
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Afternoon Lake

It was a peaceful and quiet afternoon at Carpenter Lake. I didn't do very much except walk around looking at a few random things. There were a few birds around, but none that I could see. I could only hear them in the trees.

I went to the back of the nature preserve to check on the nesting goose. She's still there sitting on her nest. There aren't any new baby geese yet, but they should be there any time now. I want to be able to see them, so I've been checking every day now. Still quiet though.

The whole place was quiet, so I decided to just relax and enjoy nature. Since the last time I showed you the lake it has changed quite a bit. Go on and take a look.

See! It's a lot greener than it was before, isn't it? I love watching the clouds go by on a day like this. The wind was blowing, but it wasn't very strong. Just a nice spring breeze. You can see it in the ripples on the water.

For an afternoon there weren't very many people here today. That's a sharp contrast to the way it was yesterday, when the place was crowded. I like walking around here when I can just stop and take a deep breath, and feel like the whole world belongs to me.

Did you notice the rambling way of writing today? That's how my thoughts have been on this quiet peaceful day. I stood there on the fishing platform thinking about nothing and everything. I was able to let my thoughts drift without being interrupted by anyone.

What a nice relaxing day! I almost didn't go out here, because the day seemed so quiet and slow. I'm glad I went. I haven't had such a relaxing time in quite awhile. Ahhh!


  1. Nice post today, start me off feeling relaxed at work too. I love reading your posts every morning and looking at your lovely pictures. I am looking forward to the geese :)

    That is such a beautiful lake to live near. In July, I'll be going to our place in France, we have a huge lake like yours fed by a few dams right by us so I'll try to get some nice pictures up from there.

  2. It certainly looks a relaxing sort of place. Its great to be able to compare the seasons (Northern Hemisphere). I always liked Spring in the UK, just to see the difference in the local woodland.

  3. This lake looks so peaceful! I love the nice trees around it too! Lake Erie does not look like this.

  4. I like to be alone with nature too. I do that when I'm on vacation--take a hike with just my camera. I love to just sit and take in the sights and sounds, and not be interrupted by the annoying humans.

  5. I can feel how you felt. I had gone through the journey that you went through that day.

    It is fantastic in one day to have such a moment.

  6. I love the second picture most, with the blue sky and cloud, and then there is the reflection of the sky in the water. Where is Carpenter Lake? Haven't heard of it before!

  7. The reflections in the water and cloudy skies are glorious. I love journeying along with you each day :)

  8. Bemused - I'm glad I can help get your day going. I'm looking forward to the geese too. I try to check every day now.

    I'll be looking forward to your lake pictures. I like seeing dams too. My lake is actually very small, but it has a lot of things for its size.

    Mike - This place was built specifically for relaxation. Spring is my favorite season. It's the main thing I'd miss if I lived there.

    Karen - This lake is very small. Lake Erie is the first body of water I was ever at where I couldn't see the far shore. I loved it.

    Lin - It's good for everyone to be able to get away sometimes. I'm sometimes a hermit, so maybe I need it more than most. That solitary feeling can be a great one.

    Rainfield - Yes, it is. It's like having all negative feelings just melt away. I'm sure it's happened to you many times, like it has for me.

    Icy BC - Carpenter Lake is a very small hidden lake. It's in a nature park on 10 Mile Road. It's in Southfield right at the border of Farmington Hills. I need to make a profile with directions to this place. I've done that for the other places I go, but I was waiting for the green to come back to do this one. I think it might be time now.

  9. Poetic Shutterbug - I liked those reflections too. The colors came out well in these pictures.

  10. Sometimes it's nice to just sit back, relax and reflect instead of battling mutant ninja squirrels or pod people.

  11. the clouds made your picture even look lovelier, it seems to add more sense of peacefulness.

  12. WiseAcre - Yeah, I was glad they, or the swamp monsters, didn't show up to try and ruin it. They'll all be back though.

    Betchai - Those clouds are the very reasonI wanted to post those pictures.

  13. Love all of that lush green. Hope you see baby geese very soon!

  14. L. Venkata - It's even better being there. :)

    Kallen - I'm expecting baby geese any day now. I'm guessing at the beginning of next week.

  15. I love to just ramble around in the woods does relax one and connects one to Nature to its fullest! Glad you had a good day!

  16. The Retired One - I've been enjoying rambling around more lately, because I had to rediscover it.
