poll

  6. I have missed the vote, how ignorance I am.

    I should have voted talked back because I like to talk to animal, but the macaque does not like it.

  7. Ratty you are so good! I just love your posts!!

    I was not feeling well all weekend and you really made me smile.

    I voted talk back!! but, everyone already knows I'm a little nutty so what?

    I love your new avatar too!! Awesome choice!!

    Happy week!!:D

    P.S. I think VS'S comment is a little suspicious don't you?

  8. I think it is very appropriate if I call you our "squirrel king", but then, you are ratty.

    i missed the voting, but at least, am glad to see the results.

  9. Wow Ratty you've taken the polls to new heights! It's so interesting just to read about the results.

    Glad that 'Talk back' came up first. And I'm sure the ones who voted for 'Attack' might have been joking around too cuz if you're not a nature lover, you can't be following Ratty's blog, is what I think. ^__^

    Thanks a lot for this interesting poll.

  10. I am newbie here after reading this post I felt that i have missed a big opportunity of voting. Anyway I will wait for next.

  11. I missed the voting...but what happened to the option of give it a nut??? or just plain ask it a question?? I don't think talk back was enough...maybe it should have been if a squirrel spoke to you what would you say???

    I will eagerly await the next vote...incidentally I would like to be able to tell the wasps not to sting me!!!!

  12. There was only one choice as far as I am concerned. Squirrels have lots to say on a variety of subjects, so a friendly discussion with a squirrel just makes good sense, at least to me.


  13. What an interesting question. I am sorry I missed the poll. I would ask what t would take to bribe the squirrel to stay out of my year.

  14. Ann - I would have done that too for much of the same reasons.

    I want to try to do a poll about that white creature, but I have some information, for maybe a story, to gather on it first.

    VanillaSeven - If you're implying that you would run, don't worry, I ran from a pack of wild animals once too. And all they wanted was to be friends with me. :D

    Icy BC - Talking back is a good choice if the others aren't so good. Eliminate the rest and see what's left over.

    John - I always talk back to talking animals in my dreams too. They always have something good. :)

    Sharkbytes - I even talk to the animals that don't talk.

    Rainfield - There is a new poll, so you have an all new chance. :)

    You demonstrated that very well about monkeys. I would run too if it was a monkey.

    JStantonChandler - Squirrels can be very angry and ill-tempered little creatures. From my own experiences I believe you. I would love to read your story about this.

    Julia - Thanks!

    Jackie - I'm glad I could help. I talk to the animals all the time, even the ones that don't talk to me. I thank each and every one that lets me take its picture. And thanks about the avatar.

    There are a few suspicious ones here. I don't blame him. Read my comment to him about it.

    Betchai - I have always liked the idea of being a king. :)

    I have a brand new poll up, so you have a brand new chance. :)

    Harumi - I'm glad you like these results posts. This was the idea I had for the polls from the very beginning.

    I'm sure they are joking, and that's good for the poll. More results. Some of my friends who have been reading for a long time remember a few of my fictional stories where I got in huge wars with squirrels.

    R4 card - There is a new poll almost every week, so you are welcome to come back and vote on those.
    - - Maybe that could be a new poll. "What would you say to a squirrel?"

    I would like tell wasps that too. I was chased by some a few weeks ago. Luckily there were no stings.

    SquirrelQueen - In most cases a friendly discussion would be exactly the right thing. I've had a few that were in no mood to talk though. They wouldn't do that to you though because, after all, you're their Queen. :)

    Carol - There's always another new poll here, so come on back for the next. I don't think squirrels respond fairly with bribery. They'll take the bribe and then double cross you. ;)
