
Monday, January 26, 2015

A Junco At The Feeder

I got my first bird at my new little bird feeder, this little Junco. Sure I know the bird feeder isn't much, but that's on purpose. I'll explain my reasoning in my next post. The important thing is that I got a bird! I've been waiting several days for this.

The first day when I put the feeder out there I watched it like a hawk. I knew no birds would show up that day, but I just couldn't help myself. After the second and third days rolled by with nothing, I began to get a little impatient, even though I knew it was still too soon.

Then it finally happened! I was so excited. I watched this bird creeping up to the feeder for awhile before I finally ran to get my camera. I purposely kept the camera out of this room so I wouldn't get my hopes up too early. But then this bird was here.

Of course I took these pictures days ago now. The picture on top was posted on the internet before now. I learned to use Twitter as a tool for quick updates, so I posted that picture there just minutes after I took them. It worked out well for a quick update like that.

I'm still guessing that almost nobody looked at the picture. For one, I don't have many Twitter followers. And for another thing, I still think that Twitter is just a place where us normal people can follow more famous people. It works better for them. I haven't been proved wrong yet. I'd like to be.

It didn't take long for the little bird to fly away. I'm sure it didn't appreciate me kneeling there at the door just a few feet away from it. Since then I've learned that I don't have to be quite so close to get my pictures. It also helped that I gave the window a good cleaning.

It's so easy for me to get these pictures. I can stay right in my chair and take the pictures from there. It's the lap of luxury. Of course I won't just do this all the time now. I have many trips planned to go out to several nature type places.

but this is a good thing to have on those days I can't go anywhere or when I get back home. It reawakened the idea in me that there is so much nature right around my house. A few years ago I was doing lots of stuff just right around here. I need to kind of get back to that. I'll talk to you next time.


  1. Here the squirrels may steal that bell. Throw old bread around the area also to bring them in.

    1. I'm lucky, I only really have one ornery little squirrel around here. He hasn't gone near the bell yet. He likes to argue with the dog though.

  2. I've had one of these honey-seed things in my finchs' cage for months and they've never touched it. Hum.

    1. I was never quite sure how this one would do. It's only really a temporary feeder just to see if any birds at all would come. For that it's worked out okay.

  3. i agree - the squirrels would have that gone here in about 2 minutes. :) the juncos are so cute.

    1. Actually, it might be kind of fun if I could get a few pictures of squirrels carrying this one off.

  4. Those bells can be hit or miss. If it is too hard for them to get the food, they won't come to it anymore. And then the squirrels just cart it off. ;)

    1. I'll have a better feeder up when the weather gets warmer. That's maybe too late, but this one was just to see if there were any birds out there at all. I'm glad it turned out positive.

  5. Put out food for the birds, and they will figure it out eventually! Cute little junco.

    1. I'm glad at least these little Juncos are using it. So far they're the only ones.

  6. i use to use those bells all the time, i always picked them up in walmart!!! it doesn't matter how you feed them, it's just important to feed them, especially in winter. the junco's are so pretty, especially when it snows!!!!

    1. I'm glad you said that. You're the only one other than me who seems to like these bells. I'm glad I even got these few birds to show up. Next I'll get a much better feeder out there.

  7. I like the bell shaped feeder! And it is fun to have a comfortable viewing place. It always takes a few days for the birds to decide a new feeder isn't some kind of trap.

    1. I've seen the birds a few times now, but not in the past couple of days. I hope they keep coming back.

  8. Some nice action there! Congrats on attracting a bird.

    1. I hope I keep attracting birds with this feeder. I plan on getting a better one when it gets warmer.

  9. The little Juncos are precious. Good for you for trying to attract birds to your yard. I might try that bell feeder myself!

    1. This is actually the first time I've been able to attract any birds. I've tried a few times before with no success. Everybody else makes it seem so easy. I hope it gets easy for me too.

  10. Juncos are such sweet birds. I bet the junco will be back when it's hungry. ;))

    1. You bet right. The junco has been back a few times since I took these pictures. There's actually a pair of them that like to share the feeder.
