
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother Duck

I finally saw the first mother and babies of spring today. I have to tell you right away that these three pictures aren't very good. I actually had to do some editing work to get them to come out as well as they are now. I just couldn't pass up the chance to share this though.

I was at the very back of one of the nature parks where there is a big peaceful pond. I was standing on the bridge, and I looked over at the small side I saw something curious. There was a lone duck swimming around over at the far side from me. It was far away so I couldn't see it very well.

As I strained my eyes to see what it was doing, I noticed that this duck wasn't as alone as I first thought. The duck was surrounded by anywhere from eight to a dozen babies! There were so many of the little ducklings that I couldn't count them.

The babies would all swim right up close to their mother, and then they would spread out to seek some adventure in their new little lives. It was amazing to see this new little flock of ducks swimming around the small section of the pond. I really wish I could have been closer, so I could see them a little more clearly.

I took as many pictures as I could, hoping some would come out okay, but I knew the ducks were too far away for even the camera to see very well. Still, they were the first babies I have been able to see this year. I'm still hoping my favorite goose will give me a good view when the time comes.

The best part of the little ducks was when the mother called all of them in. It really shows how much animals communicate with each other when you see a mother taking care of her young. It was even clear to me that she was talking to them.

After the mother let her little baby ducks have their playtime, she called them all back together. She then led them all up onto the bank, and then they waddled deep into the weeds to their nest where they were safe. I didn't see them after that.

I'll have to make some time to go back and see if I can get another look at them. Maybe they'll hide from me, but maybe I'll be able to get some better pictures next time. If you click on these you can see them a little better, but the pictures still aren't very good. At least you get to see what I saw though. So many babies!

I guess spring is the time for motherhood. Just think of all of the baby animals that will be out this time of year. These aren't the only babies I've seen recently, but they're the only ones I saw with their mom. I have something very cool coming up. I can't wait to show you!


  1. Awww! Baby Ducks!! They are the cutest things! I hope you can see them often. I'm glad you got some photos of them! Have a great day!

  2. How sweet! I love ducklings, don't you? Great post for Mother's Day. Happy Day to you too!

  3. What a great post for Mother's Day! I love watching ducklings with their moms!

  4. Great post, I absolutely adore seeing baby waterbirds- especially ducklings as they are so cute! I love that last photo the best :)

  5. I bet they are cute! We haven't seen too many babies yet here. They will get tamer as time goes on and the Mama Duck lets them have a little more will get closer shots, I am sure!

  6. Only with the baby we can see the greatness of a mother. The babies are cute and the mother is always the best.

  7. thanks for sharing, i am glad you shared them despite you think the picture quality are not good, sometimes, it is not about the pictures we got, but the stories we have captured behind. glad you were able to share with us your experience of motherhood in nature.

  8. Ginnymo - I want to see them at least once more so I can get some better pictures. Hopefully I'll have pictures of little goslings soon.

    Lin - The ducklings are great. Maybe the first I've ever seen.

    BC Doan - It was fun watching them. I wish I could have gotten a better look.

    Bemused - That last picture was also the last one I got before they fled into the weeds.

    The Retired One - I hope I'll get closer shots. If not, I know of a few other places with ducks.

    Rainfield - We get one of the best looks at an animals intelligence and love with a mother and her babies.

    Betchai - I usually have to emphasize the stories. My pictures are hard to get sometimes, and I had to enhance these a little bit so everyone could see the ducks. I think I like the memories of getting the pictures more than the pictures themselves.
