
Thursday, September 4, 2014

My Newest Dragonfly

Whenever I get a chance to get a picture of a dragonfly I take it. I've had better ones than these, but not recently. These aren't too bad. I got lucky because this little guy stayed on that rock for a long time. I wasn't standing nearly as close to it as it might seem.

As far back as I was standing makes me think of the days when I had my first camera. It was a good little camera, but I had to get up really close to get any good pictures. Looking back at some of my older posts, I'm surprised at some of the pictures of animals I was able to get. I had to be a much better animal stalker and photographer than I am now.

I'm kind of distracted writing this post. My mind is on the future because I have a post coming up of something I never thought I'd see. I don't want to reveal it until that post. I would have posted it this time, but I don't have the video uploaded yet. I'm really excited.

I keep seeing amazing things whenever I go out for long enough. This dragonfly is just one small example. Some people may not think this is very remarkable, but let them try to get these pictures. Taking pictures like these is more fun than a video game. There's nothing better than nature. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Replies
    1. I love taking pictures of dragonflies. It's nice when I can get the wings to stand out in the picture.

  2. Beautiful! I love seeing pix of dragonflies.

    1. Dragonfly pictures are some of my favorite kind.

  3. I hope I get to see some dragonflies!

    I hear that Sparkle really liked your blog. I can see why.

    1. Sparkle was a good friend. I'm looking forward to a new friendship with you as well.

  4. It is so nice to make friend with dragonflies.

    1. The friendly dragonflies are the best. They always hold still for good pictures.

  5. that's a very cute one. i always find it hard to capture them :)

    1. It's always hard to catch them not flying. Their wings are the hard part for me when they do stay still.
