
Saturday, September 19, 2009

So Many Black Squirrels

What do you do when you see a forest full of black squirrels but you only get one clear picture? Then you realize that you already showed that picture in the post you wrote yesterday. What do you do? The clear answer is that you dig up a collage of black squirrels that you made awhile ago.

I got the idea for this collage from Ginnymo of Photography By Ginny, who has the best animal collages I've ever seen. Mine is a pale imitation of hers. You should really take a look at her site if you haven't already. Anyway, this is my try at an animal collage. I wanted to inundate you with black squirrels, since they bombarded me with acorns yesterday.

In my big story yesterday I explained how there were squirrels all through the forest. They were mostly black squirrels, those little ninjas of the forest. They were all going crazy, collecting nuts and preparing for winter. Summer isn't even quite over, but the black squirrels were all nuts.

So what can you do when you can't catch these little pranksters? You show so many of them in one picture that maybe it will make them lose their shyness, and bring them out in the open. This is them. The black squirrels.

(There's a small joke in this post. Can you find it? I'll never tell what it is.)


  1. Great collage Ratty, I'll have to try that sometime. I see grey squirrels in the garden occasionally and I hope to get a closeup by leaving my camera near some food. :-)

  2. Ooh your collage is a good idea, Ratty! I have never seen a black squirrel, the common ones here are gray and brown. Although I have already chanced upon one that is almost reddish-brown. Nice capture!

  3. Very cool collage. I know we have black squirrels around here but I've never seen one.

  4. what's the joke? the little ninjas? sorry, i'm rather slow.. haha!

    nice collage, want to try one when i find time...

  5. That is really a great collage. It looks like you have a real big backyard..

  6. You have so many black squirrels, at first I think, and I am still thinking you have many squirrels. They are popping up from the pictures, among the sentences and from anywhere.

  7. don't often see these little guys. They are as cute as a button.

  8. Fantastic idea Ratty, I love the collage what a cool display.

  9. Love your Black squirrel collage Ratty!! And thanks for the nice referral to mine. Now that you have made one, you can make more when you have lots of pics. That's why I make them now. I can get more photos on and it takes up less room than all the single ones. I don't think I;ll ever see a black one so it's nice to see yours.

  10. All we have is boring gray squirrels here. Although lately, I have seen some with some insanely huge bumps on them. They looked diseased. Yikes!

  11. "dog up" as in the dog chased the squirrels up a tree? I like "ninja squirrels" too but I think you've used that term before, although it makes me smile every time you say it.

  12. your collage is very creative, i seldom see black squirrel here, i'll pay close attention to them next time.

  13. John - That's a good idea about the camera. I wish my camera could work like that. I have a groundhog that I'd like some closeup shots of.

    Tes - It's fun to learn about all of the different kinds of squirrels. Search my site and you'll get a good beginning on types of squirrels.

    Ann - Those black squirrels are very elusive. One day you'll get at least a glimpse of one.

    Cher - I'll never tell. Even if I did, nobody would get it simply because it's too strange.

    Icy BC - There are no fences around here, so all of the backyards look big. I kind of miss fences. :)

    Rainfield - Squirrels are the number one wild animal around here. And there are very many black squirrels near me too.

    Roschelle - I see them often, but they are very hard to get close to. And I agree, they are very cute.

    Poetic Shutterbug - All the credit goes to Ginnymo. I wanted to try out her great idea.

    Ginnymo - My collage is a poor imitation of yours. I probably will do them more often eventually. I like the idea of getting more pictures in when I can.

    Dr. Lauren - I have only ever seen one gray squirrel, maybe two, so they are exciting to me. The diseased ones are sad though.

    Sharkbytes - The "dog up" thing was a mistake. Ouch! I meant to say "dug up". I'm going to fix that one. I stole the "ninjas" thing from somebody who commented. I wish I could remember who, so I could give them credit for it.

    Betchai - You'll know when you see one. Black squirrels look very different than the others, because of that jet-black color. The reason they're so interesting is because most people have never seen any. :)

  14. I'm in the wrong part of the country for black squirrels so the only place I can see them is here. The collage is great Ratty.

    I now have this picture in my mind of a group of little ninja squirrels armed with acorns. They are in the trees waiting for you to appear and then ...... acorns away. I hope you don't have any bruises.


  15. SquirrelQueen - It happened almost like ninja squirrels bombing me with nuts. I got hit a few times. I was lucky they were small pieces.

  16. I think you like very much to squirrels. But i have never seen black squirrels before. Nice pic.

  17. Thanks for the lead on ginny's photos, I went over to her site and joined on as a follower...I loved her collages!

  18. R4 card - Yeah, I really love squirrels. Keep reading because I have some even better pictures of squirrels now, and I have an even better look at black squirrels coming soon.

    The Retired One - Ginny is great. I think she might be the real animal whisperer.
