
Sunday, September 27, 2009

I'm Honored With Two Awards

This is my third post of the day, and I hope you all read this one. I received two awards one each from two very good bloggers, who run excellent sites. Read further to find out the details of what I was given!

The first award I was given is from Chuck at Secondary Roads. He's also from Michigan, like me! He has given me the J'Adore tien Blog award. Here's a link to his post about it: Awards ~ Received, Acknowledged and Sent On
Visit Chuck's blog! It's another excellent place, and he does cool games from time to time too.

Just like most of my awards, and because I like to cheat any rules that might be tossed my way, I pass this award to all of you, my readers. Accept it if you like, you all deserve it, every one of you.

The second award I was given is from Jackie at The Painted Veil. She's not from Michigan, but she also has an excellent blog. She has given me the Most Inspirational Blog Award. Here is a link to her post about this one: Golden
And visit Jackie's blog too! Even another excellent blog, and there's a butterfly there that needs finding.

Can you guess how I'm going to do this one? That's right! I'm giving it to all of you who comment on my blog, because you inspire me every day. Again, accept it if you like, you deserve it!

Okay, that's the end of my three posts today! That was the most I've done in a day since last year! Have fun! And vote in the pole!


  1. Congratulation, this is by Cliff Richard.

  2. Congratulations on your awards, you deserve them both.

  3. congrats on the awards ratty! i daily visit both of those blogs and will continue to do so, as i enjoy them very much.

  4. congrats on all the awards!!!!

  5. Congrats on your awards Ratty, both are well deserved.

  6. Thank you, everybody. I enjoy all of your blogs, and you all deserve these awards at least as much as I do.
