
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Little White Butterflies

I have some more butterflies for you. I told you in my last post that I was chasing butterflies. These pictures aren't nearly as good as those in my last post, but usually I can't get these little butterflies at all because they're so quick.

You'll just have to imagine me running back and forth after these little guys. I felt lucky any time one of them would stay still more than a fraction of a second. I've had better pictures of butterflies, but I don't know if I've ever had more fun getting them.

I sit here right now at my computer thinking that I never see interesting things in nature anymore, but it really seems that every time I go out for a good amount of time I see lots of wonderful little things, like these butterflies.

I guess when I'm home for a little too long I get kind of discouraged. I just imagine that I'll never see anything but endless grassy fields and cow pastures. Those can be interesting, but sometimes monotonous. I forget the forests and rivers and other fascinating things that are only a few miles away from me. I keep trying to tell myself to remember that.

There's still a new little nature park that I discovered a short time ago and I haven't explored yet. It seems like all my time is being taken up by other more unpleasant things lately. I'm trying to mix in more enjoyable things like exploring nature, but it's not working as well as I keep hoping.

I know one of these times everything will clear up and I'll be back out exploring nature all I want. Then I'll get a chance to explore that new place. I hope I'm not disappointed in it. It looks like it has the potential to be like the little parks I used to visit back in Michigan.

But I can find things like these butterflies just about anywhere. That's the beauty of nature. You can just go right outside your door and find something good. that's easy to forget when you've been inside a little too long, so make a point of going pout. I'll talk to you next time.


  1. I find that true, too. About going outside!

    1. I never have to remind myself of the great things I'll see after I go outside and see them every single time.

  2. It is good to step out of your door and see the natural wonders that surround us.

    1. I see them every time. I sometimes wonder how I could forget.

  3. Step out and be careful.

    Aware of the mushrooms.

    1. I have mushrooms in my front yard. I leave them there hoping you'll come and take their pictures.

  4. White Underwing Moth in the 1st photo. The other two are Blues.

    1. I should have known the blues, but I seem to have forgotten a lot of that information in the past couple of years.

  5. Butterflies are always difficult to photograph. I usually don't have much success in getting a decent picture of these elusive creatures.

    1. I usually can't catch up to them either, but there were so many of them that day that my chasing paid off.
