
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

TV Star Mr. Nutz

The last time I saw my evil nemesis Mr. Nutz the crazy squirrel, he had just gotten through rampaging across the world. I met him in the forest and he was vowing revenge upon me and anyone else who got in his way. This was about a month and a half ago. I've been wondering lately what happened to him. Last night I found out!

It seems Mr. Nutz has now become famous. He's a TV star. I was watching the baseball game, my favorite sport, on TV last night, and a little brown interruption ran out onto the ball field. Yup, it was a crazy little squirrel, and he caused so much trouble that they had to stop the ball game.

They had to send out several people to try to chase him off the field. You can see those guys in the brown jackets chasing a little brown speck in the picture at the top. That speck in front of the two on the right is that little rascal Mr. Nutz. They chased him around the field like a bunch of fools until he finally decided to climb one of the walls.

Here's a nice closeup of that little trouble maker running for his life. This was one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. It was better than the ball game, because my team blew this game. He ran around the field for quite awhile as they tried their best to catch him. I guess they just weren't fast enough because he got away easily.

Here's the happy part where the lost little squirrel climbed the outfield wall and made his way into the bushes. He climbed right into that hole in front of him. The huge crowd of people at the stadium cheered him on the whole way.

This one little squirrel stopped a baseball game that was being broadcast to millions of people. The millionaires that play the game were now being payed all that money to watch Mr. Nutz run around the field. They make so much money to run around out there and all the squirrel got was chased away.

After a few minutes of hiding, Mr. Nutz came back out of the bushes and laid down on top of the wall. He was exhausted from that huge chase. I guess now he just wanted to lay there and watch the baseball game. He stayed like this for a little while.

Before any of you decide to feel sorry for him, I have to tell you that as soon as he caught his breath he jumped down from the wall and did the whole thing all over again. He wasn't happy with doing it only once. So there you go. That's what Mr. Nutz is doing now. I guess he's much too famous to pick on me now.

For any of you who are concerned about this squirrel's safety, I'm sure that he snuck out of the place after everyone left. Things like this happen sometimes, and the animal is usually just fine, but probably a little wiser afterward.


  1. I was at a ballgame once too last year when Mr. Nutz made an appearance. It was so funny how all the people pulled for the squirrel and didn't mind the game interruption at all. It definitely was the highlight. I've only seen this once but it made that game really special! Here's my post about it:

  2. It must be fun and exciting to watch! Mr. Nutz is quite a teaser, and I have to say he is a daring adventurer also.

  3. I guess since the game was boring, he had to repeat the show to keep the crowd energized and give them something worth watching besides a boring game.

  4. what a mischievous little guy he is...hehehe

  5. I have many Mr Nutzs in my work place. They made the same havoc which need me to settle day after day.

  6. He is a mischievous little bugger streaking across the field like that isn't her? :-)

  7. That is one fast squirrel and cheeky too

  8. omygoodness, that would have been fun to see!

  9. You have all the fun out there, am so happy and glad for you. I would have loved to observe Mr Nutz do that.

  10. Mr. Nutz is the comic relief!!!

  11. It's all those peanuts at the game that enticed him! How funny!

  12. That was hilarious! And, I am SURE it was Mr.Nutz!!! He is such a play-yah!!!

  13. That nutzy squirrel is going to wear himself out permanently if he's not careful!

  14. Mr Nutz has been busy. Over the weekend he was near Pontiac, Michigan, stealing flags from graves to line his nest!

  15. Aww.. that's so cute! And caught on camera indeed. It's a good ice breaker I think.

  16. Thank you thank you thank you that was brilliant. Loved that story. :) Big smiles for me.

  17. Run Mr.Nutz! Run!!!~ LOL!! :D
    Just to see him from behind made me laugh. Must be very hilarious when it happened on TV!!!

  18. Ha! Love your story!! Squirrels sure can be entertaining, even for all the viewers on TV!! And I bet the baseball arena was laughing. Your posts are always so entertaining Ratty. They lift me up when I'm feeling down. Thanks.

  19. I finally got to see Mr. Nutz on the news last night..You had better photos :-)

  20. Karen - Your post was great! I saw the same thing happen with a squirrel a few weeks ago just like it happened here. He was even laying on the outfield wall just like in my game. I think Mr. Nutz wants to be a baseball star.

    Icy BC - Mr. Nutz did a good job. It hasn't been fun to watch the ballgame since then.

    Mike - It was very boring. My team, The Tigers, lost. The squirrel was the only highlight of the show.

    PJ - He sure is. He's a complete troublemaker.

    Wiggy - Just hope he doesn't come after Football next.

    Rainfield - That's the part of his squirrel army that he left in Malaysia. They're all nuts.

    Poetic Shutterbug - Usually it's drunken people that do it, but I thin Mr. Nutz has an evil plan.

    Kruel - He sure was fast. None of those guys could catch him, and I think he was laughing at them about it.

    Stacie's Madness - Yeah, it was the only fun thing about that game that night.

    Betchai - You still might get to see him. He seems to be doing this at a lot of the baseball games.

    Ellen - He sure is. It was great.

    Lin - I never thought of that. It could be the peanuts.

    The Retired One - Yeah, it had to be. Only Mr. Nutz would do it like that.

    Sharkbytes - I don't think he knows the meaning of careful.

    Mother Goose - If it's bad, Mr. Nutz will do it.

    Daisy - It might be an icebreaker. He likes to break things.

    Julia - That crazy squirrel will be back. He's always up to something.

    Vanilla - It was great. I would have captured some video, but I think the TV people would have been mad at me.

    Ginnymo - The whole place was laughing and cheering for the squirrel. I think even the guys chasing him were cheering him on. I'm glad my posts help.

    Icy BC - Thanks. They never show enough on the news. He was on the news here, and he also made national news across the country.
