
Monday, September 28, 2009

Poll Results - The Name Of The Chipmunk Is...

The name that you, the great and powerful voters, have chosen for this cute little chipmunk is, get ready for it...   Bob!

There is something I must explain to you. I had a hidden agenda with the poll this time. I've been seeing a lone little chipmunk at the back of this one Nature Preserve for the last few months. I find her in the same little area every time I go. She's a very shy and quiet little girl, so I just didn't know what to call her.

I really thought long and hard about this question, and I just wasn't sure what would be the most appropriate name for this pretty little chipmunk. The only solution was to search far and wide and gather the most intelligent people from the four corners of the earth to help me, and I found you. And the name you decided upon for this little lady was Bob.

Let's break down the voting numbers to see just how it all happened. You were asked, "Which is the best chipmunk name?" You gave your answers, and this one was very close this time. We ended up with 29 votes overall. "Bob" won with 9 votes (31%), and that name led the whole way. "Alvin" came in at 2nd with 8 votes (27%). 3rd place was a tie between "Chica" and "Chip". Each had 5 votes (17%). And coming in at dead last with just 2 votes (6%) was "Cheech".

And now the people have spoken, and this little girl's new name is Bob. Bob Chipmunk. I think she was very excited by this vote, and she really wanted to find out what we would be calling her from now on, because she shyly came out of her hiding place to hear her new name for the very first time, and she heard the name "Bob".

I am very delighted to say that she must have been very pleased with your choice, because as soon as she heard the pronouncement of "Bob" she let out a small squeak and quickly disappeared back into her hiding place. Yes, she must really like that name. You should be proud.

Wait! What did you say? You didn't know that she was a female? Silly humans! You should have taken a closer look before you made your choice. Talk about informed voters...


  1. I like the name. We had a cat named Bob too, and yes, she was a female. Maybe it is a new trend. :)

  2. Bob?? I have to force myself just to accept it.

  3. Bob?

    What's the majority smoking these days? I want some.

    I don't get here often enough, I always miss the voting. Looks like Tamias to me.

  4. yay, she has a name! i'm happy that she liked her name, it is the one that i picked. you have a wonderful day my friend...hugz!

  5. Chica..It should be a Chica!!

    I echo rainfield and wiseacre comments "-)

  6. BOB?!! I guess majority rules...but I sure did like Chip...

  7. Poor thing has to be called Bob now..ha! Ha!

  8. In my high school days, I remember a pocketbook that became very popular because of the title "The truth about Bob and Me" and it turned out... the lead female who everybody thought has a long distance rel (a bf) this is huge in teen books, instead have a bestfriend named Bob and she's a girl... hehe...

    Hello Bob!

  9. cute, very cute. Tamia would be a cute name for her.

    Also picked you to participate in a Meme - How many National parks have you visited?

    Please check it out.

  10. Bob? What About Bob? I love that movie because I so identify with Bob and the DR.

    I don't know i like Alvin but Bob it shall be!!

    Happy Monday loony and wonderful friend!!:-)))

  11. All I know is that Alice wants to name every animal Bob. Besides, Nancy Drew had a best friend named George. How very unisex of us.

  12. Well as long as she likes her name, that's all that matters. Besides it suits her :)

  13. Lin - My female cat's name was Floyd.

    Rainfield - Maybe she'll tell everyone it's short for Bobette.

    WiseAcre - I keep saying the same thing whenever there is a new President.

    JStantonChandler - Yeah, it does give her an identity of sorts. Maybe she'll come back out for more pictures if I tell her that. I miss your writing.

    PJ - I think she liked it. I haven't seen her since I told her the name though.

    Icy BC - I like Chica too. Maybe she could tell everybody her name is Chicabob.

    Roschelle - Chip is an excellent choice. Any chipmunk would be proud to have that name.

    Ginnymo - I guess that's what happens when the candidates are so deceptive.

    Tes - That story had a nice twist to it! Now think of it as a movie with chipmunks acting out all of the parts. :)

    DNLee - Maybe next time, I'll use Tamia as one of the choices. :)

    I'll check it out first thing, thanks!

    Jackie - I like that movie too. I came very close to titling this post "What About Bob?".

    Mother Goose - Alice would have named this particular chipmunk Bobbetta. I remember George. She looked a little bit like a chipmunk on the show.

    Stephanie Farris - Bobbie is a good one. That might get her to come out from hiding.

    Poetic Shutterbug - I really hope she likes it because it's to late to change it now. :D

  14. Yes, Bobbi is the female Bob name...that fits...!

  15. P.S. Poll is spelled poll, not pole.
    just sayin.

  16. Interesting. How you know its a she Ratty? I like what Lin said, its a new trend! haha! :D

  17. The Retired One - Bobbi is completely acceptable for a female. I'll relay that to her.

    You're absolutely right about poll! I have no idea why it started to become pole. I thought there was something funny about it when I first saw it myself, but I was in such a hurry to type down my thoughts that I blew right past it. I pride myself on my spelling, but I rely too much on the spell checker to proofread for me. That will definitely have to be fixed. If you look at the title it is spelled correctly there, and it has no proofreader. Thanks for the correction!

    VanillaSeven - It's simple that I know she is a she. She told me when she asked for a name. :)

  18. Well there was A Boy named Sue so why not a chipmunk named Bob?

    I am glad to hear she likes her new name. This was another fun poll Ratty, more of these please.

  19. SquirrelQueen - I will definitely try to keep the fun in the polls. I'll have to get more creative with each one, and that's a good thing.
