
Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Camera Add-ons

Today I am going to bring you three posts! I don't know how to do it any other way. You can comment or read any of the three that interest you. I'll start with the one that deals with nature, because I'm the most comfortable with this subject. This one is about my new camera equipment. I wanted to show you some of what I've been up to lately while I'm in the forest.

The first thing you might think is that I bought a new camera. Well, not exactly. I bought two add-ons to my camera. You can see some info on the camera if you go to this post. My camera has become quite popular, and sells for more used than it did when it was new. It's a top of the line point and shoot, but it was made so it can be much more. I can purchase addons to make this camera do great things.

The first add-on is a semi fisheye 0.35x HD macro lense. This lense comes apart to make two lenses in one, a wide angle and a macro lense. The fisheye part can take wide angle pictures. The picture at the top of this post was taken with this lense attachment. It made the scenes I take at Carpenter Lake much wider. The day was very overcast. I haven't actually used the macro part yet because I'm still learning how to juggle all of this equipment.

The next lense, which is actually the first one that showed up in the mail, is a 3.2x HD telephoto lense. I have used this one the most so far, and I'm still learning how to use it correctly. It's a much different experience than without it. I took the pictures of the Furious Squirrel with this lense. I'm having a few problems, but I'm learning what to do with it.

The above picture of the ducks was taken with the telephoto lense. The log they are sitting on is on the other side ofthe lake and down about halfway to the dam. It's very far away, and much farther than the camera could see without this lense on it. My pictures aren't great with it yet, but they are getting better. I just have to learn the right settings to use.

My post on the KISS concert is just below. I wrote it for those of you who are interested. If it's not your type of thing, skip past it to my Awards post. And vote in my poll! This is the last day for this one!


  1. I like the reflection of the tree in the first picture..and the ducks sitting on a blog is also wonderful..

  2. I like to try something new, same to you.

    Hope the add-ons will magnify your joy of photography.

  3. Oh how fun, new equipment to play with. I'm sure you'll have it mastered in no time. Love the pics

  4. you are turning into quite the photographer ratty. i have to say that i really enjoy your work. have a fantastic day my friend...hugz!

  5. It's always fun to have new camera stuff to play with. :-) I'm impressed with the results so far, especially the furious squirrel. Are you using a tripod?

    I wonder how the moon would look through your new lens?

  6. Oh wow, those ducks are having a leisurely break. I agree with Icy, the reflection is spectacular!

  7. Great post, and collection of images. Thanks for sharing!

  8. It's always fun to play with new camera gear, you will have it mastered in no time at all. Both of your shots are great.

  9. Hey Ratty, I'm back, I left you an award on my blog. It's pretty long winded but if you want to skip down to the bottom part, it's there for you. Have a great night

  10. My point and shoot zoom is pretty good, but I also bought an additional having problems learning how to use it if you have any tips for me, please let me know. I am getting a blue shadow around the objects I take when I use it...if that helps you diagnose what I might be doing wrong. :-}

  11. wow, that is great that you can do a lot of things and add more gadgets with your camera.

  12. Wow! Congrats on your new add-ons Ratty! Looking forward for more beautiful pictures! :)

  13. I look forward to see more interesting photos with your add-ons.
