
Monday, January 19, 2015

At A New Buffalo Farm

I found these buffalo on a big farm down the road from one of my favorite nature parks. I had to use the zoom on my camera because they stayed at the opposite fence from me, which was actually very far away. I'll keep going back to see if they come closer one time.

As I always do, I took lots of pictures. I got it down to these three I have for you today. But these aren't necessarily the best. I usually pick the best of the bunch, but I really couldn't decide this time, so this is what I have left over.

That square piece on the fence above is a warning sign to keep away from the fence because the buffalo are dangerous. I would have rested the camera on the fence to take the pictures, but I didn't want to take a chance that it might be electrified. Touching an electric fence would have given me something funny to write about though. Bzzzzzzzzzzt!

I did a little bit of redesigning on the blog over the weekend. I moved a few things around and I added a Twitter widget. I moved some stuff that wasn't changing out of the way. I moved the blogroll closer to the top. Other things have moved down and some things have vanished.

I've been trying to give Twitter another little chance so I added the widget for that and I've been active on Twitter for the past few days. I'm trying to use it to give quick updates to things I'm doing related to this blog. Honestly I think Twitter is really only useful for famous people that everyone pays a lot of attention to. I'm going to use it heavily for awhile to see if I can prove myself wrong.

My dog got one of her treats caught in the back of her mouth over the weekend. She was never choking, but she was in some great distress. I tried to help her get it out, but I couldn't do anything for her. She knew I was trying to help her, so she let me do what I could. Luckily she finally got it out and is now doing fine. I thought I was going to lose her for a few minutes. She's had a million of those treats in the past and never had a problem before, but I'm afraid to give her any more of them now.

I was going to go on a bigger trip where I couldn't take the dog, but I've decided to postpone it just to make sure she's okay. I know she is, but I can go another day. It was going to be a good nature trip but there are a few indoor places as well. No dogs allowed.

I also finally bought a bird feeder for in back of the house. It's a very simple cheap one because I still don't know if the birds will come. They never did before with the stuff out front. I only have it sitting on the rail of the porch because there is nowhere to hang it yet. If it's successful I'll build something better next summer.

I think that's it for now. I'll be back with another post just as soon as I can get some more pictures. I'll talk to you later.


  1. we have a buffalo farm not far from where I live. One of these days I'll have to stop and check it out.
    Scary with the dog. Glad she was able to get the treat out and is doing ok.
    I found that if I switched to just plain black oil sunflower seeds in my feeder there were more birds that visited.

    1. I'll have to check out the black oil sunflower seeds. For now I just want to see if I get any birds at all. I've had absolutely zero luck with them in the past.

  2. I agree with Ann on sunflower seeds. Nice to see the buffalo, electric fence runs on wires, so you are safe to get closer.

    1. Yeah, I was pretty sure electric fences were only thew wired kind too. I just didn't want to take any chances. I'm never sure what somebody might rig up.

  3. I hope you get some birds coming around - maybe the sunflower seeds will help.

    1. I hope I get some birds too. It's been two days now and I haven't see any yet. I'll be expecting them maybe in about a week or so though.

  4. Buffalo are interesting creatures. I got to see some babies up close in ND. Glad your dog is OK

    1. They had some little ones in this herd, but no babies. next time I'll get some pictures of those. I never thought of doing that before.

  5. Wow, scary dog adventure! :( Maybe just break up the treats so they don't get caught in her throat again. Poor thing. She mus have been terrified.

    LOVE the buffalo. Yeah, I think I'd take the sign seriously too.

    Once, we were walking with our dog off the leash on a trail and we came up to a fenced in area that housed buffalo. My mom grabbed her movie camera and slowly panned the buffalo....our dog....more buffalo.... The darn dog crawled into the enclosure with the buffalo!! Thank goodness they did not mind!

    Like the new look on the side.

    1. I wish I could break up the treats. These are made of rawhide. She usually plays with them and then chews them into bits. She's had so many with never any trouble before.

      My dog probably would have done the same thing with the buffalo. She's big and sometimes thinks she's the biggest thing in the world.

      Thanks for noticing the look on the side of the site. I'm trying to figure out a way to get some of that stuff, like other people's blogs, noticed a little more.
