
Sunday, September 27, 2009

KISS Alive 35

Now on to my second of three posts of the day. This one doesn't contain any pictures, because my camera wasn't with me. I went to see a KISS concert Friday night. Some of you aren't interested in this part, but some of you asked about it, so I'm going to tell a little bit about it. I think just about everybody has heard of KISS by now, they're the rock band with the painted faces. They've been around since the early 1970s. They have never left, and now they have a new album and a tour.

This was actually a very historical event Friday. Our Cobo Arena is going to be torn down in the near future, and when the guys in KISS heard about it, they made sure they got here in time to be the last group to have a concert there. You see, Cobo is very important to them. Even though they are not from Detroit, it was our where they first became a hit. And they actually recorded their first album "KISS Alive" right there in Cobo. There is a picture of the crowd from there on theback of that album.

Okay, so how was the concert? It was fantastic! A Kiss concert is more than just a rock concert. It's music and rock theater at the same time! This is a very complete show, and you come away from one of their concerts feeling completely satisfied every time. They put everything they have into one of their shows.

But what happened at the show? What made it great? Well, the tour is called KISS Alive 35. It's been 35 years since they made their KISS Alive album, and they have devoted a whole tour to it. That means that this Cobo concert has been even more important. They are celebrating this huge hit album by playing a show consisting of exactly the same songs as the ones on that album.

In the middle of all of this, Gene Simmons proceeds to breath a big fireball into the air. After the set of songs from that old album, they come back for the longest encore you've ever seen. Then to start off another of his songs,Gene flies into the air and up to the top of the arena to sing one of his most famous songs.

He's not the only one with a few tricks. Paul Stanley rides a cable to the back of the arena to sing one of his songs from the middle of the crowd. The guitar player, Tommy Thayer, shoots fireworks from his guitar during his solo. The drums move in all different directions, while drummer Eric Singer is still drumming away, and even singing a few songs himself.

Then to end the show, they play a song that's near and dear to the hearts of this Detroit crowd. Actually this song was inspired by the city of Detroit itself. They end the show with the song "Detroit Rock City". Everyone goes home happy. It was the very first show of their American tour, and we all got to say goodbye to Cobo with KISS!

Now check out the third post so you can see who gave awards to The Everyday Adventurer!


  1. Sound like you have a great time, and a wonderful concert..

  2. Wow!! After all these years, KISS is still rocking hard! Awesome

  3. Was talking about Kiss today with wife (arguing with a friend about men wearing high heels) then your post came up...

  4. Your very cosmopolitan Ratty! Nature and KISS are the opposite end of the spectrum. You are a well rounded rodent!!!!

    I am glad you had a good time.

  5. Sounds like a great concert and thats awesome that they were the final act to play at your arena there. Kiss sure does take me back a ways, awesome to know that they are still alive and singing.

  6. sounds great...glad you had a good time!!

  7. The concert sounds fantastic, I wish I could've seen it. The last band I saw live was Girls Aloud. Definitely not my choice! :-(

  8. Awesome that you got to see KISS, they bring back a lot of memories. It does sound like you enjoyed the show. The last concert I attended about four years ago was Alice Cooper, also a fantastic performer.

    Rock and roll will never die.

  9. I am glad you enjoyed seeing Kiss! I would love to see them play but my boyfriend isn't in to that kind of music unfortunately :(
    Glad you had a good time!

  10. Icy BC - I sure did. A concert is always great. I love many kinds of music.

    Roschelle - KISS is one of those talented bands that never have to go away.

    Kruel - The high heels are okay if they look tough enough, and you get paid millions to wear them. :)

    Julia - I listen to very many kinds of music. KISS is among my favorites. I even have one CD that is opera. Building computers and nature are also opposites, and I do those too. :)

    Ann - KISS takes me back to just about my entire life. They are ingrained very deeply into my soul. I'm glad they're still there.
    - - Thanks. They always put on the best show.

    John - I always make sure to never miss KISS. I wish Queen could come back though. I've never heard of Girls Aloud, but I can guess by the name.

    SquirrelQueen - Alice Cooper is another one that's right at the top of my list. He's great! I saw him in concert a few times too. He has a new album too, and it sounds just like his old classic stuff. One of the best.

    Bemused - My sister's boyfriend isn't into that kind of music either, but she was there too. Sometimes you gotta just force 'em. :)

  11. You are right this post seems very different due to absence of pictures. But don't worry it is very nice post.
