
Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Dog And The Squirrel

Lots of nature stuff has been happening around my house recently. I've been seeing birds, rabbits, and all sorts of other things as well. I don't necessarily have pictures of everything, but I've had some fun. Here's the story of just one of the little incidents around here. 

My dog Isabella was outside barking at some unknown thing, as usual, when I heard another sound coming from out there. It turned out to be the sound of a chattering squirrel. I went to the front door to see what was going on and saw the dog looking up into one of my big trees.

I went out onto the porch and looked up into the tree to see this angry squirrel looking down at the dog. The squirrel was chattering away at her while she barked back. For some reason my dog and squirrels love to get into arguments.

I have a post from a few years ago where she and a squirrel are arguing. I even have a video I shot that day if you'd like to see this funny incident. It's always possible it's the very same squirrel. This is the same tree that older squirrel was in.

Isabella has had many adventures with the squirrels in my two big trees out front. She's always arguing with them or chasing them. She's never been able to catch any of them yet, but she sure does try, and they sure love to antagonize her. They all may be the very same squirrel.

Anyway, today's squirrel finally got tired of chattering and began to think better of it. And besides, I was the only one left on the porch to yell at. So it did the only thing it could think of. It tried to hide behind the branch it was sitting on. I felt sorry for the poor thing so I went back inside.

But the story wasn't quite over.

You see, Isabella is a very intelligent dog. While I was taking my pictures, Isabella ran over to the base of that tree and waited for the squirrel to come down. Luckily for the squirrel it was smart enough not to fall for that trick, but it hasn't been so smart in the past. Isabella knows her stuff. She's a very skilled hunter.

She lurked around the base of that tree until it was apparent that the squirrel wasn't coming down. The good thing for the squirrel is that it can travel through many trees from this one. it used to be able to travel a very long distance until my neighbor cut down a few of the trees in the back. The squirrels can still get pretty far.

Oh well, if I keep rambling on I'll never stop, so I guess I'll leave it at that for today. I'll talk to you later.


  1. That's very cute! Does Isabella go to the same tree looking for her squirrel friend?

    1. I don't really think she considers the squirrel a friend. I do think she wants to play with it though. I have two big trees that she goes to so she can catch the squirrel. It depends on which tree the squirrel is in.

  2. I have a lot so they keep my dogs and cats busy.

    1. I wish I had a few more squirrels around here. I kind of miss them.

  3. I can almost hear it chattering just looking at that first picture! They do that to us when we walk the nature trails. But unlike Isabella, I don't even want to catch them )))

    1. I've had squirrels try to chase me away on some of the nature trails I used to walk. When they'd get close they began to rethink the situation because I'd take their pictures instead of run.

  4. love your pup! our squirrels do that, too - chatter and scold and even froth at the mouth, sometimes, they get so upset. :)

    1. I love the angry little squirrels. They're such little characters.

  5. Squirrels can be characters! They like to taunt my dog, too. Not so much my cat. My cat gets them every time!

    1. I've often wondered what it is with squirrels and dogs. The squirrels seem to take such offense.

  6. I'm glad my Labrador completely ignores the squirrels. Now if I could get my Rottweiler to chill, life would be so relaxed.

    1. There are a couple of dogs down the road from me with two different personalities like that. My dog argues with the squirrels for hours.

  7. There are lots of squirrels in our neighborhood! My human keeps hoping I'll see one when we go on one of our strolls, but so far, they've kept hidden when they see me out in my walking vest.

    1. It would be interesting to know how you'd react to an angry squirrel.

  8. Squirrel vs dog.... an age old contest!

    1. It seems like they were never meant to get along.

  9. Nice post! Dogs in our area are driven wild by possums in the trees ar night - no squirrels!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. My old dog had an encounter with a possum once. I was kind of afraid for the dog because the possum was so big.

  10. They argue without seeking to understand each other.

    How a dog and a squirrel talk?

    I think I would need to teach them.

    1. I'd like to see a dog and a squirrel talk rather than argue.
