
Monday, February 2, 2015

Trumpeter Swans

I recently went on a little adventure to a place called Chris L. Lloyd Swan Restoration Refuge. I didn't know what to expect before I got there because I've never been there before. I actually passed the place by at first because I missed it at first. When I realized that I had just seen the sign I turned Around and went back.

It's a small place at the side of the road. There is a large pond with some Trumpeter Swans and some Canada Geese. The birds stayed at the far side of the pond the whole time I was there. They were sitting at the edge of the ice near the water that was bubbling up at that end.

One of the things I didn't notice until I looked at my pictures was that the male swan has an injured wing. Actually I don't know which one was male and which was female or if either was either. I just keep assuming that the standing bird is male and the sitting one is female.

This one above is the one I think is the male, standing there trying to look dominant.

This next one is the one I think is the female, simply because she's lying there looking a lot more easy going. Maybe I'm wrong about both of them. Does it really matter?

And finally here they are both together. Behind them is the only place on the pond that isn't covered with ice. The water is bubbling up pretty hard back there which tells me this pond is artificial.

This wasn't the only destination on this little adventure so I'll have more posts from then. None of the other things are like this though. This may have been the best part of the trip. I really like the swans.

At the end of the trip my truck overheated so I had to go back home. Now the truck is in the shop getting fixed once again. It's a good truck but I wish I wasn't having so many problems lately. The truck's not the only thing. I'll talk to you later.


  1. They're so beautiful. A fellow Tampa picture snapper posted of a lake nearby with swans. I've gotta make the forty mile drive.

    1. I had to drive a ways to see these swans too. It was well worth it.

  2. I saw a small group over the weekend. I wonder if he is doing rehab there. Did you hear them honk?Sounds like a French horn.

    1. Yeah, they were honking up a storm while I was there. I took a video, but that's right when they decided to have a rest.

  3. Hello greetings.

    Beautiful photos of the swans. You made me laugh when you said that the male swan is standing and the female in sitting.

    Best wishes

    1. Yeah, it was just an assumption I made. I still think that way of them, but I have no way of knowing which was which.

  4. Replies
    1. I'll be back when it gets warmer. Maybe there will be more.

  5. Replies
    1. I hope I can have more photos of these birds maybe some time this summer.

  6. What a beautiful pair and you've got beautiful shots of them

    1. They really are magnificent. I'm glad they were there.

  7. That's a fabulous pair! Your post reminds me of two swans facing each other, beak-to-beak, with their necks forming a heart-shaped space. Swans are beautiful and royal!

    1. I've seen pictures like that too. That's the way I'll think of these two now.

  8. The swans always look so serene and peaceful. But I guess they can be mean, or so people have told me. I hope your problems are soon over! Lovely pictures...

    1. I've heard they can be mean too. I've had geese hiss at me for getting too close. I don't even want to risk it with swans.

  9. Wonderful! So close you could get good pictures. Especially the first one.

    1. I'll have to show the observation deck I was on in one of my future posts. The place is a small man-made pond just for watching the swans.
