
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Let Me Take You On A Hiking Tour

I'm going to take you along on a short hike with me today. I've attempted to do this in years past, but I always seemed to get distracted from my tour guide duties, then I ramble on about several other things. Not this time. I do have a few extra pictures in this post, but nobody has been complaining about the other posts with lots of pictures, so here we are.

First we start out on this very civilized wide trail at the front of the nature park. It's not paved, but it's well graveled and manicured. It's the kind that gives greenhorns a nice warm feeling inside. The thing I like about it is that it stretches on for quite a ways. We don't know what's coming next.

After awhile we see something new on the side of the trail. Cut into the grass is another trail that forks off into two directions. Are we allowed to go off the main trail and onto this strange one cut into the grass? Well there's only one way to find out. Let's take a chance and hit the grass trail. I won't tell anyone.

After taking the fork on the right we come to an even smaller trail. Nobody has come running over and yelled at us yet, so I'm pretty sure we're allowed to go on these new smaller trails.  Besides, they were clearly made for a reason.

You can see at the far end of the trail that there are a few more trees there, and something interesting is happening. Right at the end the trail there's a dip that clearly takes us downhill. That means a new bit of the adventure!

We now get to that end of the trail so we can now see what's beyond. We're standing at the top of a hill looking down into a very woody area. Some of you may not be impressed with the amount of trees, but believe me, this is very woody for around here. You can also see there on the left a hint of a body of water.

Finally we get to the very end of the trail. We're now standing at the edge of this small lake. This is our destination. I usually stand here and look out over the lake for awhile and just enjoy nature at its finest. This is what it's all about. I love being near the water.

At other times there may be several kinds of ducks and other water birds on this lake. It will take a few more trips like this to see them. You can't get that lucky every time. Just reaching our goal and seeing the lake is good enough for me though. I love this place.

And that's our little tour. It kind of gives you a much less fun view of my experiences. There's really nothing like being there, as many of you know. This was just a short hike. The longer ones are even more fun and interesting. There's just so much more to see on those. Maybe one day we'll go on one of those long hikes. I'll talk to you later.


  1. I like this post idea and enjoyed seeing your picks. Our dog would love to walk through that tall grass next to the path!

    1. This is really a perfect place for dogs. My dog loves it as well.

  2. I figured it took you around the lake. nice trails, easy to walk.

    1. The main trail takes you around at least this side of the lake. There are many stop offs like this one that go up to the edge of the lake. Yes, it is very easy to walk, except for me right now. I've been having trouble with my back, so I haven't been able to go very far. I'm working to try to fix that right now so I can get back to proper hiking.

  3. Replies
    1. I've been wanting to do a post like this ever since I began hiking. Every other time I ended up getting distracted. I'm glad I was able to do this this time.

  4. I like it where the destination is water. Thanks for the trip!

    1. I like it where the destination is water too. It's like finding a nice treasure at the end. One of these days I'll take everyone on a much longer hike and see if that works out as well. The twists and turns might be fun.

  5. Brilliant to go there, it looks great.

    1. Thanks. The little hike was a lot of fun, and I've wanted to do a post like this for a long time.

  6. Wonderful hike and great shots of nature ~ thanks!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  7. Nice hike, Ratty! I keep meaning to get to the local nature preserve with water and see what birds might be there. Maybe next time you'll find some!

    1. I hope one of these times I can see some birds. I don't have much luck with them around here yet.

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks, it'll look even better when warmer weather gets here.

  9. Thanks for the tour! Your images are beautiful. I love the trees. :)

    1. Trees are a favorite thing of mine. I can never get enough of them.

  10. A beautiful hiking trail made even more lovely by the water and pretty views!!

    1. I hope to explore this place even better when the warm weather gets here. Maybe there's even more to it.

  11. Hi! Thanks for visiting my neck of the woods. Loved visiting with you during your hike. :)

    1. I wish I could write about these little hikes every time. I will sometimes if I can make each one different enough.

  12. I like short hikes on good trails! Our days of hiking cross country for hours are past. Thanks for sharing your lovely hike!

    1. I used to be able to hike long distances too, but it has gotten difficult for me in the past year. I'm trying to get back to it so I can see some of the things I'm missing now. And I want to share all of those things.
