
Friday, September 18, 2009

An Early Morning Adventure

Today I'm going to bring you a genuine old style Everyday Adventurer post. You know, from back when things were a little more crazy and fun around here. I'm going to tell you what happened on my latest journey through the magical forest I call Carpenter Lake Nature Preserve. Strap yourselves in; you're in for a good ride!

I got there very early in the morning this time, and I immediately knew that this day was going to be special. This was the first day I had to wear my jacket again, and I could see my breath in the air because it was so cold. The many birds in the park were all chirping loudly; every one of them! The sun was already up, but the light was still kind of dim. And there was a nice early morning mist that permeated everything.

As I rounded the first corner, that concealed the parking lot, I heard crashing noises coming from the trees. It was the squirrels! They were very actively gathering nuts and acorns for the upcoming cold months. They were chewing off the shells and dropping them to the forest floor. Like I said, this created a tremendous amount of racket.

When I made my way into the forest I was greeted by my first black squirrel of the day. The light was still too dim to get many decent pictures, but I did get at least one ofthis little forest ninja. As I walked deeper into the forest I found out that the black squirrels were running around practically everywhere. They're still very difficult to capture on camera though. Oh well!

After awhile I began to get used to the various loud and continuous forest noises around me. It was an obviously very busy morning for the little critters of the forest. The thing I did begin to notice was that my hands were becoming cold, and I had to switch my camera from hand to hand to keep myself warm.

I also noticed that the trees are beginning to become weaker. They are also making the transition to their winter selves. Several of the trees have been falling lately more than they have since last winter ended. Their warm weather strength is leaving them. Even a few of the smaller trees have succumbed to weakness. What a shame.

As I made my way to the back of the park I continued to hear the continuous crashing of the crazily scurrying squirrels dropping their nut castoffs everywhere. But then as I was entering the back of the park towards the end of the forest the crashing got very much louder and more urgent sounding. Very quickly it began to sound different and much more violent than any squirrel!

I wasn't at all expecting what I saw next. You see, I had been joking recently with Sharkbytes about seeing a Sasquatch in the forest, and then later on I watched a TV show about those creatures. So can you imagine what I saw crashing through the forest right towards me?

That's right! I saw at least three big brown animalish shapes running through the trees right in my direction! How afraid would you be in that situation right then? I was every bit as frightened as you think I might have been!

It was then, after only milliseconds, that I realized what I was seeing! It was no murderous group of Sasquatches at all! It was a small herd of three deer that had come from getting a drink of water at the lake. As soon as they saw me they turned to the left and ran into the forest.

I followed them for a little way, and they typically tried to warn me off. I have long ago figured out that most deer are all talk and no action. They're full of empty threats, so I wasn't deterred from following closer. The thing that did stop me though was my sense of sympathy. I felt sorry for them so I turned and left them in peace.

Now since this story is running a little long, I want to jump forward past a few other notable events. Don't worry, I'll make sure you'll get to read about them in the near future. But there was one event that happened as I was leaving the park, and I want you to know about it.

I was about to leave the forest when the squirrels seemed to become even more agitated! I looked off to my left through the trees and I saw an animal with an unusual amount of white fur. It was about the size of a large dog. When I got a little closer look I thought maybe it was a juvenile deer, but it was just a little too small for that.

Then I thought maybe it was a skunk. Ginnymo shows some incredible pictures and videos of skunks with a lot of white fur on her blog. But this animal was a little bit too big to be a skunk. Then I thought maybe I was seeing some sort of canine critter such as a dog or even a fox. I'm not afraid of any animal so I went through the brambles to take a look.

When I got there the animal was completely gone! That made me sure it wasn't a dog. A dog would not have disappeared so thoroughly. Was it a fox? Did I see some sort of spirit creature or something? Do any of you have a solution to this strange mystery? Give me your comments, your theories, or anything in the comments section of this post. I really am confused by this very very strange sighting I had. This has been one of the strangest adventures I've had so far!


  1. Its the spirit of the forest Ratty... yesss... Giant Squirrel spirit... :)
    Maybe you should bring spiritometer on your next trip :P

  2. The Red Fox has a silver phase so it might look white.

    Maybe I've spent too much time in Alaska and other wilderness areas but your statement saying you aren't afraid of any animal worries me a little.

  3. Another great adventure! The pictures are all so green and beautiful Ratty! I don't want winter to come just yet..

  4. Ooh those trails! Looks mysterious! And I love the green of those photos -refreshing! I'd be lost in time just wandering around that forest!

  5. maybe that's a fox? or a big rat? hehehe! just kiddin' Ratty! thanks for sharing your adventures, it's like i'm following you in the forest always so there's a possibility that's me!!! ;)

  6. It's a stumper! White is not a very normal color on woods animals, at least in big doses.

  7. It must the spirit that is released from very far away during the seventh month of Chinese Calendar, but today (Friday) marks the last day of this month. They will have returned to their place again.

  8. Wish I could help you out, but I haven't a clue, but I enjoyed your nature walk as usual.

  9. Though beautiful, those trails are very dense and ominous looking. You are a brave soul with some of these stories. Yes, I think the "Great White Squirrel" spirit is watching over you and making his presence known to you :) Great story Ratty.

  10. I can't shed any light on your mysterious white animal, but it reminds me of a strange creature I once saw. I'll see if I can remember the details.

    Even in the U.K. there are a few animals we need to be cautious of. Swans have been known to maim or kill. And I wouldn't want to meet a badger while crawling in a cave :-(

  11. What an adventure. Sure keeps life interesting

  12. After reading all of your comments I am beginning to think that white creature I saw was the strangest sighting I've had.

    VanillaSeven - You're right, maybe I should bring a spiritometer. I wish I knew what that creature was.

    SquirrelQueen - We have a lot of red foxes around here. I had an odd feeling that was what I saw.

    Don't worry. My statement that I'm not afraid is true, but I do have great respect for them, and I always observe as much caution as I can. I have had a few potentially dangerous encounters, but I've known when to back off so far.

    Icy BC - I don't want winter to come yet either. Summer was much too short this time.

    Tes - I'm lost in time every time I go to these places. That's the main reason I do it. :)

    Cher - Maybe I was looking in a mirror. Or do you dress in a giant white rat suit too? ;)

    Sharkbytes - That's what has me wondering. I only saw white on this animal. I didn't get a great look at it, but I saw enough to know it's size and that it was furry.

    Rainfield - Maybe it was a Chinese spirit that I saw. It happened right before it would have returned to its place.

    Jude - I think I saw something strange enough that nobody can solve this one.

    Poetic Shutterbug - I hope you are right about the squirrel spirit watching over me. I hope it wasn't that the squirrels were planning on sacrificing me to their great white god.

    John - This was a very strange sighting. I was actually very cautious when I approached its direction. I had an odd feeling the animal was some type of canine. I definitely didn't want to get attacked.

    Joe Todd - This one gets more interesting as I think about it.

  13. You had me sitting on the edge of my seat through the whole story. What a mystery you have here. I have no clue what it could be but I'm looking forward to hearing what your conclusion is.

  14. Ratty this is a wonderful post!! don't let VS tease you too much!!

    As I am part Cherokee, I will add to the strangeness of this story for you.

    When exactly did you see this animal? what day did you take this hike?

    Two days ago I had a dream mid-afternoon that was very very vivid. In this dream was a silver and white wolf.

    Now that would really be odd if you were seeing what I was dreaming!!

    I love this story. And your shots of the squirrel and the deer are really fabulous!!

    Oh BTW, please don;t think I was teasing you the other day about the flying squirrels. They really do exist and it was an honest question. My husband was truly curious if these squirrels might be in the same family as the ones in Texas!!

    Great story Ratty!! Perhaps it was your spirit guide!!

    I hope you have a great weekend. You really shared a wonderful story with us today!!:-))))

  15. That black squirrel is cool; never seen one before. Lovely post.


  16. Ann - So far I still have no idea what it was that I saw. I may do a future post about some odd legends related to these things, but for now read my reply to Jackie about it, right below yours.

    Jackie - I took my hike on the same day you had your dream, but it was very early in the morning. What I saw was indeed a silvery white colored animal about the size of a wolf. I believe that dreams are much more powerful than most people know.

    I have recently read a few legends on the subject of sightings of white animals like this, mainly Native American. The stories all happened almost exactly like it happened to me.

    The legends say that seeing this white animal is a strong omen of a huge change coming for the person who sees it. The change could be good or bad, and probably both.

    The white animal was unfortunately not my spirit guide. My spirit guide is a tan colored dog about half the size of a wolf. It's part golden retriever.

    I think I might tell this story of the white animal in a little more detail in its own post along with information on a few of the legends.

    And lastly, I took your flying squirrel comments seriously. I have some very detailed information on Michigan's squirrels throughout my blog. Unfortunately, I know the least about flying squirrels.

    That was my longest blog comment ever! :)

    Mike Foster - Very many people, including me, are intrigued by these little black squirrels. I have many pictures of them here on my blog. I'm glad you're another one who likes them.

  17. Number one, I am incredibly jealous that it's chilly there. It's still hot as heck here in Florida and I am missing the change in seasons.

    Secondly, you actually have trees that look like trees. You know, the ones with leaves instead of pine needles. lol

  18. wonderful adventure, i can get lost there :)

  19. Dr. Lauren - I like the cooler weather, but I am not in a hurry for summer to end. I'm glad for the good variety of trees we have too. :)

    Betchai - It was a great day that day. It was one of my most memorable adventures.

  20. wow ! what a adventurous life you have. Such trips of forest such very adventurous.

  21. Maybe a coyote? They are grayish white and can resemble a dog low to the ground.
    Maybe you will be lucky and see it again?

  22. R4 card - My adventures are just small ones though. That's why I call them everyday adventures. Any of us can do these.

    The Retired One - I don't think it was a coyote, but thanks for the help. This creature was snow white in color. I do hope I see it again.
