
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Game - Guess The Critter

I have a new game for you today! I hope you like it. As always, my games are just easy little diversions of the day. They are just for fun. There are no real prizes, except that I usually announce the winners in my post on the next day. And if they have a website I will include a link to that too. But what about this game? What is is about?

Well, in the picture above there is a friendly little critter. It's very difficult to see this little animal, so you might have to click on the picture so it will become bigger. The goal of the game is for you to try to find out what kind of animal is in the picture, and then tell us all your guess in the comments section below. That should be pretty simple. Even if you never see the little guy, you can at least make a guess.

I'll give you one clue. I have featured this type of animal in posts here on my blog before. With the hundreds of stories I've written that might not seem like a good clue, but there are only a limited amount of animals here. I'm not Noah with his ark full of every kind of animal, I'm just the very kind and humble Everyday Adventurer.

Okay, that's the game. Remember, as always, even if somebody else guessed the same critter you think might be there, you can still make the same guess. See, everybody has a chance to win. Now go on and tell us your guess so we can make this game fun!

(After you play the game, vote in my poll on the sidebar. The more votes we get, the better I can make my results post next week!)


  1. I think I see a frog under a leaf, just above the word every in your blog address. I'm not really sure, it's really small so just a guess.

  2. I can't be sure but I thought I noticed a snake. It took quite a bit of searching to finally see so I could have just imagined

  3. Thought I saw a garter snake ... maybe:)

  4. Are you sure there is a critter in the photo, Ratty? Or have my old pair of eyes deceived me?

    My guess is a chipmunk!

  5. Am I allowed three guesses? I'm sure I can see three critters!

    If I have to pick one, I'll go for a frog, middle right.

  6. I think I see the back of a striped snake. Could be a garter snake or a ribbon snake or even the more rare Butler's Garter Snake which you have on your side of the state.

  7. That critter had camouflaged itself very successfully, I failed to identify one.

    But I like to put up a wild guess, it is a chipmunk.

  8. gosh, Ratty! i'm imagining so many critters in that photo! lol! is it a little bird? i even saw a chick! hahaha!

  9. I think I see just a part of a snake on the right hand side. Don't see much else though..

  10. I'm usually good at finding things, but I must be getting blind the only thing I see is something that looks like a snake with it's mouth open of course it might just be a branch.

  11. I'm going with a curled up snake. Uh, could you give us a "glasses needed" warning next time??! :)

  12. Woohoo! I think I saw a snake... The tail starts just above the green leaf above the 'http' in your watermark (actually, i think the tip of the tail is under that leaf) and the body goes up and to the right, up to 3 quarters of the way up the photo, in line with the start of 'adventurer' in the watermark. Good gosh, I hope I haven't imagined it after all that!!!

  13. Okay, it took a while and a magnifying glass :) but It looks like a frog near the middle towards the bottom of the photo. That is the only critter I see. Cool photo though, I love these games.

  14. Thanks everybody for your guesses! There have been some very good ones today! Keep them coming! I'll have the answer up tomorrow.

    Icy BC - There definitely is a critter there. It's very hard to see.

    John - You can guess as many times as you like. Everybody can. And thanks for the CMF favor.

  15. It looks like a snake(tail?).It's located in the right side dark area.

  16. i see no critter, unless that's a stick insect of some sort. :P

  17. I think it's a Forest spirit... of course it's transparent ;)

  18. Wow.. this is really tough. After straining my eyes and looking all around I spotted something that looked alive. Actually more than one. Saw something that looked like a tail of a slithering snake. It's around the middle of the pic, towards right. The tail was coffee brown and I could even see a pattern that looks like snake scales! =D

    Towards its right I can see a squirrel with a capybara-like-snout! But the most prominent one is a lil guy who's sitting only few inches from the bottom left corner. It's a lizard camouflaged into bright green, matching the leaf beside it. Its head looks very distinctive and so are its crimson eyes. *Sorry if I've seen things that don't even exist!* lol

  19. Thanks everybody for all of your guesses and making this another fun and successful game!
