
Saturday, January 31, 2015

It's Snowing

It's snowing around here right now. I wish I would have remembered to use the flash on my camera, then I could have captured the snowflakes falling. I guess I'll have to do it next time.

I always liked this scene from the end of the street after a snowfall. All of the trees lined up there just look right to me for some reason. I think that's why I've taken this picture so  many times before.

It's supposed to keep snowing here so there should be a lot more soon. I probably won't bore you with any more pictures of it though. This much is plenty for now. Besides, I have lots of other stuff to share with you. I'm going to have to do extra posts for a little while to keep up with everything.

Even though my truck is in the shop right at the moment, I've been on a few good nature adventures. I've got lots of stuff to show you from those. The little bird feeder got very active all of a sudden today. I even accidently posted something from that, but I deleted it shortly after.

But this snow scene is enough for today. I'll talk to you later.


  1. that's beautiful. a bit stark, subdued colors, but so beautiful. :)

    1. The colors are what I really like about this scene whenever it snows.

  2. I love that scene from the end of your street!

    1. I love it too. I like the snow just for that sometimes.

  3. Looks nice here, about 5 inches and the trees are coated

    1. Since I took this picture we've gotten at least 8. I think it's probably more. It's the biggest snowfall since I've been here in Iowa.

  4. Hello greetings and good wishes.

    Lovely photos of a vast stretch of snow. I have not seen snow in my life. Here in Kochi we have two major seasons, SUMMER AND RAINY SEASON.
    i have seen snow only in photos and movies.
    Best wishes

    1. I've had snow every place I've lived so it's hard for me to imagine life without it sometimes. The great thing about blogs is that we all get to see how people from all around the world have it.

  5. Snow doesn't bore me, Ratty, so keep 'em coming!!

    1. I'll definitely have some more snowy pictures of some kind. I have some good ones of birds in the snow coming up soon.

  6. We've got snow today too....and LOTS of it. I love a snow-day on Sunday when I don't have to go anywhere. I can just enjoy it sitting by the fire.

    1. I love snow as long as it isn't making life difficult. Hiking the hills around here in the snow and ice isn't much fun though. I'm glad I've found a few places with flatter land.

  7. Look forward to more shots of your adventuring.

    1. You'll find that my little adventures can be strange sometimes. That's the way I like it.

  8. You make the snow look beautiful. Have to admit I'd rather see than be in it tho!

    1. I'm finding that as the years go on I'd rather see it than be in it too. I still love finding reasons that I just have to be out there though.

  9. You are right about the composition of those trees. They look nice.

    1. These trees get covered in white when it snows sometimes. I can't resist getting out the camera when that happens.

  10. I miss snow! We have to drive to see it! I visited after seeing DM as your icon - a fine series!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. I love Danger Mouse. I only discovered him after I was grown, but I've been watching him for awhile now.
