
Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Lonely Little Deer

I found something in the forest that I thought was very sad. Before I tell you what it is, let me give you a little back story so you'll understand what I'm talking about. As you can see by the title, this is about a lonely deer. Now let me tell you what happened.

A few weeks a go told you a story of a small herd of deer I found in the meadow of the nature park. There were two adult females and three little fawns. It was a nice thing to see that they had formed their own little family. At the time, I thought the three fawns belonged to one of the females, but then I saw something that led me to believe I was mistaken.

Just this last week I told you another story of my adventure through this same nature park. This time I was surprised by three more deer, a doe (an adult female) and two fawns. I believed these to be three of those same five deer I saw those few weeks ago. One of the fawns was not with them, so I thought maybe I was mistaken before and one of those three fawns must have belonged to the other doe.

Well, yesterday is when things took a sad turn. While I was in the forest walking towards the meadow, as I was watching some other animal activity, I saw another deer behind all of this action. It was another fawn! It appeared to be all alone. As I began taking a few pictures of this beautiful little creature, a very sad thought seeped into my mind.

Maybe this was why there was only two fawns with the mother the last time. Maybe this little fawn had somehow gotten separated from its family. I couldn't bear to think of this poor little baby all alone in the woods. As I watched this little deer, it looked back at me a few times. It seemed calm and not afraid. It even turned and began eating the leaves off of a bush in front of it. I finally had to go on my way, but with the sad thoughts still in my head I paused and said, "Goodbye Bambi." I then moved on through the forest.

Later on I finally made my way back around the park and to the meadow. I wasn't surprised to see the little deer there, still all alone. It was grazing by the edge of the forest. I moved in a little closer to get a few more pictures of it out here in the meadow. I still felt very sad for it. But then I saw something else.

It was another deer! Another little fawn came walking up behind it! The lonely little deer wasn't alone after all! My sadness suddenly turned to joy! My previous assumption was all wrong. These deer hadn't become separated at all. I now guessed that the rest of the family must be nearby somewhere. I could now go home secure in the knowledge that this lonely little deer wasn't alone after all.


  1. I rally like this Animal Hope you will add more

  2. I'm glad to know he isn't really alone or lost! You're right, the family must be there somewhere -good to know! Nice capture, Ratty!

  3. Great story, glad it had a happy ending. Would hate to think of the poor little thing out there all alone.

  4. Awww, what a sweet story. I was getting sad and so glad it wasn't really alone. Beautiful animal and photos.

  5. Happy ending after all! I'm glad the deer has a family to go through some tough weather ahead..

  6. I haven't been around for a while because I've been sick and I've missed your photos and posts.

    I'm glad your fawn had a friend or it would have been a sad story. Right now, I'm struggling with the opening of deer season and losing all my deer friends I've come to love over the summer.

  7. i so missed your adventures ratty! what an awesome ending to this one you had! have a great day my friend!

  8. when my lil' girl sees an animal, she always want to see them as family 3 just like us. she would then pick which of them is dad, mom and baby. when she sees only one or two, she's not very thrilled either.

  9. Poor deer. Around here most of the guys I work with are dying for hunting season to start. They offer as logic for killing innocent animals the fact that we would be over run with so many deer we wouldn't be able to see straight...I say tell that to the people in China and all the other countries that have magnanamous populations. Nobody's running around hunting us...or are they???

  10. The deer must have discussed with you on the plot of the story.

    It prefers a happy ending.

  11. glad that it had a happy ending and the lonely little deer is not really lonely and alone after all.

  12. Wonderful story, I'm so glad it had a happy ending.

  13. Awwwww. Nice story with a happy ending.
    He needs to grow up strong and independent...because soon it will be hunting season (shudder) and he will need to be wise and fast and hide out wayyyyyyyy deep in the woods to survive. Glad he was eating the leaves of the trees, so he knows enough not to starve this winter, too.

  14. I sure am glad you had a happy ending to this story Ratty. I didn't want to get sad with you..LOL Nice photos of the deer!!

  15. I've observed the same thing: fawns looking like they're lost or by themselves...but mom and dad, hopefully, are only a holler away.


  16. Ah, finally the deer found its companion. Great story Ratty!

  17. I like this interesting real story and the photos.Another interesting page in you adventure book.
