
Monday, May 11, 2009

The Craziest Animal

Today I went to the nature park a little later than I've been going recently. I decided to go in the evening before it really started getting dark. I kind of wondered what the animals would be doing this time of day. Would they even be the same animals?

I found out that a few of the regular animals were still there. Most of them were nowhere to be seen. I also noticed that there were types of animals that I usually don't see very much of. In fact there was one kind in particular that were roaming the park in large groups. There were several of these groups of animals.

I've mentioned in past stories how geese make a lot of noise and cause a ruckus. These animals were even rowdier than geese. As a matter of fact they were actually bothering my favorite nesting goose. They were gathered around her and scaring her very much. She was huddled over her eggs when I went to see her. I didn't take her picture because I was just checking to see if she was okay.

Before I got to her I found out something about these other foolish animals. When I found them hovering around the poor defenseless goose, I stopped near them. They were so mesmerized by the goose that they didn't notice me there at all. I wanted to protect the future mother, so I decided to make my presence known.

I looked at the crowd of animals that were ignoring me, and I calmly lifted my camera in their direction. As soon as the camera came up, the animals turned in my direction. The goose was now forgotten. They didn't seem to like my camera one bit.

I've seen squirrels run from me, and birds would scatter at the sight of me, but these creatures all decided they had somewhere else to be when they saw my camera. They immediately left the goose alone and even fled the area! No, they did not like my camera at all.

I'm sure many of you have already guessed what kind of animal these were. They were people of course. People are the shyest animals of all. Most of them want no part of the business end of a camera. Just remember, your camera can either make you feel like a freak, or it can be a frightening weapon of justice for the defense of an innocent little animal.


  1. The craziest animal = people, I should've guessed really! :-)

    I suppose they're just curious, but that's no excuse to be inconsiderate and distress the poor goose :-(

  2. Should have just snap some pics just for the sake of it

  3. Hi, great post again. I hope these people weren't malicious in any way? Good for you for getting them away from the goose- any idea when you should see the new babies at all? I am so looking forward to seeing your photos (if you manage to get some!) or even just read about the experience. Glad the goose was ok in the end :)

  4. John - People are always the craziest animals. :)

    I think most people don't realize when they're scaring an animal. Even so, it was the goose that put herself in the zoo like situation.

    Kruel - I was thinking the same thing afterward. I guess I suffer from being one of those crazy animals too. :)

    Bemused - No, they didn't mean any harm. There were just a lot of them. It's hard for a crowd not to scare any animal. I'm guessing the babies will show up in about one more week. I'm watching very closely right now though. The goose is pretty safe there, she just picked a high traffic area for her nest.

  5. That was nice of you to protect the goose, and using the camera as a silent weapon!

  6. Ain't it da truth? Loved your story today.

  7. Haha!! I use to take the pictures of others while they are shooting pictures. Maybe there are third party who is doing he same to me.

  8. Good. Glad you only needed a camera to scare away the bipedal life forms. I'm sorry to say too many people don't know when they're causing an animal distress.

  9. I am glad you acted like you were going to "shoot them"....they probably were distressing the goose.
    I always try not to scare the animals I take pictures of too.

  10. I see these animal frequently, infact my wife and I decided to raise 3 of them. The young versions of these animals can be pests, noisy, messy, high-needs, self serving, and any number of other things; but most importantly, they are a blessing, a miracle, and a gift. (I think I was actually one of these animals at one time).

    Take Care Ratty! and Happy Mothers Day to all the moms on your end!

  11. Icy BC - I'm not sure if I was being nice or if I just wanted the goose all to myself. I like to think I was being nice though.

    Secondary Roads - Humans are the strangest and goofiest animal too.

    Rainfield - And maybe the person taking your picture has another person taking theirs.

    WiseAcre - Most people simply don't pay attention. They think if the animal doesn't run then it's not afraid.

    The Retired One - I try not to scare any animals either. Sometimes it's hard, but they can usually get away. When I watch the goose I try to be as quick as possible.

    Scott - The young version of these animals are always the most fun. They do the craziest things. It's hard to ignore them.

    Thanks Scott.

  12. i really thought at first it was some kind of animal who migrate during sunset when it cools down, but when they stopped to bother the mother goose, i realized it must be humans, otherwise, predators may just attack outright. good thing for you to aim the camera at them, they realized probably they should leave the nesting goose behind or just observe it from afar where she can not feel the threat or the presence. thanks goodness you were there, yes, the camera is like a pistol to some :) hehe

  13. And you were just part of that animal group huh? Ha! That poor goose. She should have hidden her nest better. But I'm looking forward to more pictures of her. Just another curious animal here..Ha! Ha!

  14. Betchai - Actually they do migrate during sunset when it cools down. :)
    Humans are more afraid of a camera than any wild animal.

    Ginnymo - Yeah, I'm the craziest of those crazy animals. The goose was a little foolish putting her nest in that spot, but I hope it works out well for her and us. :)
