
Thursday, September 17, 2009

American Goldfinch In Flight

Today just to make this thing complete, I'm going to give you one more look at the American Goldfinch. This time, as the title states, I want to show you this little bird in mid-flight! Now obviously the pictures aren't the best quality, but the important thing is that I caught some of these amazing birds in flight!

These posts may seem like I got them all on the same day of seeing these birds, but this all happened over a period of about a month. On this particular day,when I saw the birds in these pictures, I got several nice shots of them, but these were obviously the most unique.

I happened to be coming back to the front of the nature park, about to turn the corner to where the parking lot would become visible to me. This was the first time I noticed these goldfinches towards the front of the park. I saw them to my right in the mini meadow area that separates the parking lot from the forest.

There were at least a half dozen of them flying from the tall weeds to the trees and back. This is kind of a small area so I thought it might be my best chance yet to capture a few good photos of these little wonders. At the time, I was completely right! I've gotten the pictures in my other posts since then.

I began wildly pointing the camera towards the general direction that I saw the birds flitting around, hoping to catch one or two in the middle of their flight. As you can see, I got exactly what I was hoping for! I also got a few good pictures of the bird from the first picture as he was perched on a tree branch, but I'll only show that on request.

Even though the pictures are both slightly on the blurry side, I hope you enjoyed this look at American Goldfinches in flight. These flashes of yellow that zoom past are what attracted me to them in the first place, so I felt that I just had to share that with you. That's my story!

I have one more post today, so scroll down and take a look at something special I have for you!


  1. Great shots of those birds in flight Ratty. It's hard to capture them when flying. They will soon be losing their pretty bright yellow color. I think they molt again for winter and get duller.

  2. I can see your joy flying together with the Goldfinch.

  3. I love the way they swoop through the air in big dipping scallops.

  4. Beautiful capture of their flight! Pretty soon we will have to look at these pictures to remember summer again..

  5. Great capture. They are such pretty little birds.

  6. Ginnymo - Yeah, these goldfinches turn to a light brown or gray color, with a hint of yellow.

    Rainfield - The joy was indeed great. I love to see them flying.

    Sharkbytes - It's those flashes of yellow while they swoop like that that I like.

    Icy BC - I'll bring back a few summer pictures when we're in the middle of full blown winter.

    Ann - Thanks. I really love the color of these little birds. I'm working on getting some even better shots someday.

  7. Don't say it is not so good. Not everyone can do that. It's really so nice.

  8. R4 card - I've seen better than these pictures before, but thanks for the kind compliment.
