
Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Ones That Got Away

There's something I like to do when I write my stories here on The Everyday Adventurer. Most of you regular readers know what this is. Whenever I'm describing what I've seen on one of my adventures I like to show you what I saw. If I saw a squirrel glaring at me, that's exactly what I try to show you. If I tell you about a deer that walked up to me, I show you a closeup shot of that deer. I'm not quite going to do that this time, and I'll tell you why.

I have seen some amazing creatures lately, but I had absolutely no chance to get them on camera. I'm going to tell you about a few of them, but I unfortunately can't show you the ones that got away. I'm not going to disappoint you completely though. What I will show you is some of the places I saw them. Don't worry, these are some good photos. I think they'll do fine.

A few weeks ago I was at the back of Woodland Hills Nature Park, where my favorite pond can be found. There is a small wooden bridge that crosses a narrow section of this pond. I like to stop there to look out at the pond and sort out all the things that float through my mind. I usually expect to see either ducks or geese near that bridge. When I got there it was something completely different that I saw!

Just as I stepped on the bridge I saw at the edge of the water a white-tailed deer getting a drink of water! She was only ten feet away from me, right at the spot where the narrow part widens into the main part of the pond! The deer saw me at the same time, and it bolted into the trees behind it! I ran to try to catch up with it, but it had already crashed loudly into the forest, and it was gone. I've seen plenty of deer, but that was an unusually exciting encounter!

I went home very excited, but I had no pictures to show you. How could I even mention it if I had nothing to show? So I kept my mouth shut and told you of other adventures and other journeys. I thought that would be the end of the whole thing, but I decided to go back to the same park only a few days later. After all, it is my favorite nature park. That's when something even more odd happened!

I was standing on the very same bridge, but this time I was coming back towards the front of the park. That's when I saw it! No, not the deer again. This creature was in the water! It was swimming from under the bridge! I quickly realized I was seeing a beaver, and it was quickly swimming away from me into the tall weeds. I tried my best to get even one picture, but all I got were several pictures of the weeds. Nothing again!

Now just yesterday on my latest adventure I saw something again! Can you guess where I was? No, you're wrong, it wasn't back on that same bridge. But it was at that very same pond! This time I decided to turn left and go to the forbidden section of the pond. There is no official path to that end of the pond, and the park officials constantly block the small worn area with old branches to block the way. I like going there anyway.

When I got over to that end of the pond, which is another split off section of this large pond, I could sense there was something there. The only thing I ever saw there before were ducks and geese, and one large heron. This time as I just got past the tall weeds I looked into the water at a fallen log. There on that old log were about six large turtles sunning themselves!

I still didn't have a clear view past the tall weeds, but I lifted my camera to try for a few photos anyway. It's amazing, but turtles seem to move faster than black squirrels. One by one these six turtles dropped off the log and into the water! This all happened from the time I moved my arm from my side to my face to take a picture! I moved over to get a clearer view of the log, just in time to see one more turtle drop into the water. Noooo!!!

It was the only time I ever had a chance to get a picture of turtles while on my adventures, and I got absolutely nothing. First a deer, then a beaver, and now half a dozen turtles. These are the ones that got away. I have no pictures of them, but that doesn't make the encounters with these creatures any less exciting. I am The Everyday Adventurer, and that's my story.


  1. It is so frustrating to miss a shot, usually because the animal is way too quick. All of the incidents you mentioned are still exciting to hear about. Ratty you are an excellent storyteller and we love to hear your stories, with or without photos.

    One of my most infamous missed photos was in Alaska. It was one of my first blog post.

  2. It sounds like that pond is a real hot spot. Too bad you didn't get the shots you wanted. I'm betting though that eventually you'll get the shots.

  3. Nice story even without the photos, most people can imagine what you saw and I loved the bridge.

  4. you have painted the photos you've missed, Ratty. i can clearly imagine them with your stories. keep coming back and you'll get them eventually. today, i didn't give up until i get a clear shot of a butterfly with its wings wide-opened. i'll share it one of these days. :)

  5. Hoo boy! Been there, done that. But the beaver is GREAT! It will wreak havoc with that pond though if it decides it wants a different water level. I wonder what the powers that be will do about that!

    I was chasing an elusive critter this morning too. Will post about that later... I got some partial pix.

  6. It is always imperfect to write a post without any photos, this is my experience too.

    I can fell your diasppointment. Yet your writing is good enough to go without them.

  7. It's too bad you weren't able to get those shots, but I have faith in you, I know you will. Love that wooden bridge.

  8. I have had several experiences that would go with your title post, but as the others already said, your stories are good enough -the photos can come later. Am sure those critters are bound to show up another time! :)

  9. You don't need the pictures Ratty. You tell the stories of them so well that we can picture them just the way you did. I hope you will see those turtles again. And the beaver!! How awesome!

  10. Hi Ratty!! Those sound like frustrating experiences!! I would be a little peeved too. The turtles would have been so lovely on that log and I could just imaging them sitting there in your photo.

  11. i also had similar experience as yours, where i kept on circling and waiting for the turtles to re-appear since when i saw them, my camera was not ready, but when i readied the camera, they did not appear for me :( one day, hopefully, you'll get the shots.

  12. SquirrelQueen - The good thing is that I still had fun,even though I missed the pictures.

    Ann - It definitely is. That pond is one of my favorite places. There's almost always something there.

    Jude - I have very many pictures of that bridge. It's one of the best places I ever go. I should post more pictures of it.

    Cher - I think I might just have to learn how to sneak up on turtles a little better. I was good with butterflies for awhile, but they all seem to have left here.

    Sharkbytes - As a matter of fact, beavers completely diverted the river in one spot at a nature park down the road from this one.

    Rainfield - Yeah, posts without the pictures seem almost empty to me. I'm glad I at least took pictures of the locations of where the animals were.

    TC - In a way it was a fish story. It had the same spirit to it. The origin of the title is from a song with something a little sinister to it though.

    Poetic Shutterbug - I know I'll have more chances for it. It's one of my frequent places. I almost need to stand on that bridge from time to time.

    Tes - I hope I get the pictures. I do already have plenty of deer pictures, but that one was special. The others will be a little harder to get.

    Ginnymo - I hope I see the turtles and the beaver again too. The turtles might be easier than the beaver.

    Julia - They were slightly frustrating, but they were too fun to be too bad. I've been learning recently not to get so disappointed with things like that.

    Betchai - It seems like turtles are pretty good at hiding. They watch for danger better than most animals too. :)

  13. They sure are an elusive bunch.. =D Then again you'll be certain to find plenty of chances to capture them in future.

    Oh and the scenery were great even without the animals.

  14. Nice post man. Your way of explaining your thing is amazing. It seems all real like all in front of my eyes.

  15. When the Buzzards circle and I run for my camera, by the time I get outside again, they have gone!
    Interesting post, thanks.

  16. Been there, done that. That is why it is such a victory when you DO get that winning shot, right? It is hunting for treasures, and it we got a treasure every time we tried, they wouldn't be treasures,now, would they?
    I haven't caught a photo of a beaver yet either...plenty of beaver houses, but not the beaver. Yet!

  17. Wow, gorgeous pictures matched with a great story. This reminds a lot of our trails here in Newfoundland....

  18. I was on a golf ball hunting expedition a few weeks back and spooked a large buck deer.Even though I had my camera in my hand I didn't have time to get a picture. Ended up taking pictures of all the golf balls I found and posting about that.

  19. Thanks for all of your comments, everybody. I'm trying to catch up again with this stuff. I have plenty more creatures that got away, just as I'm sure you do too. So I can catch up I'll just visit your blogs instead of answering each comment this time.
