
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Chasing Butterflies

The past couple of weeks have been full of dealing with doctors for me. I haven't had much time to think about anything else, and it's not quite over. I'm trying to get at least a few small visits out to nature here and there. I found this butterfly on one of those little visits.

I don't know that I have much to say about the butterfly. I haven't had time to check and see what kind it is, but it does look familiar. I've posted about these little guys before and I think I've identified those back then. I'll tell you just what it is next time I get one.

I did at least remember to get a little video of the butterfly, done in Super Ratty Shaky Cam mode. If you watch it on Youtube you can view it in whatever quality you want. I'm not sure how good the quality is on here. I'm hoping it's set on low so everyone can see it.

On days like the one with this buttefly encounter I wish I could stay out there forever. I keep quickly remembering that I have other unpleasant things I have to do though. I stood and watched the river behind this butterfly for a long time. It was heaven.

I was chasing butterflies from plant to plant. Most of them were too fast for me. I got the video because the pictures were getting hard. The video did a good job of keeping up though. I'll have to take a look at my other butterfly pictures to see if there's anything that's good enough for another post. I'll have to have at least a small story for it though. I'll talk to you later.


  1. A butterfly a day chases the doctor away.

    1. I meant to chase butterflies, but instead I chased doctors.

  2. Tiger Swallowtail on mustard. I laughed the other day at how many miles I may travel just to marvel at these beauties. There are 3 varieties in Iowa.

    1. Thanks, I knew it looked familiar. I've identified these butterflies before, but it's been a long time.

  3. wow, beautiful photos, and very lovely video, I find the swallowtail harder to photograph than a monarch because it always is up and about, but you captured it so well.

    1. I've actually had more trouble with the monarch, but only because I don't see as many of them for some reason.

  4. What a nice photo. Background and lighting and colors perfect!
