
Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Spring Flowers

Today I'm going to do something a little different. I'm going to shut up. Everybody else has been featuring beautiful spring flowers and I didn't want to miss out on the fun. I haven't seen very many flowers in the forest, but these are what I saw the other day when I was out.

That's it, I hope you like them. Now I'll be quiet as a mouse.


  1. Beautiful flowers Ratty! But don't you ever shut up!! I think I'll post the only flowers I can see..ha! Some wild Buttercups out there.

  2. Nice flowers - even the forests have their own... Thanks for sharing.

  3. Excellent posting here. :)

    Great shot!

  4. Love the clover blossom. I was shooting flowers around our house and had to get a few of the clover.

  5. Wow... Ratty posted flowers! :)
    Beautiful! Keep it coming!

  6. The flowers are beautiful, but the comments are entertaining. "Ratty posted flowers!"?

  7. Found you by way of My Quality Day. Nice pictures and post. Right now my adventure is with a woodchuck in the garden (he or she is well fed)

  8. Oh, they are so dainty and colorful. I love them.

  9. Ooooooo. I loved the slender white one, I don't know what it is called, but it looked tropical or something! Your flowers pictures are beautiful, Ratty....keep them coming!

  10. the 4th one, which looks like white dancing ladies rejoicing in the wonderful gifts of the surrounding really draws my attention, it is so unique and lovely. you actually have very good set of wildflower pictures, am glad you found them and shared to us.

  11. There is an old saying that is - if you can place your hand over five daisies then Summer and good weather has arrived!

  12. Ginnymo - I don't intend to stay quiet for very long. I just like to give something different sometimes. Plus I need to learn a little more about flowers.

    Meghann - There were some others I wish I had.

    Icy BC - A pale imitation of your flower pictures.

    Mike - There were some other forest flowers that I had blurry pictures. I missed getting them though.

    Roentarre - Thanks. My photography still needs work though. Taking the flower pictures is good practice.

    Secondary Roads - Those clover blossoms are some of my favorites too. I'm not sure many people consider them when they think of flowers.

    Vanilla - It's an unusual thing for me, isn't it?

    Rainfield - The comments are the most fun part of any post. :)

    JOE TODD - My Quality Day is one of my favorite places. Woodchucks can be fun except when they decide to share your garden.

    Poetic Shutterbug - I sometimes forget these small colorful gems.

    The Retired One - I'm pretty sure they're a kind of honeysuckle. They smell even better than they look. That whole area of the park is full of their perfume.

    Betchai - I almost didn't take the picture of those. From far away they look wilted. The wonderful smell drew me to them though.

    Kloggers/Polly - I think the saying is right because it has all come true.

  13. Great photos Ratty...tee that your name?
    Nice blog..will come back again to see more of your world

  14. Such pretty flowers Ratty!!! I love this time of the year because there is so much color out there!

  15. Thanks for the reminder to look right close at hand for beauty we may have overlooked!

  16. I lost my best friend 15yrs ago, Daisies is our flower so I loved your pictures :)

  17. dAwN - Ratty is my name on the internet, but it's not my real one.

    Kallen - Spring is my favorite time of year because of that. So much color and life.

    Sharkbytes - I've been trying to learn to appreciate the flowers as much as I do the animals.

    Glynis - I hope the pictures helped you remember all of your fond memories of your friend.

  18. It's interesting to see your flowers look similar but not identical to the flowers I usually see. What type of clover is the last one?

  19. John - I would say maybe the flowers are related, but I recently found out that similar looks don't necessarily mean they are. As far as the clover, I really don't know what kind it is. I'm honestly not very good identifying plants.

  20. It is so sad that we are almost finished with all our blooming in the wilderness areas! There are just a few things left doing their thing. I have one more botanist post to do and I will be about done for the season until it begins to rain again. Woe is me.

  21. Julia - Blooming may be done, but there are always interesting things to see. I don't know how it works for a botanist like you, but for someone like me, who is learning everything, there is always something new and exciting.

  22. I just love flowers!! Those are so beautiful and sweet :)
